RPS: Session, Learning Material, Reference, Assessment/Rubric

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Kurikulum OBE 2021 Prodi Teknik Lingkungan IUK301 Kewirausahaan Berbasis Teknologi 3.00 1441 Dr. Ir. Ratnaningsih Ruhiyat, M.T. 2234 Prof. Dr. Ir. Astri Rinanti, S.Si., M.T., IPM., ASEAN Eng RPS| Assessment Map
Kurikulum Sistem Informasi 2023/2024 IUK6301 Kewirausahaan Berbasis Teknologi 3.00 3088 Agus Salim, S.T., M.T. 10418 Rully Mardjono, S.E., M.M. RPS| Assessment Map
Kurikulum Informatika 2023/2024 IUK6301 Kewirausahaan Berbasis Teknologi 3.00 3088 Agus Salim, S.T., M.T. Belum di tentukan RPS| Assessment Map

RPS Detail
Course ProfileHistory
Kode MatakuliahIUK301
Nama MatakuliahKewirausahaan Berbasis Teknologi
Semester NameSubject CodeSubject NameGroup NameGroup CodePortfolioEvidence

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RPS per Session
Sesi Ke KAD Bahan Kajian Metoda Pembelajaran Waktu Belajar (Menit) Pengalaman Belajar Mahasiswa Referensi Kriteria Penilaian (Indikator)
1 Introduction to Foundational Course in entrepreneurship. Aim of the course: Empowering student with an entrepreneurial mindset and business skills to enhance their job prospects, help them develop intrapreneurship skills, and get them started on the entrepreneurship journey.
  • Tutorial (video)
  • Presentasi (ppt)
150.00 Registered student and sign in learnwise platform.
  • Wadhwani Foundation()
2 Lesson 1- Self-Discovery • Identifying Your “Flow” • Identify your means • Develop an Entrepreneurial mind-set (FLEX) • Identify your potential entrepreneurial style (FLEX)
  • Tutorial (video)
  • Kolaborative (pembentukan Venture)
150.00 Join in Practice Venture Team, GCR and WAG “Watch – Think – Do – Explore – Collaborate” Watch the videos, participate in-class and learn from activity Finding Flow and effectuation Using Bird on hand
  • Wadhwani Foundation()
3 Lesson 2: Opportunity Discovery - Identify Problem Worth solving - Job to be done theory - Identify Problem Worth solving from entrepreneur business Applying Design Thinking - Applying Design Thinking
  • Tutorial (video)
  • Kolaborative
  • Presentasi (ppt)
150.00 “Watch – Think – Do – Explore – Collaborate” Watch the videos, participate in-class and outbound activities (go out of the building), and learn from assignments
  • Wadhwani Foundation()
  • Quiz 1 (lesson-1) - 6.00 %
  • Ujian Akhir Semester (Final Exam) - 1.00 %
4 Lesson 2 - Brainstorming - Back-of-the-Envelope calculation
  • Tutorial (video)
  • Diskusi (tugas)
  • Presentasi (ppt)
150.00 - Run Problem Interviews (go out of the building, meet people, and interview them to find out whether what you identified as a problem is indeed worth solving!) - Activity: Applying Design Thinking - Activity: Brainstorming
  • Wadhwani Foundation()
  • Tugas 1 -a (Run Problem interview) - 6.00 %
  • Tugas 2 (PV Submiss back of the envelope Calculation) - 6.00 %
5 Lesson 3: Customer and Solution - Differentiate between a customer and a consumer - The different market types and their specific requirements - Customer segments and niche, and jobs, pains, and gains - Early adopters and the importance of this customer segment
  • Tutorial (video)
  • Diskusi (diskusi kelompok)
  • Presentasi (ppt, ceramah)
150.00 “Watch – Think – Do – Explore – Collaborate” Watch the videos, participate in-class and learn from activity ? Activity: identify your customer segment ? Activity: Find Your Niche
  • Wadhwani Foundation()
  • Quiz 2 (Lesson) - 6.00 %
  • Ujian Akhir Semester (Final Exam) - 2.00 %
6 - Customer personas - Craft your solutions using the left section of the Value Proposition Canvas by defining the gain creator and pain relievers
  • Tutorial (video)
  • Diskusi (diskusi kelompok)
  • Presentasi (ppt, ceramah)
150.00 “Watch – Think – Do – Explore – Collaborate” -Activity: Customer Jobs, Pains, and Gains. - Early adopter - Persona
  • Wadhwani Foundation()
  • Tugas 3 (Create persona) - 4.00 %
  • Presentasi 1 (Presentasi M-1) - 6.00 %
7 Review lesson 1-3
  • Presentasi (ppt, ceramah)
150.00 Presentation
  • Wadhwani Foundation()
  • Quiz 3 (Lesson 3) - 5.00 %
  • Ujian Akhir Semester (Final Exam) - 1.00 %
8 Lesson 4: Business Model - Business Model using lean approach - The nine block in Lean Canvas
  • Tutorial (video)
  • Diskusi (diskusi kelompok)
  • Presentasi (ppt, ceramah)
150.00 “Watch – Think – Do – Explore – Collaborate” Watch the videos, participate in-class, learn from activity and day trip
  • A.Maurya (2012)
  • Osterwalder & Y. Pigneur. (2012)
  • Tugas 4 (Compoteition Analysis) - 4.00 %
9 Lesson 4: Business Model - Business Model - The Riskiest Assumption/s
  • Presentasi (presntasi kelompok)
150.00 - Capture the business model in 20 minutes - Prioritize Riskiest Assumption
  • Osterwalder & Y. Pigneur. (2012)
  • Presentasi 2 (PV Milestone 2 (Present your business model) ) - 6.00 %
10 Lesson 5: Validation - Blue Ocean Strategy - Solution Demo and solution interviews
  • Diskusi (diskusi kelompok)
  • Presentasi (ppt, ceramah)
150.00 “Watch – Think – Do – Explore – Collaborate” Watch the videos, participate in-class, activities)
  • ] W. Kim dan R. Mauborgne, terjemahan] W. Kim dan R. Mauborgne(2005)
  • Quiz 4 (Lesson 4) - 5.00 %
  • Ujian Akhir Semester (Final Exam) - 2.00 %
11 Lesson 5: Validation - Problem-solution fit - Minimum Viable Product (MVP)
  • Tutorial (video)
  • Diskusi (diskusi kelompok)
  • Presentasi (ppt, ceramah)
150.00 Plot the strategy Canvas, Four Actions Framework and Build a solution demo and Conduct Solution Interview, compile results from solution Interview
  • Wadhwani Foundation()
  • Tugas 5 (Conduct Solution Demo Interview) - 4.00 %
12 Lesson 6: Money - Cost - Pricing - Revenue - Profitability of Business Idea (Profit, Breakeven, Payback period, Contribution or Gross Profit Margin) - Bootstrapping - Sources and uses of funds - Basic Financial Plan
  • Presentasi (presntasi kelompok)
150.00 “Watch – Think – Do – Explore – Collaborate” Watch the videos, participate in-class, activities) Estimate cost, Pricing, Revenue Stream, check the profitability and source and uses of fund (cash flow).
  • Wadhwani Foundation()
  • Quiz 5 (Quiz Lesson 5) - 5.00 %
  • Presentasi 3 (PV Milestone 3) - 3.00 %
  • Ujian Akhir Semester (Final Exam) - 1.00 %
13 Lesson 8: Marketing and Sales ? Brand, product, and branding. ? Branding strategy and positioning Statement ? Channel: best suited to address the objectives of communication and delivery for your product/service to your customers. ? Customer acquisition funnel
  • Tutorial (video)
  • Diskusi (diskusi kelompok)
  • Presentasi (ppt, ceramah)
150.00 “Watch – Think – Do – Explore – Collaborate” Watch the videos, participate in-class, day trip 3 start up, activities) Brand strategy, positioning Statement, channels, why customer won’t buy and buy.
  • Wadhwani Foundation()
  • Quiz 6 (Lesson 6) - 5.00 %
  • Ujian Akhir Semester (Final Exam) - 2.00 %
14 Lesson 8: Marketing and Sales ? Key metrics to track progress in sales. ?Sales pitch with the help of your positioning statement.
  • Tutorial (video)
  • Diskusi (diskusi kelompok)
  • Presentasi (presntasi kelompok)
150.00 “Watch – Think – Do – Explore – Collaborate” 3 start-up online or using google form (8 question)
  • Wadhwani Foundation()
  • Tugas 6 (Tugas make a sale) - 4.00 %
  • Quiz 8 (Lesson 8) - 5.00 %
  • Ujian Akhir Semester (Final Exam) - 1.00 %
  • Presentasi 4 (Presentasi PV M-4) - 10.00 %

Assessment Component

Assessment Detail
NoComponent NameWeightage
1 Presentasi 1 6.00
2 Presentasi 2 6.00
3 Presentasi 3 3.00
4 Presentasi 4 10.00
5 Quiz 1 6.00
6 Quiz 2 6.00
7 Quiz 3 5.00
8 Quiz 4 5.00
9 Quiz 5 5.00
10 Quiz 6 5.00
11 Quiz 8 5.00
12 Tugas 1 -a 6.00
13 Tugas 2 6.00
14 Tugas 3 4.00
15 Tugas 4 4.00
16 Tugas 5 4.00
17 Tugas 6 4.00
18 Ujian Akhir Semester 10

Daftar Referensi
  1. 1. Wadhwani Foundation. Learnwise Foundational Course in Entrepreneurship. Wadhwani Entrepreneur.. Wadhwani Foundation.
  2. 2. Wadhwani Foundation. Learnwise Foundational Course in Entrepreneurship. Wadhwani Entrepreneur.. Wadhwani Foundation.
  3. 3. Wadhwani Foundation. Learnwise Foundational Course in Entrepreneurship. Wadhwani Entrepreneur.. Wadhwani Foundation.
  4. 4. Wadhwani Foundation. Learnwise Foundational Course in Entrepreneurship. Wadhwani Entrepreneur. Wadhwani Foundation.
  5. 5. A.Maurya . Running Lean, Second Edition ., . (O’Reilly). 2012
  6. 6. Osterwalder & Y. Pigneur. . Business Model Generation. . PT Elex Media Komputindo.Jakarta: . 2012
  7. 7. Osterwalder & Y. Pigneur. . Business Model Generation. . PT Elex Media Komputindo.Jakarta: . 2012
  8. 8. ] W. Kim dan R. Mauborgne, terjemahan] W. Kim dan R. Mauborgne. Blue Oceam Strategy. Penerbit PT. Serambi Ilmu Semesta.. 2005