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Kode Matakuliah ISS301
Nama Matakuliah Strategi Sistem Informasi
sks 3.00
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Genap 2023/2024 (R)
Strategi Sistem Informasi
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Capaian Pembelajaran (CP)
Kemampuan untuk mendukung penyampaian, penggunaan, dan pengelolaan sistem informasi dalam lingkungan organisasi. (KU.d)The ability to support the delivery, use, and management of information systems in an organizational environment. (KU.d)
Course Learning Outcomes
Mahasiswa mampu memahami berbagai konsep dasar perumusan strategi SI/TI, beserta teknik yang digunakan secara umum (CPMK 1) .Students are able to understand basic concepts of IS/IT strategic development, including techniques that used in common (CPMK 1) . (2,2)
Session Learning Outcomes - Description (Cognitive Level,Knowledge Level)
Mahasiswa mampu mengidentifikasi konsep dasar strategi dan strategi SI (Sub CPMK 1.1) .Students are able to identify the basic concepts of strategy and IS strategy (Sub CPMK 1.1) . (2,2)
Mahasiswa mampu mengidentifikasi konsep pembangunan proses yang efektif untuk pengembangan strategi SI/TI (Sub CPMK 1.2) .Students are able to identify the concepts of the effective processes development for IS/IT strategies development (Sub CPMK 1.2) . (2,2)
Mahasiswa mampu mengidentifikasi konsep dan teknik dalam analisis strategik SI/TI (Sub CPMK 1.3) .Students are able to identify the concepts and techniques for analysis of IS/IT strategies (Sub CPMK 1.3) . (2,2)
Mahasiswa mampu memahami pemilihan produk sistem informasi yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan organisasi (CPMK 2) .Students are able to understand the selection of information systems' products that suitable for organizational needs (CPMK 2) . (2,2)
Session Learning Outcomes - Description (Cognitive Level,Knowledge Level)
Mahasiswa mampu mengidentifikasi konsep analisa kesenjangan, perumusan portofolio aplikasi, dan pemilihan solusi berbasis TI yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan unit kerja di organisasi (Sub CPMK 2.1) .Students are able to identify the concepts of gap analysis, the development of application portfolio, dan the selection of any solutions that suits to the needs of organizational working units (Sub CPMK 2.1) . (2,2)
Mahasiswa mampu memahami konsep pengelolaan sumber daya untuk manajemen strategik SI/TI, serta mengelompokkan pengelolaan sumber daya tersebut (CPMK 3) .Students are able to understand the concepts of resources management for IS/IT strategic management, and classify those resources management (CPMK 3) . (2,2)
Session Learning Outcomes - Description (Cognitive Level,Knowledge Level)
Mahasiswa mampu mengidentifikasi konsep pengelolaan sumber daya untuk manajemen strategik SI/TI (Sub CPMK 3.1) .Students are able to identify the concepts of reources management for IS/IT strategic management (Sub CPMK 3.1) . (2,2)
Mahasiswa mampu memahami proses penyusunan dokumen IT blueprint sebagai hasil akhir dari perencanaan strategis SI (CPMK 4) .Students are able to understand the processes of IT blueprint development as a final result of IS strategic planning (CPMK 4) . (2,2)
Session Learning Outcomes - Description (Cognitive Level,Knowledge Level)
Mahasiswa mampu mengidentifikasi proses perumusan dokumen IT blueprint, beserta berbagai dokumen pelengkapnya (Sub CPMK 4.1) .Students are able to identify the processes of IT blueprint development, including related support documents (Sub CPMK 4.1) . (2,2)
Kemampuan mendesain, mengimplementasi dan mengevaluasi solusi berbasis komputasi yang memenuhi kebutuhan-kebutuhan sistem informasi. (KK.b)Ability to design, implement and evaluate computation-based solutions that meet information system requirements. (KK.b)
Course Learning Outcomes
Mahasiswa mampu memahami penyusunan roadmap dan komponen arsitektur aplikasi (CPMK 5) .Students are able to understand the development of roadmap and application architecture's components (CPMK 5) . (2,2)
Session Learning Outcomes - Description (Cognitive Level,Knowledge Level)
Mahasiswa mampu mengidentifikasi proses perumusan IT roadmap sebagai tindak lanjut pengembangan organisasi berbasis TIK (Sub CPMK 5.1) .Students are able to identify the processes of IT roadmap development as follow-up for IT-based organizational development (Sub CPMK 5.1) . (2,2)
Mahasiswa mampu memahami solusi inovasi SI yang menjadi keunggulan kompetitif organisasi dan/atau yang bermanfaat bagi masyarakat (CPMK 6) .Students are able to understand the IS innovation solutions that become organizational competitive advantages and/or are useful for society (CPMK 6) . (2,2)
Session Learning Outcomes - Description (Cognitive Level,Knowledge Level)
Mahasiswa mampu mengidentifikasi proses perumusan solusi TIK dan layanan TIK yang dibutuhkan organisasi dan memberikan keunggulan kompetitif (Sub CPMK 6.1) .Students are able to identify the processes of ICT solution's development that organization needed and give competitive advantages (Sub CPMK 6.1) . (2,2)
Memiliki kemampuan untuk melakukan pemodelan dan menggunakan model untuk merepresentasikan analisis, perancangan dan kinerja proses bisnis. (KK.c)Ability to model and use models to represent the analysis, design and performance of business processes. (KK.c)
Course Learning Outcomes
Mahasiswa mampu memahami area fungsional dan proses bisnis terkait yang berdampak pada implementasi sistem informasi (CPMK 7) .Students are able to understand the functional areas and its business processes that impact to any information systems implementations (CPMK 7) . (2,2)
Session Learning Outcomes - Description (Cognitive Level,Knowledge Level)
Mahasiswa mampu mengidentifikasi keterkaitan strategi bisnis dan strategi SI dalam organisasi (Sub CPMK 7.1) .Students are able to identify the relationship between organizational business strategies and IS strategies (Sub CPMK 7.1) . (2,2)
Mahasiswa mampu memahami dampak dari rancangan struktur organisasi dan dampaknya terhadap kinerja organisasi (CPMK 8) .Students are able to understand any impacts of organizational structure's designs and their impacts to organizational performances (CPMK 8) . (2,2)
Session Learning Outcomes - Description (Cognitive Level,Knowledge Level)
Mahasiswa mampu mengidentifikasi perumusan struktur organisasi yang berorientasi TIK dan mampu memberikan dampak baik terhadap kinerja organisasi (Sub CPMK 8.1) .Students are able to identify the development of ICT-oriented organization stucture and are able to give good impacts to organizational performances (Sub CPMK 8.1) . (2,2)
Mahasiswa mampu mengaplikasikan tahapan pengembangan strategi sistem informasi (CPMK 9) .Students are able to apply the stages of information systems strategies development (CPMK 9) . (3,3)
Session Learning Outcomes - Description (Cognitive Level,Knowledge Level)
Mahasiswa mampu menerapkan tahapan pengembangan strategi sistem informasi secara berkelompok dan mempresentasikannya (Sub CPMK 9.1) .Students are able to implement the stages of information systems strategies development in teams and are able to present them (Sub CPMK 9.1) . (3,3)
Mahasiswa mampu menerapkan analisa strategi bisnis organisasi dan implikasinya (Sub CPMK 9.2) .Students are able to implement the organizational business strategies analysis and its impacts (Sub CPMK 9.2) . (3,3)
Mahasiswa mampu menerapkan analisa kondisi bisnis dan SI/TI untuk internal dan eksternal organisasi saat ini (Sub CPMK 9.3) .Students are able to implement the current internal and external organizational business and IS/IT analysis (Sub CPMK 9.3) . (3,3)
Mahasiswa mampu menerapkan analisa kebutuhan informasi SI/TI dan arsitektur sistem yang akan datang (Sub CPMK 9.4) .Students are able to implement the analysis of IS/IT information needs and the future system architectures (Sub CPMK 9.4) . (3,3)
Mahasiswa mampu menerapkan pengembangan solusi SI/TI yang akan datang (Sub CPMK 9.5) .Students are able to implement the development of future IS/IT solutions (Sub CPMK 9.5) . (3,3)
Mahasiswa mampu menerapkan pembuatan IT Roadmap pengembangan SI/TI (Sub CPMK 9.6) .Students are able to implement the establishment of IT roadmap for IS/IT development (Sub CPMK 9.6) . (3,3)
RPS per Session
Sesi Ke
Bahan Kajian
Metoda Pembelajaran
Waktu Belajar (Menit)
Pengalaman Belajar Mahasiswa
Kriteria Penilaian (Indikator)
Peranan SI/TI Dalam Organisasi : Perspektif Strategis
- Sistem Informasi dan Teknologi Informasi
- Era Sistem Informasi Strategik
- Faktor Kesuksesan Sistem Informasi Strategik
- Strategi SI/TI
- Menuju Era Ke-4 : Kapabilitas SI Secara Organisasi
Kolaborative Diskusi Presentasi Diksusi Online
- Memanfaatkan berbagai sumber belajar, termasuk LMS.
- Memberi dan menerima umpan balik melalui diskusi dan tanya jawab.
- Mengerjakan pre-test dan post-test secara daring melalui LMS.
John Ward dan Joe Peppard(2022)
Ujian Tengah Semester - 4.80 %
Quiz - 1.00 %
CAPAIAN PEMBELAJARAN : Kemampuan untuk mendukung penyampaian, penggunaan, dan pengelolaan sistem informasi dalam lingkungan organisasi. (KU.d)The ability to support the delivery, use, and management of information systems in an organizational environment. (KU.d)
CPMK : Mahasiswa mampu memahami berbagai konsep dasar perumusan strategi SI/TI, beserta teknik yang digunakan secara umum (CPMK 1) . Students are able to understand basic concepts of IS/IT strategic development, including techniques that used in common (CPMK 1) .
KAD : Mahasiswa mampu mengidentifikasi konsep dasar strategi dan strategi SI (Sub CPMK 1.1) . Students are able to identify the basic concepts of strategy and IS strategy (Sub CPMK 1.1) . (2,2)
Daftar Kriteria Penilaian (Indikator)
PI Description PI Assessment Methods
1. Ketepatan dalam menjawab soal Quiz.Correctness in answering question of Quiz.
Quiz 1.00 %
Jawaban Quiz salah.Incorrect answer for Quiz. 25% jawaban Quiz benar.25% answer for Quiz is correct. 50% jawaban Quiz benar.50% answer for Quiz is correct. 75% jawaban Quiz benar.75% answer for Quiz is correct. 100% jawaban Quiz benar.100% answer for Quiz is correct.
PI Description PI Assessment Methods
2. Ketepatan dalam menjawab soal Ujian.Correctness in answering question of Examination Test.
Ujian Tengah Semester 4.80 %
Jawaban Ujian salah.Incorrect answer for Examination Test. 25% jawaban Ujian benar.25% answer for Examination Test is correct. 50% jawaban Ujian benar.50% answer for Examination Test is correct. 75% jawaban Ujian benar.75% answer for Examination Test is correct. 100% jawaban Ujian benar.100% answer for Examination Test is correct.
Konsep Strategi Bisnis dan Implikasi Strategi SI/TI
- Ciri Evolusi Dari Strategi dan Perencanaan Strategis Dalam Organisasi
- Kerangka Kerja Strategis
- Implementasi Strategi
- Peralatan dan Teknik Strategi
- A Resource-based View of Strategy
Kolaborative Diskusi Presentasi Diksusi Online
- Memanfaatkan berbagai sumber belajar, termasuk LMS.
- Memberi dan menerima umpan balik melalui diskusi dan tanya jawab.
- Mengerjakan pre-test dan post-test secara daring melalui LMS.
John Ward dan Joe Peppard(2022)
Ujian Tengah Semester - 4.80 %
Quiz - 1.00 %
CAPAIAN PEMBELAJARAN : Memiliki kemampuan untuk melakukan pemodelan dan menggunakan model untuk merepresentasikan analisis, perancangan dan kinerja proses bisnis. (KK.c)Ability to model and use models to represent the analysis, design and performance of business processes. (KK.c)
CPMK : Mahasiswa mampu memahami area fungsional dan proses bisnis terkait yang berdampak pada implementasi sistem informasi (CPMK 7) . Students are able to understand the functional areas and its business processes that impact to any information systems implementations (CPMK 7) .
KAD : Mahasiswa mampu mengidentifikasi keterkaitan strategi bisnis dan strategi SI dalam organisasi (Sub CPMK 7.1) . Students are able to identify the relationship between organizational business strategies and IS strategies (Sub CPMK 7.1) . (2,2)
Daftar Kriteria Penilaian (Indikator)
PI Description PI Assessment Methods
1. Ketepatan dalam menjawab soal Quiz.Correctness in answering question of Quiz.
Quiz 1.00 %
Jawaban Quiz salah.Incorrect answer for Quiz. 25% jawaban Quiz benar.25% answer for Quiz is correct. 50% jawaban Quiz benar.50% answer for Quiz is correct. 75% jawaban Quiz benar.75% answer for Quiz is correct. 100% jawaban Quiz benar.100% answer for Quiz is correct.
PI Description PI Assessment Methods
2. Ketepatan dalam menjawab soal Ujian.Correctness in answering question of Examination Test.
Ujian Tengah Semester 4.80 %
Jawaban Ujian salah.Incorrect answer for Examination Test. 25% jawaban Ujian benar.25% answer for Examination Test is correct. 50% jawaban Ujian benar.50% answer for Examination Test is correct. 75% jawaban Ujian benar.75% answer for Examination Test is correct. 100% jawaban Ujian benar.100% answer for Examination Test is correct.
Membangun Proses Efektif Untuk Pengembangan Strategik SI/TI
- Pendekatan Pengembangan Strategi SI/TI
- Masalah dan Hambatan
- Lingkungan Strategi SI/TI
- Tantangan Perencanaan Secara Strategis Untuk SI/TI Saat Ini
- Membangun Proses Strategi SI/TI
- Tujuan dan Stimulus Yang Mendorong
- Ruang Lingkup, Objektif dan Ekspektasi
- Kerangka Kerja dan Pendekatan Strategi SI/TI
- Deliverables Dari Proses Strategi SI/TI
Praktikum 1 : Modul Praktikum 1
Kolaborative Diskusi Presentasi Pemecahan Masalah Diksusi Online
- Memanfaatkan berbagai sumber belajar, termasuk LMS.
- Memberi dan menerima umpan balik melalui diskusi dan tanya jawab.
- Mengerjakan pre-test dan post-test secara daring melalui LMS.
- Melakukan praktikum berdasarkan modul praktikum.
John Ward dan Joe Peppard(2022)
Ujian Tengah Semester - 6.00 %
Praktikum - 1.50 %
Quiz - 1.00 %
CAPAIAN PEMBELAJARAN : Kemampuan untuk mendukung penyampaian, penggunaan, dan pengelolaan sistem informasi dalam lingkungan organisasi. (KU.d)The ability to support the delivery, use, and management of information systems in an organizational environment. (KU.d)
CPMK : Mahasiswa mampu memahami berbagai konsep dasar perumusan strategi SI/TI, beserta teknik yang digunakan secara umum (CPMK 1) . Students are able to understand basic concepts of IS/IT strategic development, including techniques that used in common (CPMK 1) .
KAD : Mahasiswa mampu mengidentifikasi konsep pembangunan proses yang efektif untuk pengembangan strategi SI/TI (Sub CPMK 1.2) . Students are able to identify the concepts of the effective processes development for IS/IT strategies development (Sub CPMK 1.2) . (2,2)
Daftar Kriteria Penilaian (Indikator)
PI Description PI Assessment Methods
1. Ketepatan dalam menjawab soal Quiz.Correctness in answering question of Quiz.
Quiz 1.00 %
Jawaban Quiz salah.Incorrect answer for Quiz. 25% jawaban Quiz benar.25% answer for Quiz is correct. 50% jawaban Quiz benar.50% answer for Quiz is correct. 75% jawaban Quiz benar.75% answer for Quiz is correct. 100% jawaban Quiz benar.100% answer for Quiz is correct.
PI Description PI Assessment Methods
2. Ketepatan dalam menjawab soal Ujian.Correctness in answering question of Examination Test.
Ujian Tengah Semester 6.00 %
Jawaban Ujian salah.Incorrect answer for Examination Test. 25% jawaban Ujian benar.25% answer for Examination Test is correct. 50% jawaban Ujian benar.50% answer for Examination Test is correct. 75% jawaban Ujian benar.75% answer for Examination Test is correct. 100% jawaban Ujian benar.100% answer for Examination Test is correct.
CAPAIAN PEMBELAJARAN : Memiliki kemampuan untuk melakukan pemodelan dan menggunakan model untuk merepresentasikan analisis, perancangan dan kinerja proses bisnis. (KK.c)Ability to model and use models to represent the analysis, design and performance of business processes. (KK.c)
CPMK : Mahasiswa mampu mengaplikasikan tahapan pengembangan strategi sistem informasi (CPMK 9) . Students are able to apply the stages of information systems strategies development (CPMK 9) .
KAD : Mahasiswa mampu menerapkan analisa strategi bisnis organisasi dan implikasinya (Sub CPMK 9.2) . Students are able to implement the organizational business strategies analysis and its impacts (Sub CPMK 9.2) . (3,3)
Daftar Kriteria Penilaian (Indikator)
PI Description PI Assessment Methods
Ketepatan dan kelengkapan Laporan Praktikum yang dikumpulkan dalam kurun waktu yang telah ditentukan.Correctness and completeness of Practical Report that is reported in time.
Praktikum 1.50 %
Tidak mengumpulkan Laporan Praktikum atau < 10% Laporan Praktikum benar dan lengkap.Practical Report is not reported or < 10% Practical Report is correct or complete. Minimal 10% Laporan Praktikum benar dan lengkap.Minimum 10% of Practical Report is correct and complete. Minimal 20% Laporan Praktikum benar dan lengkap.Minimum 20% of Practical Report is correct and complete. Minimal 30% Laporan Praktikum benar dan lengkap.Minimum 30% of Practical Report is correct and complete. Minimal 40% Laporan Praktikum benar dan lengkap.Minimum 40% of Practical Report is correct and complete. Minimal 50% Laporan Praktikum benar dan lengkap.Minimum 50% of Practical Report is correct and complete. Minimal 60% Laporan Praktikum benar dan lengkap.Minimum 60% of Practical Report is correct and complete. Minimal 70% Laporan Praktikum benar dan lengkap.Minimum 70% of Practical Report is correct and complete. Minimal 80% Laporan Praktikum benar dan lengkap.Minimum 80% of Practical Report is correct and complete. Minimal 90% Laporan Praktikum benar dan lengkap.Minimum 90% of Practical Report is correct and complete. 100% Laporan Praktikum benar dan lengkap.100% of Practical Report is correct and complete.
Analisis Strategik SI/TI : Mencapai Keselarasan Dengan Operasional dan Strategi Bisnis 1
- Business Re-engineering dan Strategi SI
- Memahami Situasi Saat Ini
- Menginterpretasikan Strategi Bisnis
- Memeriksa Lingkungan SI/TI Saat Ini
Praktikum 2 : Modul Praktikum 2
Kolaborative Diskusi Presentasi Pemecahan Masalah Diksusi Online
- Memanfaatkan berbagai sumber belajar, termasuk LMS.
- Memberi dan menerima umpan balik melalui diskusi dan tanya jawab.
- Mengerjakan pre-test dan post-test secara daring melalui LMS.
- Melakukan praktikum berdasarkan modul praktikum.
John Ward dan Joe Peppard(2022)
Ujian Tengah Semester - 3.60 %
Praktikum - 1.50 %
Quiz - 0.50 %
CAPAIAN PEMBELAJARAN : Kemampuan untuk mendukung penyampaian, penggunaan, dan pengelolaan sistem informasi dalam lingkungan organisasi. (KU.d)The ability to support the delivery, use, and management of information systems in an organizational environment. (KU.d)
CPMK : Mahasiswa mampu memahami berbagai konsep dasar perumusan strategi SI/TI, beserta teknik yang digunakan secara umum (CPMK 1) . Students are able to understand basic concepts of IS/IT strategic development, including techniques that used in common (CPMK 1) .
KAD : Mahasiswa mampu mengidentifikasi konsep dan teknik dalam analisis strategik SI/TI (Sub CPMK 1.3) . Students are able to identify the concepts and techniques for analysis of IS/IT strategies (Sub CPMK 1.3) . (2,2)
Daftar Kriteria Penilaian (Indikator)
PI Description PI Assessment Methods
1. Ketepatan dalam menjawab soal Quiz.Correctness in answering question of Quiz.
Quiz 0.50 %
Jawaban Quiz salah.Incorrect answer for Quiz. 25% jawaban Quiz benar.25% answer for Quiz is correct. 50% jawaban Quiz benar.50% answer for Quiz is correct. 75% jawaban Quiz benar.75% answer for Quiz is correct. 100% jawaban Quiz benar.100% answer for Quiz is correct.
PI Description PI Assessment Methods
2. Ketepatan dalam menjawab soal Ujian.Correctness in answering question of Examination Test.
Ujian Tengah Semester 3.60 %
Jawaban Ujian salah.Incorrect answer for Examination Test. 25% jawaban Ujian benar.25% answer for Examination Test is correct. 50% jawaban Ujian benar.50% answer for Examination Test is correct. 75% jawaban Ujian benar.75% answer for Examination Test is correct. 100% jawaban Ujian benar.100% answer for Examination Test is correct.
CAPAIAN PEMBELAJARAN : Memiliki kemampuan untuk melakukan pemodelan dan menggunakan model untuk merepresentasikan analisis, perancangan dan kinerja proses bisnis. (KK.c)Ability to model and use models to represent the analysis, design and performance of business processes. (KK.c)
CPMK : Mahasiswa mampu mengaplikasikan tahapan pengembangan strategi sistem informasi (CPMK 9) . Students are able to apply the stages of information systems strategies development (CPMK 9) .
KAD : Mahasiswa mampu menerapkan analisa kondisi bisnis dan SI/TI untuk internal dan eksternal organisasi saat ini (Sub CPMK 9.3) . Students are able to implement the current internal and external organizational business and IS/IT analysis (Sub CPMK 9.3) . (3,3)
Daftar Kriteria Penilaian (Indikator)
PI Description PI Assessment Methods
Ketepatan dan kelengkapan Laporan Praktikum yang dikumpulkan dalam kurun waktu yang telah ditentukan.Correctness and completeness of Practical Report that is reported in time.
Praktikum 1.50 %
Tidak mengumpulkan Laporan Praktikum atau < 10% Laporan Praktikum benar dan lengkap.Practical Report is not reported or < 10% Practical Report is correct or complete. Minimal 10% Laporan Praktikum benar dan lengkap.Minimum 10% of Practical Report is correct and complete. Minimal 20% Laporan Praktikum benar dan lengkap.Minimum 20% of Practical Report is correct and complete. Minimal 30% Laporan Praktikum benar dan lengkap.Minimum 30% of Practical Report is correct and complete. Minimal 40% Laporan Praktikum benar dan lengkap.Minimum 40% of Practical Report is correct and complete. Minimal 50% Laporan Praktikum benar dan lengkap.Minimum 50% of Practical Report is correct and complete. Minimal 60% Laporan Praktikum benar dan lengkap.Minimum 60% of Practical Report is correct and complete. Minimal 70% Laporan Praktikum benar dan lengkap.Minimum 70% of Practical Report is correct and complete. Minimal 80% Laporan Praktikum benar dan lengkap.Minimum 80% of Practical Report is correct and complete. Minimal 90% Laporan Praktikum benar dan lengkap.Minimum 90% of Practical Report is correct and complete. 100% Laporan Praktikum benar dan lengkap.100% of Practical Report is correct and complete.
Analisis Strategik SI/TI : Mencapai Keselarasan Dengan Operasional dan Strategi Bisnis (Bagian 2)
- Teknik Untuk Interpretasi dan Analisis
- Kebutuhan Informasi Untuk Memenuhi Objektif Bisnis Saat Ini : Kegunaan CSF dan Balanced Scorecard
- Analisa Proses Bisnis
- Pemodelan Organisasi
- Mengevaluasi Kesenjangan Antara Lingkungan SI/TI Saat Ini dan Yang Dibutuhkan
Praktikum 3 : Modul Praktikum 3
Kolaborative Diskusi Presentasi Pemecahan Masalah Diksusi Online
- Memanfaatkan berbagai sumber belajar, termasuk LMS.
- Memberi dan menerima umpan balik melalui diskusi dan tanya jawab.
- Mengerjakan pre-test dan post-test secara daring melalui LMS.
- Melakukan praktikum berdasarkan modul praktikum.
John Ward dan Joe Peppard(2022)
Ujian Tengah Semester - 3.60 %
Praktikum - 1.50 %
Quiz - 0.50 %
CAPAIAN PEMBELAJARAN : Kemampuan untuk mendukung penyampaian, penggunaan, dan pengelolaan sistem informasi dalam lingkungan organisasi. (KU.d)The ability to support the delivery, use, and management of information systems in an organizational environment. (KU.d)
CPMK : Mahasiswa mampu memahami berbagai konsep dasar perumusan strategi SI/TI, beserta teknik yang digunakan secara umum (CPMK 1) . Students are able to understand basic concepts of IS/IT strategic development, including techniques that used in common (CPMK 1) .
KAD : Mahasiswa mampu mengidentifikasi konsep dan teknik dalam analisis strategik SI/TI (Sub CPMK 1.3) . Students are able to identify the concepts and techniques for analysis of IS/IT strategies (Sub CPMK 1.3) . (2,2)
Daftar Kriteria Penilaian (Indikator)
PI Description PI Assessment Methods
1. Ketepatan dalam menjawab soal Quiz.Correctness in answering question of Quiz.
Quiz 0.50 %
Jawaban Quiz salah.Incorrect answer for Quiz. 25% jawaban Quiz benar.25% answer for Quiz is correct. 50% jawaban Quiz benar.50% answer for Quiz is correct. 75% jawaban Quiz benar.75% answer for Quiz is correct. 100% jawaban Quiz benar.100% answer for Quiz is correct.
PI Description PI Assessment Methods
2. Ketepatan dalam menjawab soal Ujian.Correctness in answering question of Examination Test.
Ujian Tengah Semester 3.60 %
Jawaban Ujian salah.Incorrect answer for Examination Test. 25% jawaban Ujian benar.25% answer for Examination Test is correct. 50% jawaban Ujian benar.50% answer for Examination Test is correct. 75% jawaban Ujian benar.75% answer for Examination Test is correct. 100% jawaban Ujian benar.100% answer for Examination Test is correct.
CAPAIAN PEMBELAJARAN : Memiliki kemampuan untuk melakukan pemodelan dan menggunakan model untuk merepresentasikan analisis, perancangan dan kinerja proses bisnis. (KK.c)Ability to model and use models to represent the analysis, design and performance of business processes. (KK.c)
CPMK : Mahasiswa mampu mengaplikasikan tahapan pengembangan strategi sistem informasi (CPMK 9) . Students are able to apply the stages of information systems strategies development (CPMK 9) .
KAD : Mahasiswa mampu menerapkan analisa kondisi bisnis dan SI/TI untuk internal dan eksternal organisasi saat ini (Sub CPMK 9.3) . Students are able to implement the current internal and external organizational business and IS/IT analysis (Sub CPMK 9.3) . (3,3)
Daftar Kriteria Penilaian (Indikator)
PI Description PI Assessment Methods
Ketepatan dan kelengkapan Laporan Praktikum yang dikumpulkan dalam kurun waktu yang telah ditentukan.Correctness and completeness of Practical Report that is reported in time.
Praktikum 1.50 %
Tidak mengumpulkan Laporan Praktikum atau < 10% Laporan Praktikum benar dan lengkap.Practical Report is not reported or < 10% Practical Report is correct or complete. Minimal 10% Laporan Praktikum benar dan lengkap.Minimum 10% of Practical Report is correct and complete. Minimal 20% Laporan Praktikum benar dan lengkap.Minimum 20% of Practical Report is correct and complete. Minimal 30% Laporan Praktikum benar dan lengkap.Minimum 30% of Practical Report is correct and complete. Minimal 40% Laporan Praktikum benar dan lengkap.Minimum 40% of Practical Report is correct and complete. Minimal 50% Laporan Praktikum benar dan lengkap.Minimum 50% of Practical Report is correct and complete. Minimal 60% Laporan Praktikum benar dan lengkap.Minimum 60% of Practical Report is correct and complete. Minimal 70% Laporan Praktikum benar dan lengkap.Minimum 70% of Practical Report is correct and complete. Minimal 80% Laporan Praktikum benar dan lengkap.Minimum 80% of Practical Report is correct and complete. Minimal 90% Laporan Praktikum benar dan lengkap.Minimum 90% of Practical Report is correct and complete. 100% Laporan Praktikum benar dan lengkap.100% of Practical Report is correct and complete.
Analisis Strategis SI/TI : Menentukan Potensi Yang Akan Datang
- Menyelaraskan Strategi Investasi SI/TI Dengan Bisnis
- Value Chain Analysis
- Competitive Force Model
Praktikum 4 : Modul Praktikum 4
Kolaborative Diskusi Presentasi Pemecahan Masalah Diksusi Online
- Memanfaatkan berbagai sumber belajar, termasuk LMS.
- Memberi dan menerima umpan balik melalui diskusi dan tanya jawab.
- Mengerjakan pre-test dan post-test secara daring melalui LMS.
- Melakukan praktikum berdasarkan modul praktikum.
John Ward dan Joe Peppard(2022)
Ujian Tengah Semester - 3.60 %
Praktikum - 1.50 %
Quiz - 0.50 %
CAPAIAN PEMBELAJARAN : Kemampuan untuk mendukung penyampaian, penggunaan, dan pengelolaan sistem informasi dalam lingkungan organisasi. (KU.d)The ability to support the delivery, use, and management of information systems in an organizational environment. (KU.d)
CPMK : Mahasiswa mampu memahami berbagai konsep dasar perumusan strategi SI/TI, beserta teknik yang digunakan secara umum (CPMK 1) . Students are able to understand basic concepts of IS/IT strategic development, including techniques that used in common (CPMK 1) .
KAD : Mahasiswa mampu mengidentifikasi konsep dan teknik dalam analisis strategik SI/TI (Sub CPMK 1.3) . Students are able to identify the concepts and techniques for analysis of IS/IT strategies (Sub CPMK 1.3) . (2,2)
Daftar Kriteria Penilaian (Indikator)
PI Description PI Assessment Methods
1. Ketepatan dalam menjawab soal Quiz.Correctness in answering question of Quiz.
Quiz 0.50 %
Jawaban Quiz salah.Incorrect answer for Quiz. 25% jawaban Quiz benar.25% answer for Quiz is correct. 50% jawaban Quiz benar.50% answer for Quiz is correct. 75% jawaban Quiz benar.75% answer for Quiz is correct. 100% jawaban Quiz benar.100% answer for Quiz is correct.
PI Description PI Assessment Methods
2. Ketepatan dalam menjawab soal Ujian.Correctness in answering question of Examination Test.
Ujian Tengah Semester 3.60 %
Jawaban Ujian salah.Incorrect answer for Examination Test. 25% jawaban Ujian benar.25% answer for Examination Test is correct. 50% jawaban Ujian benar.50% answer for Examination Test is correct. 75% jawaban Ujian benar.75% answer for Examination Test is correct. 100% jawaban Ujian benar.100% answer for Examination Test is correct.
CAPAIAN PEMBELAJARAN : Memiliki kemampuan untuk melakukan pemodelan dan menggunakan model untuk merepresentasikan analisis, perancangan dan kinerja proses bisnis. (KK.c)Ability to model and use models to represent the analysis, design and performance of business processes. (KK.c)
CPMK : Mahasiswa mampu mengaplikasikan tahapan pengembangan strategi sistem informasi (CPMK 9) . Students are able to apply the stages of information systems strategies development (CPMK 9) .
KAD : Mahasiswa mampu menerapkan analisa kondisi bisnis dan SI/TI untuk internal dan eksternal organisasi saat ini (Sub CPMK 9.3) . Students are able to implement the current internal and external organizational business and IS/IT analysis (Sub CPMK 9.3) . (3,3)
Daftar Kriteria Penilaian (Indikator)
PI Description PI Assessment Methods
Ketepatan dan kelengkapan Laporan Praktikum yang dikumpulkan dalam kurun waktu yang telah ditentukan.Correctness and completeness of Practical Report that is reported in time.
Praktikum 1.50 %
Tidak mengumpulkan Laporan Praktikum atau < 10% Laporan Praktikum benar dan lengkap.Practical Report is not reported or < 10% Practical Report is correct or complete. Minimal 10% Laporan Praktikum benar dan lengkap.Minimum 10% of Practical Report is correct and complete. Minimal 20% Laporan Praktikum benar dan lengkap.Minimum 20% of Practical Report is correct and complete. Minimal 30% Laporan Praktikum benar dan lengkap.Minimum 30% of Practical Report is correct and complete. Minimal 40% Laporan Praktikum benar dan lengkap.Minimum 40% of Practical Report is correct and complete. Minimal 50% Laporan Praktikum benar dan lengkap.Minimum 50% of Practical Report is correct and complete. Minimal 60% Laporan Praktikum benar dan lengkap.Minimum 60% of Practical Report is correct and complete. Minimal 70% Laporan Praktikum benar dan lengkap.Minimum 70% of Practical Report is correct and complete. Minimal 80% Laporan Praktikum benar dan lengkap.Minimum 80% of Practical Report is correct and complete. Minimal 90% Laporan Praktikum benar dan lengkap.Minimum 90% of Practical Report is correct and complete. 100% Laporan Praktikum benar dan lengkap.100% of Practical Report is correct and complete.
Balanced Scorecard
- From Industrial To Digital-Age-Based Strategies
- Perspektif Pada BSC
- How To Build An Agile and Adaptive BSC
- Faktor Kesuksesan Implementasi BSC
Praktikum 5 : Modul Praktikum 5
Kolaborative Diskusi Presentasi Pemecahan Masalah Diksusi Online
- Memanfaatkan berbagai sumber belajar, termasuk LMS.
- Memberi dan menerima umpan balik melalui diskusi dan tanya jawab.
- Mengerjakan pre-test dan post-test secara daring melalui LMS.
- Melakukan praktikum berdasarkan modul praktikum.
David Wiraeus dan James Creelman(2019)
John Ward dan Joe Peppard(2022)
Mohan Nair(2004)
Paul R. Niven(2014)
Ujian Tengah Semester - 3.60 %
Praktikum - 1.50 %
Quiz - 0.50 %
CAPAIAN PEMBELAJARAN : Kemampuan untuk mendukung penyampaian, penggunaan, dan pengelolaan sistem informasi dalam lingkungan organisasi. (KU.d)The ability to support the delivery, use, and management of information systems in an organizational environment. (KU.d)
CPMK : Mahasiswa mampu memahami berbagai konsep dasar perumusan strategi SI/TI, beserta teknik yang digunakan secara umum (CPMK 1) . Students are able to understand basic concepts of IS/IT strategic development, including techniques that used in common (CPMK 1) .
KAD : Mahasiswa mampu mengidentifikasi konsep dan teknik dalam analisis strategik SI/TI (Sub CPMK 1.3) . Students are able to identify the concepts and techniques for analysis of IS/IT strategies (Sub CPMK 1.3) . (2,2)
Daftar Kriteria Penilaian (Indikator)
PI Description PI Assessment Methods
1. Ketepatan dalam menjawab soal Quiz.Correctness in answering question of Quiz.
Quiz 0.50 %
Jawaban Quiz salah.Incorrect answer for Quiz. 25% jawaban Quiz benar.25% answer for Quiz is correct. 50% jawaban Quiz benar.50% answer for Quiz is correct. 75% jawaban Quiz benar.75% answer for Quiz is correct. 100% jawaban Quiz benar.100% answer for Quiz is correct.
PI Description PI Assessment Methods
2. Ketepatan dalam menjawab soal Ujian.Correctness in answering question of Examination Test.
Ujian Tengah Semester 3.60 %
Jawaban Ujian salah.Incorrect answer for Examination Test. 25% jawaban Ujian benar.25% answer for Examination Test is correct. 50% jawaban Ujian benar.50% answer for Examination Test is correct. 75% jawaban Ujian benar.75% answer for Examination Test is correct. 100% jawaban Ujian benar.100% answer for Examination Test is correct.
CAPAIAN PEMBELAJARAN : Memiliki kemampuan untuk melakukan pemodelan dan menggunakan model untuk merepresentasikan analisis, perancangan dan kinerja proses bisnis. (KK.c)Ability to model and use models to represent the analysis, design and performance of business processes. (KK.c)
CPMK : Mahasiswa mampu mengaplikasikan tahapan pengembangan strategi sistem informasi (CPMK 9) . Students are able to apply the stages of information systems strategies development (CPMK 9) .
KAD : Mahasiswa mampu menerapkan analisa kondisi bisnis dan SI/TI untuk internal dan eksternal organisasi saat ini (Sub CPMK 9.3) . Students are able to implement the current internal and external organizational business and IS/IT analysis (Sub CPMK 9.3) . (3,3)
Daftar Kriteria Penilaian (Indikator)
PI Description PI Assessment Methods
Ketepatan dan kelengkapan Laporan Praktikum yang dikumpulkan dalam kurun waktu yang telah ditentukan.Correctness and completeness of Practical Report that is reported in time.
Praktikum 1.50 %
Tidak mengumpulkan Laporan Praktikum atau < 10% Laporan Praktikum benar dan lengkap.Practical Report is not reported or < 10% Practical Report is correct or complete. Minimal 10% Laporan Praktikum benar dan lengkap.Minimum 10% of Practical Report is correct and complete. Minimal 20% Laporan Praktikum benar dan lengkap.Minimum 20% of Practical Report is correct and complete. Minimal 30% Laporan Praktikum benar dan lengkap.Minimum 30% of Practical Report is correct and complete. Minimal 40% Laporan Praktikum benar dan lengkap.Minimum 40% of Practical Report is correct and complete. Minimal 50% Laporan Praktikum benar dan lengkap.Minimum 50% of Practical Report is correct and complete. Minimal 60% Laporan Praktikum benar dan lengkap.Minimum 60% of Practical Report is correct and complete. Minimal 70% Laporan Praktikum benar dan lengkap.Minimum 70% of Practical Report is correct and complete. Minimal 80% Laporan Praktikum benar dan lengkap.Minimum 80% of Practical Report is correct and complete. Minimal 90% Laporan Praktikum benar dan lengkap.Minimum 90% of Practical Report is correct and complete. 100% Laporan Praktikum benar dan lengkap.100% of Practical Report is correct and complete.
Mengelola Portofolio Aplikasi
- Berbagai Matriks dan Model
- Mengklasifikasikan Aplikasi Kedalam Portofolio
- Strategi Manajemen Aplikasi Generik
- Mengelola Portofolio Aplikasi Ke Dalam Organisasi Yang Multi-Unit
Praktikum 6 : Modul Praktikum 6
Kolaborative Presentasi Pemecahan Masalah Diksusi Online
- Memanfaatkan berbagai sumber belajar, termasuk LMS.
- Memberi dan menerima umpan balik melalui diskusi dan tanya jawab.
- Mengerjakan pre-test dan post-test secara daring melalui LMS.
- Melakukan praktikum berdasarkan modul praktikum.
John Ward dan Joe Peppard(2022)
Ujian Akhir Semester - 3.60 %
Praktikum - 1.50 %
Quiz - 0.50 %
CAPAIAN PEMBELAJARAN : Kemampuan untuk mendukung penyampaian, penggunaan, dan pengelolaan sistem informasi dalam lingkungan organisasi. (KU.d)The ability to support the delivery, use, and management of information systems in an organizational environment. (KU.d)
CPMK : Mahasiswa mampu memahami pemilihan produk sistem informasi yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan organisasi (CPMK 2) . Students are able to understand the selection of information systems' products that suitable for organizational needs (CPMK 2) .
KAD : Mahasiswa mampu mengidentifikasi konsep analisa kesenjangan, perumusan portofolio aplikasi, dan pemilihan solusi berbasis TI yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan unit kerja di organisasi (Sub CPMK 2.1) . Students are able to identify the concepts of gap analysis, the development of application portfolio, dan the selection of any solutions that suits to the needs of organizational working units (Sub CPMK 2.1) . (2,2)
Daftar Kriteria Penilaian (Indikator)
PI Description PI Assessment Methods
1. Ketepatan dalam menjawab soal Quiz.Correctness in answering question of Quiz.
Quiz 0.50 %
Jawaban Quiz salah.Incorrect answer for Quiz. 25% jawaban Quiz benar.25% answer for Quiz is correct. 50% jawaban Quiz benar.50% answer for Quiz is correct. 75% jawaban Quiz benar.75% answer for Quiz is correct. 100% jawaban Quiz benar.100% answer for Quiz is correct.
PI Description PI Assessment Methods
2. Ketepatan dalam menjawab soal Ujian.Correctness in answering question of Examination Test.
Ujian Akhir Semester 3.60 %
Jawaban Ujian salah.Incorrect answer for Examination Test. 25% jawaban Ujian benar.25% answer for Examination Test is correct. 50% jawaban Ujian benar.50% answer for Examination Test is correct. 75% jawaban Ujian benar.75% answer for Examination Test is correct. 100% jawaban Ujian benar.100% answer for Examination Test is correct.
CAPAIAN PEMBELAJARAN : Memiliki kemampuan untuk melakukan pemodelan dan menggunakan model untuk merepresentasikan analisis, perancangan dan kinerja proses bisnis. (KK.c)Ability to model and use models to represent the analysis, design and performance of business processes. (KK.c)
CPMK : Mahasiswa mampu mengaplikasikan tahapan pengembangan strategi sistem informasi (CPMK 9) . Students are able to apply the stages of information systems strategies development (CPMK 9) .
KAD : Mahasiswa mampu menerapkan analisa kebutuhan informasi SI/TI dan arsitektur sistem yang akan datang (Sub CPMK 9.4) . Students are able to implement the analysis of IS/IT information needs and the future system architectures (Sub CPMK 9.4) . (3,3)
Daftar Kriteria Penilaian (Indikator)
PI Description PI Assessment Methods
Ketepatan dan kelengkapan Laporan Praktikum yang dikumpulkan dalam kurun waktu yang telah ditentukan.Correctness and completeness of Practical Report that is reported in time.
Praktikum 1.50 %
Tidak mengumpulkan Laporan Praktikum atau < 10% Laporan Praktikum benar dan lengkap.Practical Report is not reported or < 10% Practical Report is correct or complete. Minimal 10% Laporan Praktikum benar dan lengkap.Minimum 10% of Practical Report is correct and complete. Minimal 20% Laporan Praktikum benar dan lengkap.Minimum 20% of Practical Report is correct and complete. Minimal 30% Laporan Praktikum benar dan lengkap.Minimum 30% of Practical Report is correct and complete. Minimal 40% Laporan Praktikum benar dan lengkap.Minimum 40% of Practical Report is correct and complete. Minimal 50% Laporan Praktikum benar dan lengkap.Minimum 50% of Practical Report is correct and complete. Minimal 60% Laporan Praktikum benar dan lengkap.Minimum 60% of Practical Report is correct and complete. Minimal 70% Laporan Praktikum benar dan lengkap.Minimum 70% of Practical Report is correct and complete. Minimal 80% Laporan Praktikum benar dan lengkap.Minimum 80% of Practical Report is correct and complete. Minimal 90% Laporan Praktikum benar dan lengkap.Minimum 90% of Practical Report is correct and complete. 100% Laporan Praktikum benar dan lengkap.100% of Practical Report is correct and complete.
Manajemen Strategis SI/TI : Mengorganisasikan dan Mengalokasikan Sumber Daya
- Mengorganisasikan Strategi Untuk Manajemen SI/TI
- Mengalokasikan Sumber Daya SI/TI
- Mengkoordinasi Mekanisme Untuk Manajemen Strategis SI/TI
- Mengelola Fungsi SI Sebagai Sekumpulan Sumber Daya
- Mengelola Hubungan
- Menjembatani Kesenjangan : Meningkatkan Kontribusi Fungsi SI
Praktikum 7 : Modul Praktikum 7
Kolaborative Diskusi Presentasi Pemecahan Masalah Diksusi Online
- Memanfaatkan berbagai sumber belajar, termasuk LMS.
- Memberi dan menerima umpan balik melalui diskusi dan tanya jawab.
- Mengerjakan pre-test dan post-test secara daring melalui LMS.
- Melakukan praktikum berdasarkan modul praktikum.
John Ward dan Joe Peppard(2022)
Ujian Akhir Semester - 6.00 %
Praktikum - 1.50 %
Quiz - 1.50 %
CAPAIAN PEMBELAJARAN : Kemampuan untuk mendukung penyampaian, penggunaan, dan pengelolaan sistem informasi dalam lingkungan organisasi. (KU.d)The ability to support the delivery, use, and management of information systems in an organizational environment. (KU.d)
CPMK : Mahasiswa mampu memahami konsep pengelolaan sumber daya untuk manajemen strategik SI/TI, serta mengelompokkan pengelolaan sumber daya tersebut (CPMK 3) . Students are able to understand the concepts of resources management for IS/IT strategic management, and classify those resources management (CPMK 3) .
KAD : Mahasiswa mampu mengidentifikasi konsep pengelolaan sumber daya untuk manajemen strategik SI/TI (Sub CPMK 3.1) . Students are able to identify the concepts of reources management for IS/IT strategic management (Sub CPMK 3.1) . (2,2)
Daftar Kriteria Penilaian (Indikator)
PI Description PI Assessment Methods
1. Ketepatan dalam menjawab soal Quiz.Correctness in answering question of Quiz.
Quiz 0.50 %
Jawaban Quiz salah.Incorrect answer for Quiz. 25% jawaban Quiz benar.25% answer for Quiz is correct. 50% jawaban Quiz benar.50% answer for Quiz is correct. 75% jawaban Quiz benar.75% answer for Quiz is correct. 100% jawaban Quiz benar.100% answer for Quiz is correct.
PI Description PI Assessment Methods
2. Ketepatan dalam menjawab soal Ujian.Correctness in answering question of Examination Test.
Ujian Akhir Semester 2.40 %
Jawaban Ujian salah.Incorrect answer for Examination Test. 25% jawaban Ujian benar.25% answer for Examination Test is correct. 50% jawaban Ujian benar.50% answer for Examination Test is correct. 75% jawaban Ujian benar.75% answer for Examination Test is correct. 100% jawaban Ujian benar.100% answer for Examination Test is correct.
CAPAIAN PEMBELAJARAN : Memiliki kemampuan untuk melakukan pemodelan dan menggunakan model untuk merepresentasikan analisis, perancangan dan kinerja proses bisnis. (KK.c)Ability to model and use models to represent the analysis, design and performance of business processes. (KK.c)
CPMK : Mahasiswa mampu mengaplikasikan tahapan pengembangan strategi sistem informasi (CPMK 9) . Students are able to apply the stages of information systems strategies development (CPMK 9) .
KAD : Mahasiswa mampu menerapkan analisa kebutuhan informasi SI/TI dan arsitektur sistem yang akan datang (Sub CPMK 9.4) . Students are able to implement the analysis of IS/IT information needs and the future system architectures (Sub CPMK 9.4) . (3,3)
Daftar Kriteria Penilaian (Indikator)
PI Description PI Assessment Methods
Ketepatan dan kelengkapan Laporan Praktikum yang dikumpulkan dalam kurun waktu yang telah ditentukan.Correctness and completeness of Practical Report that is reported in time.
Praktikum 1.50 %
Tidak mengumpulkan Laporan Praktikum atau < 10% Laporan Praktikum benar dan lengkap.Practical Report is not reported or < 10% Practical Report is correct or complete. Minimal 10% Laporan Praktikum benar dan lengkap.Minimum 10% of Practical Report is correct and complete. Minimal 20% Laporan Praktikum benar dan lengkap.Minimum 20% of Practical Report is correct and complete. Minimal 30% Laporan Praktikum benar dan lengkap.Minimum 30% of Practical Report is correct and complete. Minimal 40% Laporan Praktikum benar dan lengkap.Minimum 40% of Practical Report is correct and complete. Minimal 50% Laporan Praktikum benar dan lengkap.Minimum 50% of Practical Report is correct and complete. Minimal 60% Laporan Praktikum benar dan lengkap.Minimum 60% of Practical Report is correct and complete. Minimal 70% Laporan Praktikum benar dan lengkap.Minimum 70% of Practical Report is correct and complete. Minimal 80% Laporan Praktikum benar dan lengkap.Minimum 80% of Practical Report is correct and complete. Minimal 90% Laporan Praktikum benar dan lengkap.Minimum 90% of Practical Report is correct and complete. 100% Laporan Praktikum benar dan lengkap.100% of Practical Report is correct and complete.
CPMK : Mahasiswa mampu memahami dampak dari rancangan struktur organisasi dan dampaknya terhadap kinerja organisasi (CPMK 8) . Students are able to understand any impacts of organizational structure's designs and their impacts to organizational performances (CPMK 8) .
KAD : Mahasiswa mampu mengidentifikasi perumusan struktur organisasi yang berorientasi TIK dan mampu memberikan dampak baik terhadap kinerja organisasi (Sub CPMK 8.1) . Students are able to identify the development of ICT-oriented organization stucture and are able to give good impacts to organizational performances (Sub CPMK 8.1) . (2,2)
Daftar Kriteria Penilaian (Indikator)
PI Description PI Assessment Methods
1. Ketepatan dalam menjawab soal Quiz.Correctness in answering question of Quiz.
Quiz 1.00 %
Jawaban Quiz salah.Incorrect answer for Quiz. 25% jawaban Quiz benar.25% answer for Quiz is correct. 50% jawaban Quiz benar.50% answer for Quiz is correct. 75% jawaban Quiz benar.75% answer for Quiz is correct. 100% jawaban Quiz benar.100% answer for Quiz is correct.
PI Description PI Assessment Methods
2. Ketepatan dalam menjawab soal Ujian.Correctness in answering question of Examination Test.
Ujian Akhir Semester 3.60 %
Jawaban Ujian salah.Incorrect answer for Examination Test. 25% jawaban Ujian benar.25% answer for Examination Test is correct. 50% jawaban Ujian benar.50% answer for Examination Test is correct. 75% jawaban Ujian benar.75% answer for Examination Test is correct. 100% jawaban Ujian benar.100% answer for Examination Test is correct.
Mengelola Investasi SI/TI
- Kebijakan Investasi dan Penempatan Prioritas
- Mengevaluasi Investasi SI/TI
- Proses Manajemen Keuntungan
- Menilai dan Mengelola Risiko Investasi
Praktikum 8 : Modul Praktikum 8
Kolaborative Diskusi Presentasi Pemecahan Masalah Diksusi Online
- Memanfaatkan berbagai sumber belajar, termasuk LMS.
- Memberi dan menerima umpan balik melalui diskusi dan tanya jawab.
- Mengerjakan pre-test dan post-test secara daring melalui LMS.
- Melakukan praktikum berdasarkan modul praktikum.
John Ward dan Joe Peppard(2022)
Ujian Akhir Semester - 4.80 %
Praktikum - 1.50 %
Quiz - 0.50 %
CAPAIAN PEMBELAJARAN : Kemampuan untuk mendukung penyampaian, penggunaan, dan pengelolaan sistem informasi dalam lingkungan organisasi. (KU.d)The ability to support the delivery, use, and management of information systems in an organizational environment. (KU.d)
CPMK : Mahasiswa mampu memahami konsep pengelolaan sumber daya untuk manajemen strategik SI/TI, serta mengelompokkan pengelolaan sumber daya tersebut (CPMK 3) . Students are able to understand the concepts of resources management for IS/IT strategic management, and classify those resources management (CPMK 3) .
KAD : Mahasiswa mampu mengidentifikasi konsep pengelolaan sumber daya untuk manajemen strategik SI/TI (Sub CPMK 3.1) . Students are able to identify the concepts of reources management for IS/IT strategic management (Sub CPMK 3.1) . (2,2)
Daftar Kriteria Penilaian (Indikator)
PI Description PI Assessment Methods
1. Ketepatan dalam menjawab soal Quiz.Correctness in answering question of Quiz.
Quiz 0.50 %
Jawaban Quiz salah.Incorrect answer for Quiz. 25% jawaban Quiz benar.25% answer for Quiz is correct. 50% jawaban Quiz benar.50% answer for Quiz is correct. 75% jawaban Quiz benar.75% answer for Quiz is correct. 100% jawaban Quiz benar.100% answer for Quiz is correct.
PI Description PI Assessment Methods
2. Ketepatan dalam menjawab soal Ujian.Correctness in answering question of Examination Test.
Ujian Akhir Semester 4.80 %
Jawaban Ujian salah.Incorrect answer for Examination Test. 25% jawaban Ujian benar.25% answer for Examination Test is correct. 50% jawaban Ujian benar.50% answer for Examination Test is correct. 75% jawaban Ujian benar.75% answer for Examination Test is correct. 100% jawaban Ujian benar.100% answer for Examination Test is correct.
CAPAIAN PEMBELAJARAN : Memiliki kemampuan untuk melakukan pemodelan dan menggunakan model untuk merepresentasikan analisis, perancangan dan kinerja proses bisnis. (KK.c)Ability to model and use models to represent the analysis, design and performance of business processes. (KK.c)
CPMK : Mahasiswa mampu mengaplikasikan tahapan pengembangan strategi sistem informasi (CPMK 9) . Students are able to apply the stages of information systems strategies development (CPMK 9) .
KAD : Mahasiswa mampu menerapkan analisa kebutuhan informasi SI/TI dan arsitektur sistem yang akan datang (Sub CPMK 9.4) . Students are able to implement the analysis of IS/IT information needs and the future system architectures (Sub CPMK 9.4) . (3,3)
Daftar Kriteria Penilaian (Indikator)
PI Description PI Assessment Methods
Ketepatan dan kelengkapan Laporan Praktikum yang dikumpulkan dalam kurun waktu yang telah ditentukan.Correctness and completeness of Practical Report that is reported in time.
Praktikum 1.50 %
Tidak mengumpulkan Laporan Praktikum atau < 10% Laporan Praktikum benar dan lengkap.Practical Report is not reported or < 10% Practical Report is correct or complete. Minimal 10% Laporan Praktikum benar dan lengkap.Minimum 10% of Practical Report is correct and complete. Minimal 20% Laporan Praktikum benar dan lengkap.Minimum 20% of Practical Report is correct and complete. Minimal 30% Laporan Praktikum benar dan lengkap.Minimum 30% of Practical Report is correct and complete. Minimal 40% Laporan Praktikum benar dan lengkap.Minimum 40% of Practical Report is correct and complete. Minimal 50% Laporan Praktikum benar dan lengkap.Minimum 50% of Practical Report is correct and complete. Minimal 60% Laporan Praktikum benar dan lengkap.Minimum 60% of Practical Report is correct and complete. Minimal 70% Laporan Praktikum benar dan lengkap.Minimum 70% of Practical Report is correct and complete. Minimal 80% Laporan Praktikum benar dan lengkap.Minimum 80% of Practical Report is correct and complete. Minimal 90% Laporan Praktikum benar dan lengkap.Minimum 90% of Practical Report is correct and complete. 100% Laporan Praktikum benar dan lengkap.100% of Practical Report is correct and complete.
Strategi Untuk Manajemen Informasi : Menuju Manajemen Pengetahuan
- Informasi Sebagai Sebuah Aset : Agenda Manajemen Senior
- Sebuah Budaya Informasi
- Mengimplementasikan Manajemen Informasi Bisnis
- Isu Kebijakan dan Berbagai Implementasi
- Mengelola Sumber Daya Pengetahuan
Praktikum 9 : Modul Praktikum 9
Kolaborative Diskusi Presentasi Pemecahan Masalah Diksusi Online
- Memanfaatkan berbagai sumber belajar, termasuk LMS.
- Memberi dan menerima umpan balik melalui diskusi dan tanya jawab.
- Mengerjakan pre-test dan post-test secara daring melalui LMS.
- Melakukan praktikum berdasarkan modul praktikum.
John Ward dan Joe Peppard(2022)
Ujian Akhir Semester - 4.80 %
Praktikum - 1.50 %
Quiz - 0.50 %
CAPAIAN PEMBELAJARAN : Kemampuan untuk mendukung penyampaian, penggunaan, dan pengelolaan sistem informasi dalam lingkungan organisasi. (KU.d)The ability to support the delivery, use, and management of information systems in an organizational environment. (KU.d)
CPMK : Mahasiswa mampu memahami konsep pengelolaan sumber daya untuk manajemen strategik SI/TI, serta mengelompokkan pengelolaan sumber daya tersebut (CPMK 3) . Students are able to understand the concepts of resources management for IS/IT strategic management, and classify those resources management (CPMK 3) .
KAD : Mahasiswa mampu mengidentifikasi konsep pengelolaan sumber daya untuk manajemen strategik SI/TI (Sub CPMK 3.1) . Students are able to identify the concepts of reources management for IS/IT strategic management (Sub CPMK 3.1) . (2,2)
Daftar Kriteria Penilaian (Indikator)
PI Description PI Assessment Methods
1. Ketepatan dalam menjawab soal Quiz.Correctness in answering question of Quiz.
Quiz 0.50 %
Jawaban Quiz salah.Incorrect answer for Quiz. 25% jawaban Quiz benar.25% answer for Quiz is correct. 50% jawaban Quiz benar.50% answer for Quiz is correct. 75% jawaban Quiz benar.75% answer for Quiz is correct. 100% jawaban Quiz benar.100% answer for Quiz is correct.
PI Description PI Assessment Methods
2. Ketepatan dalam menjawab soal Ujian.Correctness in answering question of Examination Test.
Ujian Akhir Semester 4.80 %
Jawaban Ujian salah.Incorrect answer for Examination Test. 25% jawaban Ujian benar.25% answer for Examination Test is correct. 50% jawaban Ujian benar.50% answer for Examination Test is correct. 75% jawaban Ujian benar.75% answer for Examination Test is correct. 100% jawaban Ujian benar.100% answer for Examination Test is correct.
CAPAIAN PEMBELAJARAN : Memiliki kemampuan untuk melakukan pemodelan dan menggunakan model untuk merepresentasikan analisis, perancangan dan kinerja proses bisnis. (KK.c)Ability to model and use models to represent the analysis, design and performance of business processes. (KK.c)
CPMK : Mahasiswa mampu mengaplikasikan tahapan pengembangan strategi sistem informasi (CPMK 9) . Students are able to apply the stages of information systems strategies development (CPMK 9) .
KAD : Mahasiswa mampu menerapkan pengembangan solusi SI/TI yang akan datang (Sub CPMK 9.5) . Students are able to implement the development of future IS/IT solutions (Sub CPMK 9.5) . (3,3)
Daftar Kriteria Penilaian (Indikator)
PI Description PI Assessment Methods
Ketepatan dan kelengkapan Laporan Praktikum yang dikumpulkan dalam kurun waktu yang telah ditentukan.Correctness and completeness of Practical Report that is reported in time.
Praktikum 1.50 %
Tidak mengumpulkan Laporan Praktikum atau < 10% Laporan.Practical Report is not reported or < 10% Practical Report is correct or complete. Minimal 10% Laporan Praktikum benar dan lengkap.Minimum 10% of Practical Report is correct and complete. Minimal 20% Laporan Praktikum benar dan lengkap.Minimum 20% of Practical Report is correct and complete. Minimal 30% Laporan Praktikum benar dan lengkap.Minimum 30% of Practical Report is correct and complete. Minimal 40% Laporan Praktikum benar dan lengkap.Minimum 40% of Practical Report is correct and complete. Minimal 50% Laporan Praktikum benar dan lengkap.Minimum 50% of Practical Report is correct and complete. Minimal 60% Laporan Praktikum benar dan lengkap.Minimum 60% of Practical Report is correct and complete. Minimal 70% Laporan Praktikum benar dan lengkap.Minimum 70% of Practical Report is correct and complete. Minimal 80% Laporan Praktikum benar dan lengkap.Minimum 80% of Practical Report is correct and complete. Minimal 90% Laporan Praktikum benar dan lengkap.Minimum 90% of Practical Report is correct and complete. 100% Laporan Praktikum benar dan lengkap.100% of Practical Report is correct and complete.
Mengelola Suplai Layanan, Aplikasi dan Infrastruktur TI
- Strategi Layanan TI
- Pengembangan Aplikasi dan Pendalaman Strategi
- Menyelaraskan Pendekatan Pengembangan Dengan Portofolio Aplikasi
- Kasus Khusus Dari "Enterprise Systems"
- Strategi Untuk Mengelola Infrastruktur TI
- Menghubungkan Infrastruktur TI Dengan Strategi Bisnis
- Justifikasi Terhadap Investasi Infrastruktur
- Berbagai Strategi Teknologi Dalam Sebuah Organisasi Yang Multi-business Unit
- Berbagai Strategi Outsourcing
- Panduan Untuk Keputusan Outsourcing
- Penyedia Layanan Aplikasi
Praktikum 10: Modul Praktikum 10
Kolaborative Diskusi Presentasi Pemecahan Masalah Diksusi Online
- Memanfaatkan berbagai sumber belajar, termasuk LMS.
- Memberi dan menerima umpan balik melalui diskusi dan tanya jawab.
- Mengerjakan pre-test dan post-test secara daring melalui LMS.
- Melakukan praktikum berdasarkan modul praktikum.
John Ward dan Joe Peppard(2022)
Ujian Akhir Semester - 6.00 %
Praktikum - 1.50 %
Quiz - 1.00 %
CAPAIAN PEMBELAJARAN : Kemampuan untuk mendukung penyampaian, penggunaan, dan pengelolaan sistem informasi dalam lingkungan organisasi. (KU.d)The ability to support the delivery, use, and management of information systems in an organizational environment. (KU.d)
CPMK : Mahasiswa mampu memahami konsep pengelolaan sumber daya untuk manajemen strategik SI/TI, serta mengelompokkan pengelolaan sumber daya tersebut (CPMK 3) . Students are able to understand the concepts of resources management for IS/IT strategic management, and classify those resources management (CPMK 3) .
KAD : Mahasiswa mampu mengidentifikasi konsep pengelolaan sumber daya untuk manajemen strategik SI/TI (Sub CPMK 3.1) . Students are able to identify the concepts of reources management for IS/IT strategic management (Sub CPMK 3.1) . (2,2)
Daftar Kriteria Penilaian (Indikator)
PI Description PI Assessment Methods
1. Ketepatan dalam menjawab soal Quiz.Correctness in answering question of Quiz.
Quiz 0.50 %
Jawaban Quiz salah.Incorrect answer for Quiz. 25% jawaban Quiz benar.25% answer for Quiz is correct. 50% jawaban Quiz benar.50% answer for Quiz is correct. 75% jawaban Quiz benar.75% answer for Quiz is correct. 100% jawaban Quiz benar.100% answer for Quiz is correct.
PI Description PI Assessment Methods
2. Ketepatan dalam menjawab soal Ujian.Correctness in answering question of Examination Test.
Ujian Akhir Semester 2.40 %
Jawaban Ujian salah.Incorrect answer for Examination Test. 25% jawaban Ujian benar.25% answer for Examination Test is correct. 50% jawaban Ujian benar.50% answer for Examination Test is correct. 75% jawaban Ujian benar.75% answer for Examination Test is correct. 100% jawaban Ujian benar.100% answer for Examination Test is correct.
CAPAIAN PEMBELAJARAN : Memiliki kemampuan untuk melakukan pemodelan dan menggunakan model untuk merepresentasikan analisis, perancangan dan kinerja proses bisnis. (KK.c)Ability to model and use models to represent the analysis, design and performance of business processes. (KK.c)
CPMK : Mahasiswa mampu mengaplikasikan tahapan pengembangan strategi sistem informasi (CPMK 9) . Students are able to apply the stages of information systems strategies development (CPMK 9) .
KAD : Mahasiswa mampu menerapkan pembuatan IT Roadmap pengembangan SI/TI (Sub CPMK 9.6) . Students are able to implement the establishment of IT roadmap for IS/IT development (Sub CPMK 9.6) . (3,3)
Daftar Kriteria Penilaian (Indikator)
PI Description PI Assessment Methods
Ketepatan dan kelengkapan Laporan Praktikum yang dikumpulkan dalam kurun waktu yang telah ditentukan.Correctness and completeness of Practical Report that is reported in time.
Praktikum 1.50 %
Tidak mengumpulkan Laporan Praktikum atau < 10% Laporan Praktikum benar dan lengkap.Practical Report is not reported or < 10% Practical Report is correct or complete. Minimal 10% Laporan Praktikum benar dan lengkap.Minimum 10% of Practical Report is correct and complete. Minimal 20% Laporan Praktikum benar dan lengkap.Minimum 20% of Practical Report is correct and complete. Minimal 30% Laporan Praktikum benar dan lengkap.Minimum 30% of Practical Report is correct and complete. Minimal 40% Laporan Praktikum benar dan lengkap.Minimum 40% of Practical Report is correct and complete. Minimal 50% Laporan Praktikum benar dan lengkap.Minimum 50% of Practical Report is correct and complete. Minimal 60% Laporan Praktikum benar dan lengkap.Minimum 60% of Practical Report is correct and complete. Minimal 70% Laporan Praktikum benar dan lengkap.Minimum 70% of Practical Report is correct and complete. Minimal 80% Laporan Praktikum benar dan lengkap.Minimum 80% of Practical Report is correct and complete. Minimal 90% Laporan Praktikum benar dan lengkap.Minimum 90% of Practical Report is correct and complete. 100% Laporan Praktikum benar dan lengkap.100% of Practical Report is correct and complete.
CAPAIAN PEMBELAJARAN : Kemampuan mendesain, mengimplementasi dan mengevaluasi solusi berbasis komputasi yang memenuhi kebutuhan-kebutuhan sistem informasi. (KK.b)Ability to design, implement and evaluate computation-based solutions that meet information system requirements. (KK.b)
CPMK : Mahasiswa mampu memahami solusi inovasi SI yang menjadi keunggulan kompetitif organisasi dan/atau yang bermanfaat bagi masyarakat (CPMK 6) . Students are able to understand the IS innovation solutions that become organizational competitive advantages and/or are useful for society (CPMK 6) .
KAD : Mahasiswa mampu mengidentifikasi proses perumusan solusi TIK dan layanan TIK yang dibutuhkan organisasi dan memberikan keunggulan kompetitif (Sub CPMK 6.1) . Students are able to identify the processes of ICT solution's development that organization needed and give competitive advantages (Sub CPMK 6.1) . (2,2)
Daftar Kriteria Penilaian (Indikator)
PI Description PI Assessment Methods
1. Ketepatan dalam menjawab soal Quiz.Correctness in answering question of Quiz.
Quiz 0.50 %
Jawaban Quiz salah.Incorrect answer for Quiz. 25% jawaban Quiz benar.25% answer for Quiz is correct. 50% jawaban Quiz benar.50% answer for Quiz is correct. 75% jawaban Quiz benar.75% answer for Quiz is correct. 100% jawaban Quiz benar.100% answer for Quiz is correct.
PI Description PI Assessment Methods
2. Ketepatan dalam menjawab soal Ujian.Correctness in answering question of Examination Test.
Ujian Akhir Semester 3.60 %
Jawaban Ujian salah.Incorrect answer for Examination Test. 25% jawaban Ujian benar.25% answer for Examination Test is correct. 50% jawaban Ujian benar.50% answer for Examination Test is correct. 75% jawaban Ujian benar.75% answer for Examination Test is correct. 100% jawaban Ujian benar.100% answer for Examination Test is correct.
Manajemen Strategi Sistem Informasi dan Menyusun Dokumen IT Blueprint
- Pembahasan Berbagai Ide Yang Penting
- Perumusan dan Perencanaan Strategi SI Pada Tahun 1990-an
- Pengembangan Organisasi Berdasarkan SI/TI
- Berbagai Kompetensi Organisasi Untuk Mengelola SI/TI Secara Strategis
- Sebuah Perspektif Perubahan Bisnis SI/TI
- Era Ke-4 : Kapabilitas SI
- Sebuah Model Yang Menghubungkan Kapabilitas SI Dengan Kompetensi dan Sumber Daya SI
- IT Roadmap
- Struktur Dokumen IT Blueprint
- Dokumen Pelengkap
Kolaborative Diskusi Presentasi Diksusi Online
- Memanfaatkan berbagai sumber belajar, termasuk LMS.
- Memberi dan menerima umpan balik melalui diskusi dan tanya jawab.
- Mengerjakan pre-test dan post-test secara daring melalui LMS.
John Ward dan Joe Peppard(2022)
Tiffany Pham, David K. Pham, dan Andrew T. Pham(2013)
Ujian Akhir Semester - 4.80 %
Quiz - 1.00 %
CAPAIAN PEMBELAJARAN : Kemampuan untuk mendukung penyampaian, penggunaan, dan pengelolaan sistem informasi dalam lingkungan organisasi. (KU.d)The ability to support the delivery, use, and management of information systems in an organizational environment. (KU.d)
CPMK : Mahasiswa mampu memahami proses penyusunan dokumen IT blueprint sebagai hasil akhir dari perencanaan strategis SI (CPMK 4) . Students are able to understand the processes of IT blueprint development as a final result of IS strategic planning (CPMK 4) .
KAD : Mahasiswa mampu mengidentifikasi proses perumusan dokumen IT blueprint, beserta berbagai dokumen pelengkapnya (Sub CPMK 4.1) . Students are able to identify the processes of IT blueprint development, including related support documents (Sub CPMK 4.1) . (2,2)
Daftar Kriteria Penilaian (Indikator)
PI Description PI Assessment Methods
1. Ketepatan dalam menjawab soal Quiz.Correctness in answering question of Quiz.
Quiz 0.50 %
Jawaban Quiz salah.Incorrect answer for Quiz. 25% jawaban Quiz benar.25% answer for Quiz is correct. 50% jawaban Quiz benar.50% answer for Quiz is correct. 75% jawaban Quiz benar.75% answer for Quiz is correct. 100% jawaban Quiz benar.100% answer for Quiz is correct.
PI Description PI Assessment Methods
2. Ketepatan dalam menjawab soal Ujian.Correctness in answering question of Examination Test.
Ujian Akhir Semester 2.40 %
Jawaban Ujian salah.Incorrect answer for Examination Test. 25% jawaban Ujian benar.25% answer for Examination Test is correct. 50% jawaban Ujian benar.50% answer for Examination Test is correct. 75% jawaban Ujian benar.75% answer for Examination Test is correct. 100% jawaban Ujian benar.100% answer for Examination Test is correct.
CAPAIAN PEMBELAJARAN : Kemampuan mendesain, mengimplementasi dan mengevaluasi solusi berbasis komputasi yang memenuhi kebutuhan-kebutuhan sistem informasi. (KK.b)Ability to design, implement and evaluate computation-based solutions that meet information system requirements. (KK.b)
CPMK : Mahasiswa mampu memahami penyusunan roadmap dan komponen arsitektur aplikasi (CPMK 5) . Students are able to understand the development of roadmap and application architecture's components (CPMK 5) .
KAD : Mahasiswa mampu mengidentifikasi proses perumusan IT roadmap sebagai tindak lanjut pengembangan organisasi berbasis TIK (Sub CPMK 5.1) . Students are able to identify the processes of IT roadmap development as follow-up for IT-based organizational development (Sub CPMK 5.1) . (2,2)
Daftar Kriteria Penilaian (Indikator)
PI Description PI Assessment Methods
1. Ketepatan dalam menjawab soal Quiz.Correctness in answering question of Quiz.
Quiz 0.50 %
Jawaban Quiz salah.Incorrect answer for Quiz. 25% jawaban Quiz benar.25% answer for Quiz is correct. 50% jawaban Quiz benar.50% answer for Quiz is correct. 75% jawaban Quiz benar.75% answer for Quiz is correct. 100% jawaban Quiz benar.100% answer for Quiz is correct.
PI Description PI Assessment Methods
2. Ketepatan dalam menjawab soal Ujian.Correctness in answering question of Examination Test.
Ujian Akhir Semester 2.40 %
Jawaban Ujian salah.Incorrect answer for Examination Test. 25% jawaban Ujian benar.25% answer for Examination Test is correct. 50% jawaban Ujian benar.50% answer for Examination Test is correct. 75% jawaban Ujian benar.75% answer for Examination Test is correct. 100% jawaban Ujian benar.100% answer for Examination Test is correct.
Pengumpulan dan Presentasi Tugas
Diskusi Presentasi Pemecahan Masalah Diksusi Online
- Mengumpulkan tugas secara daring.
- Mempresentasikan tugas.
CAPAIAN PEMBELAJARAN : Memiliki kemampuan untuk melakukan pemodelan dan menggunakan model untuk merepresentasikan analisis, perancangan dan kinerja proses bisnis. (KK.c)Ability to model and use models to represent the analysis, design and performance of business processes. (KK.c)
CPMK : Mahasiswa mampu mengaplikasikan tahapan pengembangan strategi sistem informasi (CPMK 9) . Students are able to apply the stages of information systems strategies development (CPMK 9) .
KAD : Mahasiswa mampu menerapkan tahapan pengembangan strategi sistem informasi secara berkelompok dan mempresentasikannya (Sub CPMK 9.1) . Students are able to implement the stages of information systems strategies development in teams and are able to present them (Sub CPMK 9.1) . (3,3)
Daftar Kriteria Penilaian (Indikator)
PI Description PI Assessment Methods
Ketepatan dan kelengkapan Tugas yang dikumpulkan/diunggah dalam kurun waktu yang telah ditentukan.
Correctness and completeness of Assignment that is finished/uploaded in time.
Tugas 15.00 %
Tidak mengumpulkan/mengunggah Tugas atau < 10% Tugas benar dan lengkap.Assignment is not finished/uploaded or < 10% Assignment is correct or complete. Minimal 10% Tugas benar dan lengkap, serta dipresentasikan.Minimum 10% of Assignment is correct and complete, and also is presented. Minimal 20% Tugas benar dan lengkap, serta dipresentasikan.Minimum 20% of Assignment is correct and complete, and also is presented. Minimal 30% Tugas benar dan lengkap, serta dipresentasikan.Minimum 30% of Assignment is correct and complete, and also is presented. Minimal 40% Tugas benar dan lengkap, serta dipresentasikan.Minimum 40% of Assignment is correct and complete, and also is presented. Minimal 50% Tugas benar dan lengkap, serta dipresentasikan.Minimum 50% of Assignment is correct and complete, and also is presented. Minimal 60% Tugas benar dan lengkap, serta dipresentasikan.Minimum 60% of Assignment is correct and complete, and also is presented. Minimal 70% Tugas benar dan lengkap, serta dipresentasikan.Minimum 70% of Assignment is correct and complete, and also is presented. Minimal 80% Tugas benar dan lengkap, serta dipresentasikan.Minimum 80% of Assignment is correct and complete, and also is presented. Minimal 90% Tugas benar dan lengkap, serta dipresentasikan.Minimum 90% of Assignment is correct and complete, and also is presented. 100% Tugas benar dan lengkap, serta dipresentasikan.100% of Assignment is correct and complete, and also is presented.
Assessment Component
Assessment Detail
No Component Name Weightage
Ujian Akhir Semester
Ujian Tengah Semester
Total 100
Daftar Referensi
1. John Ward dan Joe Peppard. Strategic Planning for Information Systems (Edisi Ke-3). John Wiley & Sons, LTD.. 2022 2. David Wiraeus dan James Creelman. Agile Strategy Management ign The Digital Age : How Dynamic Balanced Scorecards Transform Decision Making, Speed and Effectiveness (Edisi Ke-1). Palgrave Macmillan. 2019 3. Mohan Nair. Essentials of Balanced Scorecard. John Wiley & Sons, Inc.. 2004 4. Paul R. Niven. Balanced Scorecard Evolution : A Dynamic Approach To Strategy Execution. Wiley. 2014 5. Tiffany Pham, David K. Pham, dan Andrew T. Pham. From Business Strategy to Information Technology Roadmap : A Practical Guide for Executives and Board Members. CRC Press. 2013