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Kode Matakuliah EPL5201
Nama Matakuliah Praktikum Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)
sks 2.00
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Genap 2023/2024 (R)
Praktikum Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)
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Gasal 2024/2025 (R)
Praktikum Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)
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Capaian Pembelajaran (CP) terkait
Capaian Pembelajaran (CP)
Mampu menyelesaikan pekerjaan dan memecahkan masalah bidang akuntansi dan perpajakan berdasarkan pemikiran logis, inovatif dan beretika dengan menggunakan teknologi informasi terkini, sesuai persyaratan kerja dan standar mutu, menyusun kertas kerja dan mengomunikasikannya serta mampu merespon perubahan masa depan serta tetap memperhatikan kebutuhan sosial dan lingkungan (KU1)Able to complete work and solve problems in accounting and taxation based on logical, innovative and ethical thinking by using the latest information technology, according to work requirements and quality standards, compiling work papers and communicating them and being able to respond to future changes and still pay attention to social and environmental needs (KU1)
Course Learning Outcomes
Mampu memahami perbedaan software ERP dengan software akuntansi non ERP, memahami konsep dasar pengendalian internal dalam Sistem Informasi terkomputerisasi dan mampu membuat COA.(CPMK1)Able to understand the differences between ERP software and non-ERP accounting software, understand the basic concepts of internal control in computerised Information Systems and be able to make COA.(CPMK1) (2,2)
Session Learning Outcomes - Description (Cognitive Level,Knowledge Level)
Memahami kebijakan sistem informasi akuntansi dan sistem pengendalian internal.(SubCPMK1.1)
Understand accounting information system policies and internal control systems.(SubCPMK1.1) (2,3)
Memahami Master Data COA, Supplier, dan Customer.(SubCPMK1.2)Understand COA, Supplier, and Customer Master Data (SubCPMK1.2) (2,2)
Mampu menghitung, menyusun, menyajikan laporan akuntansi berdasarkan informasi keuangan dan non keuangan manajerial serta memeriksa laporan keuangan sebuah entitas sesuai dengan standar yang berlaku, baik secara manual atau dengan memanfaatkan teknologi informasi (KK1)Able to calculate, compile, present accounting reports based on managerial financial and non-financial information and examine the financial statements of an entity in accordance with applicable standards, either manually or by utilizing information technology (KK1)
Course Learning Outcomes
Mampu memahami konsep dasar dan pengendalian internal siklus Pengeluaran dan menggunakan software cloud ERP untuk Melakukan praktik siklus pengeluaran.(CPMK2)
Able to understand the basic concepts and internal controls of the Expense cycle and use cloud ERP software to perform expense cycle practices.(CPMK2) (3,2)
Session Learning Outcomes - Description (Cognitive Level,Knowledge Level)
Memahami transaksi Modul Purchasing (Purchase-Received).(SubCPMK2.1)Understand Purchasing Module transactions (Purchase-Received).(SubCPMK2.1) (2,3)
Memahami transaksi Modul Purchasing (Purchase Invoice-Payment).(SubCPMK2.2)Understand Purchasing Module transactions (Purchase Invoice-Payment).(SubCPMK2.2) (3,3)
Mampu memahami konsep dasar dan pengendalian internal siklus manajemen sumber daya, khususnya siklus aset tetap dan menggunakan software cloud ERP untuk melakukan praktik siklus Aset Tetap.(CPMK3)Able to understand the basic concepts and internal controls of the resource management cycle, especially the fixed asset cycle and use cloud ERP software to practice the Fixed Asset cycle.(CPMK3) (3,3)
Session Learning Outcomes - Description (Cognitive Level,Knowledge Level)
Memahami Proses Pembelian Aset Tetap (Purchase Processing of Fixed Asset).(SubCPMK3.1)Understand the Purchase Processing of Fixed Assets.(SubCPMK3.1) (3,3)
Mampu memahami konsep dasar dan pengendalian internal siklus Penerimaan dan menggunakan software cloud ERP untuk Melakukan praktik siklus Penerimaan.(CPMK4)Able to understand the basic concepts and internal controls of the Revenue cycle and use cloud ERP software to perform Revenue cycle practices.(CPMK4) (3,3)
Session Learning Outcomes - Description (Cognitive Level,Knowledge Level)
Memahami transaksi Modul Order to Cash.(SubCPMK4.1)
Understand Order to Cash Module transactions.(SubCPMK4.1) (3,2)
Memahami dan mengidentifikasi kesalahan atau keanehan transaksi Modul Order To Cash(teori).(SubCPMK4.2)Understand and identify errors or anomalies in Order To Cash Module transactions (theory) (SubCPMK4.2) (2,2)
Mampu memahami konsep dasar dan pengendalian internal siklus Buku Besar dan Pelaporan Keuangan dan menggunakan software cloud ERP untuk Melakukan praktik siklus Buku Besar dan Pelaporan Keuangan, serta penerapan perpajakan.(CPMK5)Able to understand the basic concepts and internal controls of the General Ledger cycle and Financial Reporting and use cloud ERP software to practice the General Ledger cycle and Financial Reporting, as well as the application of taxation.(CPMK5) (3,3)
Session Learning Outcomes - Description (Cognitive Level,Knowledge Level)
Mampu memahami pengendalian internal terkait siklus Buku Besar dan Pelaporan.(SubCPMK5.1)Able to understand internal controls related to the Ledger and Reporting cycle.(SubCPMK5.1) (3,2)
Mampu melakukan Praktik: 1. Proses posting dan closing entries 2. Reporting : AR aging AP aging Cashflow aging Cash advance Inventory Movement Stock (Kartu Stock).(SubCPMK5.2)Able to perform Practices: 1. Posting process and closing entries 2. Reporting: AR aging AP aging Cashflow aging Cash advance Inventory Movement Stock (Stock Card).(SubCPMK5.2) (3,3)
Mampu melakukan praktik Reporting terkait: Profit and Loss Statement (Income Statement) Statement of Financial Position (Neraca) Trial Balance (auto generate) Konsolidasi.(SubCPMK5.3)Able to perform related Reporting practices: Profit and Loss Statement (Income Statement) Statement of Financial Position (Balance Sheet) Trial Balance (auto generate) Consolidation (SubCPMK5.3) (3,3)
RPS per Session
Sesi Ke
Bahan Kajian
Metoda Pembelajaran
Waktu Belajar (Menit)
Pengalaman Belajar Mahasiswa
Kriteria Penilaian (Indikator)
1. fungsi umum dan elemen kunci dari system ERP
2. berbagai aspek konfigurasi ERP seperti: server, basisdata dan perangkat lunak
3. risiko terkait implementasi ERP
4. pengendalian internal serta implikasi audit terkait ERP
Tutorial Kolaborative Diskusi
Menggunakan Software cloud ERP
Primandana B, Q.Ranggala, M. Nadhifah(2022)
Ujian Tengah Semester (Soal 1 UTS) - 9.00 %
CAPAIAN PEMBELAJARAN : Mampu menyelesaikan pekerjaan dan memecahkan masalah bidang akuntansi dan perpajakan berdasarkan pemikiran logis, inovatif dan beretika dengan menggunakan teknologi informasi terkini, sesuai persyaratan kerja dan standar mutu, menyusun kertas kerja dan mengomunikasikannya serta mampu merespon perubahan masa depan serta tetap memperhatikan kebutuhan sosial dan lingkungan (KU1)Able to complete work and solve problems in accounting and taxation based on logical, innovative and ethical thinking by using the latest information technology, according to work requirements and quality standards, compiling work papers and communicating them and being able to respond to future changes and still pay attention to social and environmental needs (KU1)
CPMK : Mampu memahami perbedaan software ERP dengan software akuntansi non ERP, memahami konsep dasar pengendalian internal dalam Sistem Informasi terkomputerisasi dan mampu membuat COA.(CPMK1) Able to understand the differences between ERP software and non-ERP accounting software, understand the basic concepts of internal control in computerised Information Systems and be able to make COA.(CPMK1)
KAD : Memahami kebijakan sistem informasi akuntansi dan sistem pengendalian internal.(SubCPMK1.1)
Understand accounting information system policies and internal control systems.(SubCPMK1.1) (2,2)
Daftar Kriteria Penilaian (Indikator)
PI Description PI Assessment Methods
Soal 1 UTSProblem 1 UTS
Ujian Tengah Semester (Soal 1 UTS) 9.00 %
1. Chart of Account (COA)
2. GL Grouping (Inventory, AR, AP, Cash & Bank, Fixed Assets, Expenses.
Tutorial Kolaborative Diskusi
Menggunakan Software cloud ERP
Romney, Marshal., Paul Steinbart(2021)
CAPAIAN PEMBELAJARAN : Mampu menyelesaikan pekerjaan dan memecahkan masalah bidang akuntansi dan perpajakan berdasarkan pemikiran logis, inovatif dan beretika dengan menggunakan teknologi informasi terkini, sesuai persyaratan kerja dan standar mutu, menyusun kertas kerja dan mengomunikasikannya serta mampu merespon perubahan masa depan serta tetap memperhatikan kebutuhan sosial dan lingkungan (KU1)Able to complete work and solve problems in accounting and taxation based on logical, innovative and ethical thinking by using the latest information technology, according to work requirements and quality standards, compiling work papers and communicating them and being able to respond to future changes and still pay attention to social and environmental needs (KU1)
CPMK : Mampu memahami perbedaan software ERP dengan software akuntansi non ERP, memahami konsep dasar pengendalian internal dalam Sistem Informasi terkomputerisasi dan mampu membuat COA.(CPMK1) Able to understand the differences between ERP software and non-ERP accounting software, understand the basic concepts of internal control in computerised Information Systems and be able to make COA.(CPMK1)
KAD : Memahami Master Data COA, Supplier, dan Customer.(SubCPMK1.2) Understand COA, Supplier, and Customer Master Data (SubCPMK1.2) (2,2)
Daftar Kriteria Penilaian (Indikator)
PI Description PI Assessment Methods
Memahami Master Data COA, Supplier, dan Customer.Understand COA, Supplier, and Customer Master Data
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1. Chart of Account (COA)
2. GL Grouping (Inventory, AR, AP, Cash & Bank, Fixed Assets, Expenses.
Tutorial Kolaborative Diskusi
Menggunakan Software cloud ERP
CAPAIAN PEMBELAJARAN : Mampu menyelesaikan pekerjaan dan memecahkan masalah bidang akuntansi dan perpajakan berdasarkan pemikiran logis, inovatif dan beretika dengan menggunakan teknologi informasi terkini, sesuai persyaratan kerja dan standar mutu, menyusun kertas kerja dan mengomunikasikannya serta mampu merespon perubahan masa depan serta tetap memperhatikan kebutuhan sosial dan lingkungan (KU1)Able to complete work and solve problems in accounting and taxation based on logical, innovative and ethical thinking by using the latest information technology, according to work requirements and quality standards, compiling work papers and communicating them and being able to respond to future changes and still pay attention to social and environmental needs (KU1)
CPMK : Mampu memahami perbedaan software ERP dengan software akuntansi non ERP, memahami konsep dasar pengendalian internal dalam Sistem Informasi terkomputerisasi dan mampu membuat COA.(CPMK1) Able to understand the differences between ERP software and non-ERP accounting software, understand the basic concepts of internal control in computerised Information Systems and be able to make COA.(CPMK1)
KAD : Memahami Master Data COA, Supplier, dan Customer.(SubCPMK1.2) Understand COA, Supplier, and Customer Master Data (SubCPMK1.2) (2,2)
Daftar Kriteria Penilaian (Indikator)
PI Description PI Assessment Methods
Memahami Master Data COA, Supplier, dan Customer.Understand COA, Supplier, and Customer Master Data
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1. KUIS 1
2. Bisnis proses dari sebuah perusahaan dagang melalui flow chart
Tutorial Kolaborative Diskusi
Menggunakan Software cloud ERP
Mark G. Simkin, James L. Worrell, Airline A.Savage, (2018)
CAPAIAN PEMBELAJARAN : Mampu menyelesaikan pekerjaan dan memecahkan masalah bidang akuntansi dan perpajakan berdasarkan pemikiran logis, inovatif dan beretika dengan menggunakan teknologi informasi terkini, sesuai persyaratan kerja dan standar mutu, menyusun kertas kerja dan mengomunikasikannya serta mampu merespon perubahan masa depan serta tetap memperhatikan kebutuhan sosial dan lingkungan (KU1)Able to complete work and solve problems in accounting and taxation based on logical, innovative and ethical thinking by using the latest information technology, according to work requirements and quality standards, compiling work papers and communicating them and being able to respond to future changes and still pay attention to social and environmental needs (KU1)
CPMK : Mampu memahami perbedaan software ERP dengan software akuntansi non ERP, memahami konsep dasar pengendalian internal dalam Sistem Informasi terkomputerisasi dan mampu membuat COA.(CPMK1) Able to understand the differences between ERP software and non-ERP accounting software, understand the basic concepts of internal control in computerised Information Systems and be able to make COA.(CPMK1)
KAD : Memahami Master Data COA, Supplier, dan Customer.(SubCPMK1.2) Understand COA, Supplier, and Customer Master Data (SubCPMK1.2) (2,2)
Daftar Kriteria Penilaian (Indikator)
PI Description PI Assessment Methods
Memahami Master Data COA, Supplier, dan Customer.Understand COA, Supplier, and Customer Master Data
Praktikum 1 15.00 %
1. Konsep dasar siklus pengeluaran dan pengendalian internal pada siklus pengeluaran
2. Expenditure Cycle – Purchase Processing (Inventory)
Tutorial Kolaborative Diskusi
Menggunakan Software cloud ERP
Ujian Tengah Semester (Soal 2 UTS) - 21.00 %
CAPAIAN PEMBELAJARAN : Mampu menghitung, menyusun, menyajikan laporan akuntansi berdasarkan informasi keuangan dan non keuangan manajerial serta memeriksa laporan keuangan sebuah entitas sesuai dengan standar yang berlaku, baik secara manual atau dengan memanfaatkan teknologi informasi (KK1)Able to calculate, compile, present accounting reports based on managerial financial and non-financial information and examine the financial statements of an entity in accordance with applicable standards, either manually or by utilizing information technology (KK1)
CPMK : Mampu memahami konsep dasar dan pengendalian internal siklus Pengeluaran dan menggunakan software cloud ERP untuk Melakukan praktik siklus pengeluaran.(CPMK2)
Able to understand the basic concepts and internal controls of the Expense cycle and use cloud ERP software to perform expense cycle practices.(CPMK2)
KAD : Memahami transaksi Modul Purchasing (Purchase-Received).(SubCPMK2.1) Understand Purchasing Module transactions (Purchase-Received).(SubCPMK2.1) (2,2)
Daftar Kriteria Penilaian (Indikator)
PI Description PI Assessment Methods
Soal 2 UTSProblem 2 UTS
Ujian Tengah Semester (Soal 2 UTS) 21.00 %
Expenditure Cycle – Payment Processing (Inventory)
Tutorial Kolaborative Diskusi
Menggunakan Software cloud ERP
CAPAIAN PEMBELAJARAN : Mampu menghitung, menyusun, menyajikan laporan akuntansi berdasarkan informasi keuangan dan non keuangan manajerial serta memeriksa laporan keuangan sebuah entitas sesuai dengan standar yang berlaku, baik secara manual atau dengan memanfaatkan teknologi informasi (KK1)Able to calculate, compile, present accounting reports based on managerial financial and non-financial information and examine the financial statements of an entity in accordance with applicable standards, either manually or by utilizing information technology (KK1)
CPMK : Mampu memahami konsep dasar dan pengendalian internal siklus Pengeluaran dan menggunakan software cloud ERP untuk Melakukan praktik siklus pengeluaran.(CPMK2)
Able to understand the basic concepts and internal controls of the Expense cycle and use cloud ERP software to perform expense cycle practices.(CPMK2)
KAD : Memahami transaksi Modul Purchasing (Purchase Invoice-Payment).(SubCPMK2.2) Understand Purchasing Module transactions (Purchase Invoice-Payment).(SubCPMK2.2) (3,3)
Daftar Kriteria Penilaian (Indikator)
PI Description PI Assessment Methods
Memahami transaksi Modul Purchasing (Purchase Invoice-Payment).Understand Purchasing Module transactions (Purchase Invoice-Payment
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- GL Grouping
- Expenditure Cycle
Tutorial Kolaborative Diskusi
Menggunakan Software cloud ERP
CAPAIAN PEMBELAJARAN : Mampu menghitung, menyusun, menyajikan laporan akuntansi berdasarkan informasi keuangan dan non keuangan manajerial serta memeriksa laporan keuangan sebuah entitas sesuai dengan standar yang berlaku, baik secara manual atau dengan memanfaatkan teknologi informasi (KK1)Able to calculate, compile, present accounting reports based on managerial financial and non-financial information and examine the financial statements of an entity in accordance with applicable standards, either manually or by utilizing information technology (KK1)
CPMK : Mampu memahami konsep dasar dan pengendalian internal siklus Pengeluaran dan menggunakan software cloud ERP untuk Melakukan praktik siklus pengeluaran.(CPMK2)
Able to understand the basic concepts and internal controls of the Expense cycle and use cloud ERP software to perform expense cycle practices.(CPMK2)
KAD : Memahami transaksi Modul Purchasing (Purchase Invoice-Payment).(SubCPMK2.2) Understand Purchasing Module transactions (Purchase Invoice-Payment).(SubCPMK2.2) (3,3)
Daftar Kriteria Penilaian (Indikator)
PI Description PI Assessment Methods
Memahami transaksi Modul Purchasing (Purchase Invoice-Payment).Understand Purchasing Module transactions (Purchase Invoice-Payment
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Resource Management Cycle – Fixed Asset – Acquisition
1. PO-Receiving-PI-Payment Fixed
2. Asset-Cek Master Fixed Asset yang sudah terakuisisi
Tutorial Kolaborative Diskusi
Menggunakan Software cloud ERP
Ujian Akhir Semester (Soal 1 UAS) - 3.00 %
CAPAIAN PEMBELAJARAN : Mampu menghitung, menyusun, menyajikan laporan akuntansi berdasarkan informasi keuangan dan non keuangan manajerial serta memeriksa laporan keuangan sebuah entitas sesuai dengan standar yang berlaku, baik secara manual atau dengan memanfaatkan teknologi informasi (KK1)Able to calculate, compile, present accounting reports based on managerial financial and non-financial information and examine the financial statements of an entity in accordance with applicable standards, either manually or by utilizing information technology (KK1)
CPMK : Mampu memahami konsep dasar dan pengendalian internal siklus manajemen sumber daya, khususnya siklus aset tetap dan menggunakan software cloud ERP untuk melakukan praktik siklus Aset Tetap.(CPMK3) Able to understand the basic concepts and internal controls of the resource management cycle, especially the fixed asset cycle and use cloud ERP software to practice the Fixed Asset cycle.(CPMK3)
KAD : Memahami Proses Pembelian Aset Tetap (Purchase Processing of Fixed Asset).(SubCPMK3.1) Understand the Purchase Processing of Fixed Assets.(SubCPMK3.1) (3,3)
Daftar Kriteria Penilaian (Indikator)
PI Description PI Assessment Methods
Soal 1 UASProblem 1 UAS
Ujian Akhir Semester (Soal 1 UAS) 3.00 %
1. Konsep dasar dan pengendalian internal Siklus Penerimaan
2. Revenue Cycle – Sales Processing
Tutorial Kolaborative Diskusi
Menggunakan Software cloud ERP
- )
Ujian Akhir Semester (Soal 2 UAS) - 24.00 %
CAPAIAN PEMBELAJARAN : Mampu menghitung, menyusun, menyajikan laporan akuntansi berdasarkan informasi keuangan dan non keuangan manajerial serta memeriksa laporan keuangan sebuah entitas sesuai dengan standar yang berlaku, baik secara manual atau dengan memanfaatkan teknologi informasi (KK1)Able to calculate, compile, present accounting reports based on managerial financial and non-financial information and examine the financial statements of an entity in accordance with applicable standards, either manually or by utilizing information technology (KK1)
CPMK : Mampu memahami konsep dasar dan pengendalian internal siklus Penerimaan dan menggunakan software cloud ERP untuk Melakukan praktik siklus Penerimaan.(CPMK4) Able to understand the basic concepts and internal controls of the Revenue cycle and use cloud ERP software to perform Revenue cycle practices.(CPMK4)
KAD : Memahami transaksi Modul Order to Cash.(SubCPMK4.1)
Understand Order to Cash Module transactions.(SubCPMK4.1) (3,3)
Daftar Kriteria Penilaian (Indikator)
PI Description PI Assessment Methods
Soal 2 UASProblem 2 UAS
Ujian Akhir Semester (Soal 2 UAS) 24.00 %
Revenue Cycle – Cash Receipt
Tutorial Kolaborative Diskusi
Menggunakan Software cloud ERP
CAPAIAN PEMBELAJARAN : Mampu menghitung, menyusun, menyajikan laporan akuntansi berdasarkan informasi keuangan dan non keuangan manajerial serta memeriksa laporan keuangan sebuah entitas sesuai dengan standar yang berlaku, baik secara manual atau dengan memanfaatkan teknologi informasi (KK1)Able to calculate, compile, present accounting reports based on managerial financial and non-financial information and examine the financial statements of an entity in accordance with applicable standards, either manually or by utilizing information technology (KK1)
CPMK : Mampu memahami konsep dasar dan pengendalian internal siklus Penerimaan dan menggunakan software cloud ERP untuk Melakukan praktik siklus Penerimaan.(CPMK4) Able to understand the basic concepts and internal controls of the Revenue cycle and use cloud ERP software to perform Revenue cycle practices.(CPMK4)
KAD : Memahami dan mengidentifikasi kesalahan atau keanehan transaksi Modul Order To Cash(teori).(SubCPMK4.2) Understand and identify errors or anomalies in Order To Cash Module transactions (theory) (SubCPMK4.2) (2,2)
Daftar Kriteria Penilaian (Indikator)
PI Description PI Assessment Methods
Praktikum 2Practicum 2
Praktikum 2 15.00 %
1. Revenue Cycle – Sales Processing
2. Revenue Cycle – Cash Receipt
Tutorial Kolaborative Diskusi
Menggunakan Software cloud ERP
CAPAIAN PEMBELAJARAN : Mampu menghitung, menyusun, menyajikan laporan akuntansi berdasarkan informasi keuangan dan non keuangan manajerial serta memeriksa laporan keuangan sebuah entitas sesuai dengan standar yang berlaku, baik secara manual atau dengan memanfaatkan teknologi informasi (KK1)Able to calculate, compile, present accounting reports based on managerial financial and non-financial information and examine the financial statements of an entity in accordance with applicable standards, either manually or by utilizing information technology (KK1)
CPMK : Mampu memahami konsep dasar dan pengendalian internal siklus Buku Besar dan Pelaporan Keuangan dan menggunakan software cloud ERP untuk Melakukan praktik siklus Buku Besar dan Pelaporan Keuangan, serta penerapan perpajakan.(CPMK5) Able to understand the basic concepts and internal controls of the General Ledger cycle and Financial Reporting and use cloud ERP software to practice the General Ledger cycle and Financial Reporting, as well as the application of taxation.(CPMK5)
KAD : Mampu memahami pengendalian internal terkait siklus Buku Besar dan Pelaporan.(SubCPMK5.1) Able to understand internal controls related to the Ledger and Reporting cycle.(SubCPMK5.1) (3,3)
Daftar Kriteria Penilaian (Indikator)
PI Description PI Assessment Methods
1. konsep dasar dan pengendalian internal Siklus Buku Besar dan Pelaporan Keuangan.
2. Proses posting dan closing entries
3. Reporting :
a. AR aging
b. AP aging
c. Cashflow aging
d. Cash advance
4. Inventory Movement Stock (Kartu Stock)
Tutorial Kolaborative Diskusi
Menggunakan Software cloud ERP
CAPAIAN PEMBELAJARAN : Mampu menghitung, menyusun, menyajikan laporan akuntansi berdasarkan informasi keuangan dan non keuangan manajerial serta memeriksa laporan keuangan sebuah entitas sesuai dengan standar yang berlaku, baik secara manual atau dengan memanfaatkan teknologi informasi (KK1)Able to calculate, compile, present accounting reports based on managerial financial and non-financial information and examine the financial statements of an entity in accordance with applicable standards, either manually or by utilizing information technology (KK1)
CPMK : Mampu memahami konsep dasar dan pengendalian internal siklus Buku Besar dan Pelaporan Keuangan dan menggunakan software cloud ERP untuk Melakukan praktik siklus Buku Besar dan Pelaporan Keuangan, serta penerapan perpajakan.(CPMK5) Able to understand the basic concepts and internal controls of the General Ledger cycle and Financial Reporting and use cloud ERP software to practice the General Ledger cycle and Financial Reporting, as well as the application of taxation.(CPMK5)
KAD : Mampu melakukan Praktik: 1. Proses posting dan closing entries 2. Reporting : AR aging AP aging Cashflow aging Cash advance Inventory Movement Stock (Kartu Stock).(SubCPMK5.2) Able to perform Practices: 1. Posting process and closing entries 2. Reporting: AR aging AP aging Cashflow aging Cash advance Inventory Movement Stock (Stock Card).(SubCPMK5.2) (3,3)
Daftar Kriteria Penilaian (Indikator)
PI Description PI Assessment Methods
Mampu melakukan Praktik: 1. Proses posting dan closing entries 2. Reporting : AR aging AP aging Cashflow aging Cash advance Inventory Movement Stock (Kartu Stock).Able to perform Practices: 1. Posting process and closing entries 2. Reporting: AR aging AP aging Cashflow aging Cash advance Inventory Movement Stock (Stock Card).
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Lanjutan Reporting:
a. Profit and Loss Statement (Income Statement)
b. Statement of Financial Position (Neraca)
c. Trial Balance (auto generate)
d. Consolidated Financial Statement
Tutorial Kolaborative Diskusi
Menggunakan Software cloud ERP
Ujian Akhir Semester (Soal 3 UAS) - 3.00 %
CAPAIAN PEMBELAJARAN : Mampu menghitung, menyusun, menyajikan laporan akuntansi berdasarkan informasi keuangan dan non keuangan manajerial serta memeriksa laporan keuangan sebuah entitas sesuai dengan standar yang berlaku, baik secara manual atau dengan memanfaatkan teknologi informasi (KK1)Able to calculate, compile, present accounting reports based on managerial financial and non-financial information and examine the financial statements of an entity in accordance with applicable standards, either manually or by utilizing information technology (KK1)
CPMK : Mampu memahami konsep dasar dan pengendalian internal siklus Buku Besar dan Pelaporan Keuangan dan menggunakan software cloud ERP untuk Melakukan praktik siklus Buku Besar dan Pelaporan Keuangan, serta penerapan perpajakan.(CPMK5) Able to understand the basic concepts and internal controls of the General Ledger cycle and Financial Reporting and use cloud ERP software to practice the General Ledger cycle and Financial Reporting, as well as the application of taxation.(CPMK5)
KAD : Mampu melakukan praktik Reporting terkait: Profit and Loss Statement (Income Statement) Statement of Financial Position (Neraca) Trial Balance (auto generate) Konsolidasi.(SubCPMK5.3) Able to perform related Reporting practices: Profit and Loss Statement (Income Statement) Statement of Financial Position (Balance Sheet) Trial Balance (auto generate) Consolidation (SubCPMK5.3) (3,3)
Daftar Kriteria Penilaian (Indikator)
PI Description PI Assessment Methods
Soal 3 UASProblem 3 UAS
Ujian Akhir Semester (Soal 3 UAS) 3.00 %
a. Revenue Cycle – Sales Processing – Cash Receipt
b. GL and Financial Reporting Cycle
Tutorial Kolaborative Diskusi
Menggunakan Software cloud ERP
CAPAIAN PEMBELAJARAN : Mampu menghitung, menyusun, menyajikan laporan akuntansi berdasarkan informasi keuangan dan non keuangan manajerial serta memeriksa laporan keuangan sebuah entitas sesuai dengan standar yang berlaku, baik secara manual atau dengan memanfaatkan teknologi informasi (KK1)Able to calculate, compile, present accounting reports based on managerial financial and non-financial information and examine the financial statements of an entity in accordance with applicable standards, either manually or by utilizing information technology (KK1)
CPMK : Mampu memahami konsep dasar dan pengendalian internal siklus Buku Besar dan Pelaporan Keuangan dan menggunakan software cloud ERP untuk Melakukan praktik siklus Buku Besar dan Pelaporan Keuangan, serta penerapan perpajakan.(CPMK5) Able to understand the basic concepts and internal controls of the General Ledger cycle and Financial Reporting and use cloud ERP software to practice the General Ledger cycle and Financial Reporting, as well as the application of taxation.(CPMK5)
KAD : Mampu melakukan praktik Reporting terkait: Profit and Loss Statement (Income Statement) Statement of Financial Position (Neraca) Trial Balance (auto generate) Konsolidasi.(SubCPMK5.3) Able to perform related Reporting practices: Profit and Loss Statement (Income Statement) Statement of Financial Position (Balance Sheet) Trial Balance (auto generate) Consolidation (SubCPMK5.3) (3,3)
Daftar Kriteria Penilaian (Indikator)
PI Description PI Assessment Methods
Soal 3 UASProblem 3 UAS
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Assessment Component
Assessment Detail
No Component Name Weightage
Praktikum 1
Praktikum 2
Ujian Akhir Semester
Ujian Tengah Semester
Total 100
Daftar Referensi
1. Primandana B, Q.Ranggala, M. Nadhifah. Modul Praktikum Enterprise Resource Planning. DIII Akuntansi Perpajakan FEB Trisakti . 2022 2. Romney, Marshal., Paul Steinbart. Accounting Information System 15th edition. Pearson Prentice Hall, New Jersey (ROM). . 2021 3. Hall, A. James,. Accounting Information Systems”10th edition. Cengage Learning (HALL).. 2018 4. Mark G. Simkin, James L. Worrell, Airline A.Savage, . Core Concepts ofAccounting Information System,14th edition. John Wiley &Sons,Inc., (Simkin). 2018