Sesi Ke |
Bahan Kajian |
Metoda Pembelajaran |
Waktu Belajar (Menit) |
Pengalaman Belajar Mahasiswa |
Referensi |
Kriteria Penilaian (Indikator) |
1 |
Pengantar |
100.00 |
mendengarkan dan diskusi |
- Ujian Tengah Semester - 2.00 %
CAPAIAN PEMBELAJARAN: Memiliki kemampuan dalam pengelolaan bisnis dengan memanfaatkan teknologi informasi dan memahami model sistem, metode dan berbagai teknik peningkatan bisnis proses yang mendatangkan suatu nilai untuk organisasi. (CPL-8 (KK.f)) Possess the ability to manage businesses utilizing information technology and understand system models, methods, and various techniques for enhancing business processes and generating value for organizations. (CPL-8 (KK.f))
CPMK: mhs mampu memahami pengertian data, konten dan informasi students are able to understand the meaning of data, content and information |
KAD: mampu mengetahui jenis jenis content mangement system able to know the types of content management systems (1,1) |
Daftar Kriteria Penilaian (Indikator) |
PI Description | PI Assessment Methods |
Ketepatan dalam menjawab soal UTS Correctness in answering question of Examination Test |
Ujian Tengah Semester 1.00 %
| 0.25(Fail)
| 0.50(Pass)
| 0.75(Pass)
| 1.00(Pass)
Jawaban Ujian salah Incorrect answer for Examination Test | 25% jawaban Ujian benar. 25% answer for Examination Test is correct. | 50% jawaban Ujian benar.
50% answer for Examination Test is correct. | 75% jawaban Ujian benar.
75% answer for Examination Test is correct. | 100% jawaban Ujian benar. 100% answer for Examination Test is correct. |
KAD: mhs mampu menjelaskan tentang pengertian web content management Students are able to explain the meaning of web content management (2,2) |
Daftar Kriteria Penilaian (Indikator) |
PI Description | PI Assessment Methods |
Ketepatan dalam menjawab soal UTS Correctness in answering question of Examination Test |
Ujian Tengah Semester 1.00 %
2 |
Pengantar |
- Tutorial
- Percobaan
- Diskusi
100.00 |
mendengarkan paparan dosen serta praktek mandiri di lab |
- Quiz - 2.00 %
- Ujian Tengah Semester - 4.00 %
- Tugas Kelompok 1 - 2.00 %
CAPAIAN PEMBELAJARAN: Memiliki kemampuan dalam pengelolaan bisnis dengan memanfaatkan teknologi informasi dan memahami model sistem, metode dan berbagai teknik peningkatan bisnis proses yang mendatangkan suatu nilai untuk organisasi. (CPL-8 (KK.f)) Possess the ability to manage businesses utilizing information technology and understand system models, methods, and various techniques for enhancing business processes and generating value for organizations. (CPL-8 (KK.f))
CPMK: mhs mampu memahami pengertian data, konten dan informasi students are able to understand the meaning of data, content and information |
KAD: mampu mengetahui jenis jenis content mangement system able to know the types of content management systems (1,1) |
Daftar Kriteria Penilaian (Indikator) |
PI Description | PI Assessment Methods |
Ketepatan dalam menjawab soal UTS Correctness in answering question of Examination Test |
Ujian Tengah Semester 4.00 %
| 0.25(Fail)
| 0.50(Pass)
| 0.75(Pass)
| 1.00(Pass)
Jawaban Ujian salah Incorrect answer for Examination Test | 25% jawaban Ujian benar. 25% answer for Examination Test is correct. | 50% jawaban Ujian benar.
50% answer for Examination Test is correct. | 75% jawaban Ujian benar.
75% answer for Examination Test is correct. | 100% jawaban Ujian benar. 100% answer for Examination Test is correct. |
CAPAIAN PEMBELAJARAN: Memiliki kemampuan merencanakan, menerapkan, memelihara dan meningkatkan sistem informasi organisasi untuk mencapai tujuan dan sasaran organisasi yang strategis baik jangka pendek maupun jangka panjang. (CPL06 (KK.i)) Possess the ability to plan, implement, maintain, and improve organizational information systems to achieve short-term and long-term strategic goals. (CPL06 (KK.i))
CPMK: mahasiswa mampu menginstal dan mengoperasikanperangkat lunak cms wordpres Students are able to install and operate WordPress CMS software |
KAD: mahasiswa mampu mengedit general setting, permalink dan user pada wordpres Students are able to edit general settings, permalinks and users in WordPress (3,3) |
Daftar Kriteria Penilaian (Indikator) |
PI Description | PI Assessment Methods |
1. mampu menyelesaikan tugas yg diberikan dgn benar Able to complete assigned tasks correctly |
Tugas Kelompok 1 1.00 %
PI Description | PI Assessment Methods |
2. Ketepatan dalam menjawab soal Tugas Accuracy in answering assignment questions |
Quiz 2.00 %
| 0.25(Fail)
| 0.50(Pass)
| 0.75(Pass)
| 1.00(Pass)
Jawaban Quiz salah Incorrect answer for Quiz | 25% jawaban Quiz benar.
25% answer for Quiz is correct | 50% jawaban Quiz benar 50% answer for Quiz is correct | 75% jawaban Quiz benar 75% answer for Quiz is correct | 100% jawaban Quiz benar 100% answer for Quiz is correct |
KAD: Siswa dapat menginstal plugin WooCommerce, Jetpack dan membuat ulang thumbnail Students are able to instal plugin
WooCommerce, Jetpack dan regenerate thumbnail (3,3) |
Daftar Kriteria Penilaian (Indikator) |
PI Description | PI Assessment Methods |
Plugin woocommerce, jetpack dan thumbnail regeneration telah terinstal dan berfungsi dengan baik The woocommerce, jetpack and thumbnail regeneration plugins have been installed and are working properly |
Tugas Kelompok 1 1.00 %
3 |
Point point perbandingan |
100.00 |
mendengar paparan dosen, simulasi komunikasi kelompok dengan memperagakan instalasi cms wordpress dengan mahasiswa sebagai host |
- Ujian Tengah Semester - 4.00 %
- Quiz - 2.00 %
- Tugas Kelompok 1 - 2.00 %
CAPAIAN PEMBELAJARAN: Memiliki kemampuan dalam pengelolaan bisnis dengan memanfaatkan teknologi informasi dan memahami model sistem, metode dan berbagai teknik peningkatan bisnis proses yang mendatangkan suatu nilai untuk organisasi. (CPL-8 (KK.f)) Possess the ability to manage businesses utilizing information technology and understand system models, methods, and various techniques for enhancing business processes and generating value for organizations. (CPL-8 (KK.f))
CPMK: mhs mampu memahami pengertian data, konten dan informasi students are able to understand the meaning of data, content and information |
KAD: mhs mampu menjelaskan komponen aplikasi penyusun cms Students are able to explain the application components that make up CMS (2,2) |
Daftar Kriteria Penilaian (Indikator) |
PI Description | PI Assessment Methods |
Ketepatan dalam menjawab soal UTS Accuracy in answering UTS questions |
Ujian Tengah Semester 4.00 %
| 0.25(Fail)
| 0.50(Pass)
| 0.75(Pass)
| 1.00(Pass)
Jawaban Ujian salah Incorrect answer for Examination Test | 25% jawaban Ujian benar.
25% answer for Examination Test is correct. | 50% jawaban Ujian benar.
50% answer for Examination Test is correct. | 75% jawaban Ujian benar.
75% answer for Examination Test is correct. | 100% jawaban Ujian benar.
100% answer for Examination Test is correct. |
KAD: mampu membedakan antara publishing mono direktion dan bi direktion able to differentiate between mono direktion and bi direktion publishing (2,2) |
Daftar Kriteria Penilaian (Indikator) |
PI Description | PI Assessment Methods |
Ketepatan dalam menjawab soal Tugas Accuracy in answering assignment questions |
Quiz 2.00 %
| 0.25(Fail)
| 0.50(Pass)
| 0.75(Pass)
| 1.00(Pass)
Jawaban Quiz salah
Incorrect answer for Quiz | 25% jawaban Ujian benar.
25% answer for Examination Test is correct. | 50% jawaban Ujian benar.
50 answer for Examination Test is correct. | 75% jawaban Ujian benar.
75% answer for Examination Test is correct. | 100% jawaban Ujian benar.
100% answer for Examination Test is correct. |
CAPAIAN PEMBELAJARAN: Memiliki kemampuan merencanakan, menerapkan, memelihara dan meningkatkan sistem informasi organisasi untuk mencapai tujuan dan sasaran organisasi yang strategis baik jangka pendek maupun jangka panjang. (CPL06 (KK.i)) Possess the ability to plan, implement, maintain, and improve organizational information systems to achieve short-term and long-term strategic goals. (CPL06 (KK.i))
CPMK: mahasiswa mampu menginstal dan mengoperasikanperangkat lunak cms wordpres Students are able to install and operate WordPress CMS software |
KAD: Siswa dapat menginstal plugin WooCommerce, Jetpack dan membuat ulang thumbnail Students are able to instal plugin
WooCommerce, Jetpack dan regenerate thumbnail (3,3) |
Daftar Kriteria Penilaian (Indikator) |
PI Description | PI Assessment Methods |
Plugin woocommerce, jetpack dan thumbnail regeneration telah terinstal dan berfungsi dengan baik The woocommerce, jetpack and thumbnail regeneration plugins have been installed and are working properly |
Tugas Kelompok 1 1.00 %
KAD: mampu mengatur plugin woocommerce dan security jetpack Able to manage WooCommerce plugins and Jetpack security (3,3) |
Daftar Kriteria Penilaian (Indikator) |
PI Description | PI Assessment Methods |
Plugin woocommerce dan sekuriti jetpack telah terinstal dan berfungsi dengan baik The woocommerce and security jetpack plugins have been installed and are working properly |
Tugas Kelompok 1 1.00 %
4 |
point point perbandingan |
- Tutorial
- Percobaan
- Diskusi
100.00 |
mengetahui perbedaan sistem dan non sistem |
- Quiz - 2.00 %
- Ujian Tengah Semester - 4.00 %
- Tugas Kelompok 1 - 2.00 %
CAPAIAN PEMBELAJARAN: Memiliki kemampuan dalam pengelolaan bisnis dengan memanfaatkan teknologi informasi dan memahami model sistem, metode dan berbagai teknik peningkatan bisnis proses yang mendatangkan suatu nilai untuk organisasi. (CPL-8 (KK.f)) Possess the ability to manage businesses utilizing information technology and understand system models, methods, and various techniques for enhancing business processes and generating value for organizations. (CPL-8 (KK.f))
CPMK: mhs mampu memahami pengertian data, konten dan informasi students are able to understand the meaning of data, content and information |
KAD: mampu membedakan antara publishing mono direktion dan bi direktion able to differentiate between mono direktion and bi direktion publishing (2,2) |
Daftar Kriteria Penilaian (Indikator) |
PI Description | PI Assessment Methods |
Ketepatan dalam menjawab soal Tugas Accuracy in answering assignment questions |
Quiz 1.00 %
| 0.25(Fail)
| 0.50(Pass)
| 0.75(Pass)
| 1.00(Pass)
Jawaban Quiz salah
Incorrect answer for Quiz | 25% jawaban Ujian benar.
25% answer for Examination Test is correct. | 50% jawaban Ujian benar.
50 answer for Examination Test is correct. | 75% jawaban Ujian benar.
75% answer for Examination Test is correct. | 100% jawaban Ujian benar.
100% answer for Examination Test is correct. |
KAD: mhs mengetahui cara membangun aplikasi software cms students know how to build CMS software applications (2,2) |
Daftar Kriteria Penilaian (Indikator) |
PI Description | PI Assessment Methods |
Ketepatan dalam menjawab soal Tugas Accuracy in answering assignment questions |
Quiz 1.00 %
KAD: mahasiswa mengetahui cara menggunakan aplikasi software as service students know how to use software as service applications (3,3) |
Daftar Kriteria Penilaian (Indikator) |
PI Description | PI Assessment Methods |
Ketepatan dalam menjawab soal UTS Accuracy in answering UTS questions |
Ujian Tengah Semester 4.00 %
| 0.00(Fail)
| 1.00(Pass)
| 1.00(Pass)
| 1.00(Pass)
Jawaban UTS salah UTS answer is wrong | 25% jawaban UTS benar.
25% answer for UTS is correct. | 50% jawaban UTS benar 50% answer for UTS is correct. | 75% jawaban UTS benar 75% answer for UTS is correct. | 100% answer for UTS is correct. 100% answer for UTS is correct. |
CAPAIAN PEMBELAJARAN: Memiliki kemampuan merencanakan, menerapkan, memelihara dan meningkatkan sistem informasi organisasi untuk mencapai tujuan dan sasaran organisasi yang strategis baik jangka pendek maupun jangka panjang. (CPL06 (KK.i)) Possess the ability to plan, implement, maintain, and improve organizational information systems to achieve short-term and long-term strategic goals. (CPL06 (KK.i))
CPMK: mahasiswa mampu menginstal dan mengoperasikanperangkat lunak cms wordpres Students are able to install and operate WordPress CMS software |
KAD: mampu menambahkan font awesome pada web, kontak dan fitur service pada header able toadd awesome font web, contact and service fitur on header (3,3) |
Daftar Kriteria Penilaian (Indikator) |
PI Description | PI Assessment Methods |
Font awesome pada web, kontak dan fitur service pada header dapat di asang dan dijalankan dengan benar Awesome fonts on the web, contact and service features in the header can be installed and run correctly |
Tugas Kelompok 1 1.00 %
KAD: mampu membuat favicon, logo dan background header dgn fotoshop able to create favicon, logo and header background with Photoshop (3,3) |
Daftar Kriteria Penilaian (Indikator) |
PI Description | PI Assessment Methods |
Favicon, logo dan background header dapat dipasang dan dijalankan dengan benar
Favicon, logo and header background can be installed and run correctly |
Tugas Kelompok 1 1.00 %
5 |
Akuiring |
- Tutorial
- Percobaan
- Diskusi
100.00 |
mengetahui instalasi berbayar dan free |
- Quiz - 1.00 %
- Ujian Tengah Semester - 4.00 %
- Tugas Kelompok 1 - 2.00 %
CAPAIAN PEMBELAJARAN: Memiliki kemampuan dalam pengelolaan bisnis dengan memanfaatkan teknologi informasi dan memahami model sistem, metode dan berbagai teknik peningkatan bisnis proses yang mendatangkan suatu nilai untuk organisasi. (CPL-8 (KK.f)) Possess the ability to manage businesses utilizing information technology and understand system models, methods, and various techniques for enhancing business processes and generating value for organizations. (CPL-8 (KK.f))
CPMK: mhs mampu memahami pengertian data, konten dan informasi students are able to understand the meaning of data, content and information |
KAD: mhs mengetahui cara membangun aplikasi software cms students know how to build CMS software applications (2,2) |
Daftar Kriteria Penilaian (Indikator) |
PI Description | PI Assessment Methods |
Ketepatan dalam menjawab soal Tugas Accuracy in answering assignment questions |
Quiz 1.00 %
Ujian Tengah Semester 2.00 %
KAD: mahasiswa mengetahui cara menggunakan aplikasi software as service students know how to use software as service applications (3,3) |
Daftar Kriteria Penilaian (Indikator) |
PI Description | PI Assessment Methods |
Ketepatan dalam menjawab soal UTS Accuracy in answering UTS questions |
Ujian Tengah Semester 2.00 %
| 0.00(Fail)
| 1.00(Pass)
| 1.00(Pass)
| 1.00(Pass)
Jawaban UTS salah UTS answer is wrong | 25% jawaban UTS benar.
25% answer for UTS is correct. | 50% jawaban UTS benar 50% answer for UTS is correct. | 75% jawaban UTS benar 75% answer for UTS is correct. | 100% answer for UTS is correct. 100% answer for UTS is correct. |
CAPAIAN PEMBELAJARAN: Memiliki kemampuan merencanakan, menerapkan, memelihara dan meningkatkan sistem informasi organisasi untuk mencapai tujuan dan sasaran organisasi yang strategis baik jangka pendek maupun jangka panjang. (CPL06 (KK.i)) Possess the ability to plan, implement, maintain, and improve organizational information systems to achieve short-term and long-term strategic goals. (CPL06 (KK.i))
CPMK: mahasiswa mampu menginstal dan mengoperasikanperangkat lunak cms wordpres Students are able to install and operate WordPress CMS software |
KAD: mahasiswa mampu membuat kategori, subkategori, atribut dan tag pada produk ecommerce Students are able to create categories, subcategories, attributes and tags for ecommerce products (3,3) |
Daftar Kriteria Penilaian (Indikator) |
PI Description | PI Assessment Methods |
mahasiswa mampu membuat Kategori, subkategori, atribut dan tag pada produk ecommerce Students are able to create categories, subcategories, attributes and tags for ecommerce products |
Tugas Kelompok 1 1.00 %
KAD: mahasiswa mampu membuat inventory dan shipping produk Students are able to create product inventory and shipping (3,3) |
Daftar Kriteria Penilaian (Indikator) |
PI Description | PI Assessment Methods |
Inventory dan shipping produk dapat berfungsi dgn baik pada aplikasi ecommerce yg dibuat Product inventory and shipping can function well in the ecommerce application created |
Tugas Kelompok 1 1.00 %
6 |
Akuiring |
100.00 |
mengetahui instalasi cms bersifat Saas |
- Quiz - 2.00 %
- Ujian Tengah Semester - 3.00 %
- Tugas Kelompok 1 - 2.00 %
CAPAIAN PEMBELAJARAN: Memiliki kemampuan dalam pengelolaan bisnis dengan memanfaatkan teknologi informasi dan memahami model sistem, metode dan berbagai teknik peningkatan bisnis proses yang mendatangkan suatu nilai untuk organisasi. (CPL-8 (KK.f)) Possess the ability to manage businesses utilizing information technology and understand system models, methods, and various techniques for enhancing business processes and generating value for organizations. (CPL-8 (KK.f))
CPMK: mhs mampu memahami pengertian data, konten dan informasi students are able to understand the meaning of data, content and information |
KAD: mhs mengetahui cara membangun aplikasi software cms students know how to build CMS software applications (2,2) |
Daftar Kriteria Penilaian (Indikator) |
PI Description | PI Assessment Methods |
Ketepatan dalam menjawab soal Tugas Accuracy in answering assignment questions |
Quiz 1.00 %
Ujian Tengah Semester 1.00 %
KAD: mahasiswa mengetahui cara menggunakan aplikasi software as service students know how to use software as service applications (3,3) |
Daftar Kriteria Penilaian (Indikator) |
PI Description | PI Assessment Methods |
Ketepatan dalam menjawab soal UTS Accuracy in answering UTS questions |
Quiz 1.00 %
Ujian Tengah Semester 2.00 %
| 0.00(Fail)
| 1.00(Pass)
| 1.00(Pass)
| 1.00(Pass)
Jawaban UTS salah UTS answer is wrong | 25% jawaban UTS benar.
25% answer for UTS is correct. | 50% jawaban UTS benar 50% answer for UTS is correct. | 75% jawaban UTS benar 75% answer for UTS is correct. | 100% answer for UTS is correct. 100% answer for UTS is correct. |
CAPAIAN PEMBELAJARAN: Memiliki kemampuan merencanakan, menerapkan, memelihara dan meningkatkan sistem informasi organisasi untuk mencapai tujuan dan sasaran organisasi yang strategis baik jangka pendek maupun jangka panjang. (CPL06 (KK.i)) Possess the ability to plan, implement, maintain, and improve organizational information systems to achieve short-term and long-term strategic goals. (CPL06 (KK.i))
CPMK: mahasiswa mampu menginstal dan mengoperasikanperangkat lunak cms wordpres Students are able to install and operate WordPress CMS software |
KAD: mahasiswa mampu membuat inventory dan shipping produk Students are able to create product inventory and shipping (3,3) |
Daftar Kriteria Penilaian (Indikator) |
PI Description | PI Assessment Methods |
Inventory dan shipping produk dapat berfungsi dgn baik pada aplikasi ecommerce yg dibuat Product inventory and shipping can function well in the ecommerce application created |
Tugas Kelompok 1 1.00 %
KAD: mampu menambahkan widget, filter harga dan link market place able to add widgets, price filters and market place links (3,3) |
Daftar Kriteria Penilaian (Indikator) |
PI Description | PI Assessment Methods |
widget, filter harga dan link market place dapat berfungsi dengan baik widgets, price filters and market place links can function well |
Tugas Kelompok 1 1.00 %
7 |
Team |
100.00 |
mengetahui fitur dasar |
- Quiz - 2.00 %
- Ujian Tengah Semester - 4.00 %
- Tugas Kelompok 1 - 2.00 %
CAPAIAN PEMBELAJARAN: Memiliki kemampuan dalam pengelolaan bisnis dengan memanfaatkan teknologi informasi dan memahami model sistem, metode dan berbagai teknik peningkatan bisnis proses yang mendatangkan suatu nilai untuk organisasi. (CPL-8 (KK.f)) Possess the ability to manage businesses utilizing information technology and understand system models, methods, and various techniques for enhancing business processes and generating value for organizations. (CPL-8 (KK.f))
CPMK: mhs mampu memahami pengertian data, konten dan informasi students are able to understand the meaning of data, content and information |
KAD: mahasiswa mampu membuat tim penyusun aplikasi cms Students are able to create a CMS application writing team (3,3) |
Daftar Kriteria Penilaian (Indikator) |
PI Description | PI Assessment Methods |
Ketepatan menjawab soal quis atau UTS Accuracy in answering quiz or UTS questions |
Quiz 2.00 %
Ujian Tengah Semester 4.00 %
| 1.00(Fail)
| 1.00(Pass)
| 1.00(Pass)
| 1.00(Pass)
Jawaban quis atau UTS salah Wrong quiz or UTS answer | 25% jawaban quis atau UTS benar 25% of quiz or UTS answers are correct | 50% jawaban quis atau UTS benar
50% of quiz or UTS answers are correct | 75% jawaban quis atau UTS benar
75% of quiz or UTS answers are correct | 100% jawaban quis atau UTS benar
100% of quiz or UTS answers are correct |
CAPAIAN PEMBELAJARAN: Memiliki kemampuan merencanakan, menerapkan, memelihara dan meningkatkan sistem informasi organisasi untuk mencapai tujuan dan sasaran organisasi yang strategis baik jangka pendek maupun jangka panjang. (CPL06 (KK.i)) Possess the ability to plan, implement, maintain, and improve organizational information systems to achieve short-term and long-term strategic goals. (CPL06 (KK.i))
CPMK: mahasiswa mampu menginstal dan mengoperasikanperangkat lunak cms wordpres Students are able to install and operate WordPress CMS software |
KAD: mampu menambahkan widget, plugin ongkir dan pembayaran able to add widgets, postage and payment plugins (3,3) |
Daftar Kriteria Penilaian (Indikator) |
PI Description | PI Assessment Methods |
Widget, plugin ongkir dan pembayaran telah terpasang dan berfungsi dengan baik Widgets, postage and payment plugins are installed and working properly |
Tugas Kelompok 1 1.00 %
KAD: mahasiswa mampu membuat menu kupon, diskon serta mampu membuat resi pengiriman kepada kustomer Students are able to create coupon menus, discounts and are able to create delivery receipts to customers (3,3) |
Daftar Kriteria Penilaian (Indikator) |
PI Description | PI Assessment Methods |
Menu kupon, diskon serta resi pengiriman kepada kustomer telah terasang dan bekerja dengan baik The coupon menu, discounts and delivery receipts to customers have been installed and are working well |
Tugas Kelompok 1 1.00 %
8 |
Team |
- Tutorial
- Percobaan
- Presentasi
100.00 |
Memahami sindrom do every thing |
- Quiz - 2.00 %
- Ujian Akhir Semester - 4.00 %
- Tugas Kelompok 2 - 2.00 %
CAPAIAN PEMBELAJARAN: Memiliki kemampuan dalam pengelolaan bisnis dengan memanfaatkan teknologi informasi dan memahami model sistem, metode dan berbagai teknik peningkatan bisnis proses yang mendatangkan suatu nilai untuk organisasi. (CPL-8 (KK.f)) Possess the ability to manage businesses utilizing information technology and understand system models, methods, and various techniques for enhancing business processes and generating value for organizations. (CPL-8 (KK.f))
CPMK: mhs mampu memahami pengertian data, konten dan informasi students are able to understand the meaning of data, content and information |
KAD: mengetahui tugas editor, site planner know the duties of the editor, site planner (3,3) |
Daftar Kriteria Penilaian (Indikator) |
PI Description | PI Assessment Methods |
Ketepatan menjawab quis atau UAS Accuracy in answering quis or UAS |
Quiz 2.00 %
Ujian Akhir Semester 4.00 %
| 0.00(Fail)
| 0.00(Pass)
| 1.00(Pass)
| 1.00(Pass)
Jawaban quis atau uas salah The quiz or exam answer is wrong | 25% jawaban quis atau uas benar 25% of quiz or exam answers are correct | 50% jawaban quis atau uas benar 50% of quiz or exam answers are correct | 75% jawaban quiz or uas correct 75% of quiz or exam answers are correct | 100% jawaban quiz atau uas adalah benar 100% of quiz or exam answers are correct |
CAPAIAN PEMBELAJARAN: Memiliki kemampuan merencanakan, menerapkan, memelihara dan meningkatkan sistem informasi organisasi untuk mencapai tujuan dan sasaran organisasi yang strategis baik jangka pendek maupun jangka panjang. (CPL06 (KK.i)) Possess the ability to plan, implement, maintain, and improve organizational information systems to achieve short-term and long-term strategic goals. (CPL06 (KK.i))
CPMK: mahasiswa mampu menginstal dan mengoperasikan perangkat lunak cms lms moodle Students are able to install and operate Moodle LMS CMS |
KAD: mampu membuat kartu peserta, mengatur thema dan navigasi serta mempercantik tampilan able to create participant cards, set themes and navigation and beautify the appearance (3,3) |
Daftar Kriteria Penilaian (Indikator) |
PI Description | PI Assessment Methods |
Kartu peserta, navigasi dan tampilan daat ditampilkan dengan baik Participant cards, navigation and data displays are displayed well |
Tugas Kelompok 2 1.00 %
KAD: mahasiswa mampu menginstal lms moodle dan cara pensetingannya Students are able to install Moodle LMS and how to set it up (3,3) |
Daftar Kriteria Penilaian (Indikator) |
PI Description | PI Assessment Methods |
mampu menunjukan instalasi lms moodle dan cara pensettingannya dengan baik dan benar able to show the Moodle LMS installation and how to set it up properly and correctly |
Tugas Kelompok 2 1.00 %
9 |
Fitur |
100.00 |
mengetahui fitur dasar |
- Quiz - 2.00 %
- Ujian Akhir Semester - 3.00 %
- Tugas Kelompok 2 - 2.00 %
CAPAIAN PEMBELAJARAN: Memiliki kemampuan dalam pengelolaan bisnis dengan memanfaatkan teknologi informasi dan memahami model sistem, metode dan berbagai teknik peningkatan bisnis proses yang mendatangkan suatu nilai untuk organisasi. (CPL-8 (KK.f)) Possess the ability to manage businesses utilizing information technology and understand system models, methods, and various techniques for enhancing business processes and generating value for organizations. (CPL-8 (KK.f))
CPMK: mhs mampu memahami pengertian data, konten dan informasi students are able to understand the meaning of data, content and information |
KAD: mahasiswa mampu mengetahui fitur fitur students are able to know the features (2,2) |
Daftar Kriteria Penilaian (Indikator) |
PI Description | PI Assessment Methods |
Ketepatan menjawab soal quis atau uas .... |
Quiz 2.00 %
Ujian Akhir Semester 3.00 %
| 0.00(Fail)
| 0.00(Pass)
| 0.00(Pass)
| 0.00(Pass)
jawaba quis atau uas salah .... | 25% jawaban quis atau uas benar
25% of quiz or exam answers are correct | 50% jawaban quis atau uas benar
50% of quiz or exam answers are correct | 75% jawaban quis atau uas benar
75% of quiz or exam answers are correct | 100% jawaban quis atau uas benar
100% of quiz or exam answers are correct |
CAPAIAN PEMBELAJARAN: Memiliki kemampuan merencanakan, menerapkan, memelihara dan meningkatkan sistem informasi organisasi untuk mencapai tujuan dan sasaran organisasi yang strategis baik jangka pendek maupun jangka panjang. (CPL06 (KK.i)) Possess the ability to plan, implement, maintain, and improve organizational information systems to achieve short-term and long-term strategic goals. (CPL06 (KK.i))
CPMK: mahasiswa mampu menginstal dan mengoperasikan perangkat lunak cms lms moodle Students are able to install and operate Moodle LMS CMS |
KAD: mahasiswa mampu membuat kategori dan user mooodle Students are able to create categories and Moodle users (3,3) |
Daftar Kriteria Penilaian (Indikator) |
PI Description | PI Assessment Methods |
Pembuatan kategori dan user berjalan dengan benar Category and user creation works correctly |
Tugas Kelompok 2 1.00 %
KAD: mahasiswa mengetahi cara hosting dan buat nama domain baik ada plafform berbayar atau gnomio Students know how to host and create a domain name whether there is a paid platform or Gnomio (3,3) |
Daftar Kriteria Penilaian (Indikator) |
PI Description | PI Assessment Methods |
dapat menunjukan hosting di gnomio atau platform berbayar dengan baik can show hosting on Gnomio or paid platforms well |
Tugas Kelompok 2 1.00 %
10 |
Fitur |
100.00 |
mengetahui sindrom do every thing |
- Quiz - 2.00 %
- Ujian Akhir Semester - 3.00 %
- Tugas Kelompok 2 - 2.00 %
CAPAIAN PEMBELAJARAN: Memiliki kemampuan dalam pengelolaan bisnis dengan memanfaatkan teknologi informasi dan memahami model sistem, metode dan berbagai teknik peningkatan bisnis proses yang mendatangkan suatu nilai untuk organisasi. (CPL-8 (KK.f)) Possess the ability to manage businesses utilizing information technology and understand system models, methods, and various techniques for enhancing business processes and generating value for organizations. (CPL-8 (KK.f))
CPMK: mhs mampu memahami pengertian data, konten dan informasi students are able to understand the meaning of data, content and information |
KAD: mahasiswa mengetahui parameter parameter penentu suaatu aplikasi cms Students know the determining parameters of a CMS application (2,2) |
Daftar Kriteria Penilaian (Indikator) |
PI Description | PI Assessment Methods |
Ketepatan menjawab soal quis dan uas .... |
Quiz 2.00 %
Ujian Akhir Semester 3.00 %
| 0.00(Fail)
| 0.00(Pass)
| 0.00(Pass)
| 0.00(Pass)
Jawaban quis atau uas salah ... | 25% jawaban quis atau uas benar
25% of quiz or exam answers are correct | 50% jawaban quis atau uas benar
50% of quiz or exam answers are correct | 75% jawaban quis atau uas benar
75% of quiz or exam answers are correct | 100% jawaban quis atau uas benar
100% of quiz or exam answers are correct |
CAPAIAN PEMBELAJARAN: Memiliki kemampuan merencanakan, menerapkan, memelihara dan meningkatkan sistem informasi organisasi untuk mencapai tujuan dan sasaran organisasi yang strategis baik jangka pendek maupun jangka panjang. (CPL06 (KK.i)) Possess the ability to plan, implement, maintain, and improve organizational information systems to achieve short-term and long-term strategic goals. (CPL06 (KK.i))
CPMK: mahasiswa mampu menginstal dan mengoperasikan perangkat lunak cms lms moodle Students are able to install and operate Moodle LMS CMS |
KAD: mahasiswa mampu membuat kategori dan user mooodle Students are able to create categories and Moodle users (3,3) |
Daftar Kriteria Penilaian (Indikator) |
PI Description | PI Assessment Methods |
Pembuatan kategori dan user berjalan dengan benar Category and user creation works correctly |
Tugas Kelompok 2 1.00 %
KAD: mahasiswa mampu membuat materi perkuliahan dan meletakannya di moodle Students are able to create lesson material and place it in Moodle (3,3) |
Daftar Kriteria Penilaian (Indikator) |
PI Description | PI Assessment Methods |
Pembuatan materi kuliah di moodle berlangsung dengan baik dan benar Making lecture material in Moodle is going well and correctly |
Tugas Kelompok 2 1.00 %
11 |
Pemodelan konten |
100.00 |
mengetahui pengertian atribut |
- Quiz - 2.00 %
- Ujian Akhir Semester - 4.00 %
- Tugas Kelompok 2 - 2.00 %
CAPAIAN PEMBELAJARAN: Memiliki kemampuan dalam pengelolaan bisnis dengan memanfaatkan teknologi informasi dan memahami model sistem, metode dan berbagai teknik peningkatan bisnis proses yang mendatangkan suatu nilai untuk organisasi. (CPL-8 (KK.f)) Possess the ability to manage businesses utilizing information technology and understand system models, methods, and various techniques for enhancing business processes and generating value for organizations. (CPL-8 (KK.f))
CPMK: mhs mampu memahami pengertian data, konten dan informasi students are able to understand the meaning of data, content and information |
KAD: mampu memahami konsep data dan konten modeling able to understand data concepts and modeling content (2,2) |
Daftar Kriteria Penilaian (Indikator) |
PI Description | PI Assessment Methods |
Ketepatan menjawab soal quis atau uas .... |
Quiz 2.00 %
Ujian Akhir Semester 4.00 %
| 0.00(Fail)
| 0.00(Pass)
| 0.00(Pass)
| 0.00(Pass)
Jawaban quis atau uas salah ... | 25% jawaban quis atau uas benar
25% of quiz or exam answers are correct | 50% jawaban quis atau uas benar
50% of quiz or exam answers are correct | 75% jawaban quis atau uas benar
75% of quiz or exam answers are correct | 100% jawaban quis atau uas benar
100% of quiz or exam answers are correct |
CAPAIAN PEMBELAJARAN: Memiliki kemampuan merencanakan, menerapkan, memelihara dan meningkatkan sistem informasi organisasi untuk mencapai tujuan dan sasaran organisasi yang strategis baik jangka pendek maupun jangka panjang. (CPL06 (KK.i)) Possess the ability to plan, implement, maintain, and improve organizational information systems to achieve short-term and long-term strategic goals. (CPL06 (KK.i))
CPMK: mahasiswa mampu menginstal dan mengoperasikan perangkat lunak cms lms moodle Students are able to install and operate Moodle LMS CMS |
KAD: mampu membuat soal, quis serta import soal able to create questions, quizzes and import questions (3,3) |
Daftar Kriteria Penilaian (Indikator) |
PI Description | PI Assessment Methods |
Pembuatan soal, quis dan import soal dapat dikerjakan dengan benar Creating questions, quizzes and importing questions can be done correctly |
Tugas Kelompok 2 2.00 %
12 |
Pemodelan kontent |
100.00 |
mengetahui pengertian dan manfaat komposisi konten |
- Quiz - 2.00 %
- Ujian Akhir Semester - 4.00 %
- Tugas Kelompok 2 - 2.00 %
CAPAIAN PEMBELAJARAN: Memiliki kemampuan dalam pengelolaan bisnis dengan memanfaatkan teknologi informasi dan memahami model sistem, metode dan berbagai teknik peningkatan bisnis proses yang mendatangkan suatu nilai untuk organisasi. (CPL-8 (KK.f)) Possess the ability to manage businesses utilizing information technology and understand system models, methods, and various techniques for enhancing business processes and generating value for organizations. (CPL-8 (KK.f))
CPMK: mhs mampu memahami pengertian data, konten dan informasi students are able to understand the meaning of data, content and information |
KAD: mampu memamahami pengertian atribut dan tipe suatu model konten able to understand the meaning of attributes and types of a content model (2,2) |
Daftar Kriteria Penilaian (Indikator) |
PI Description | PI Assessment Methods |
Ketepatan menjawab soal quis atau uas tepat |
Quiz 2.00 %
Ujian Akhir Semester 4.00 %
| 0.00(Fail)
| 0.00(Pass)
| 0.00(Pass)
| 0.00(Pass)
Jawaban quis atau uas salah .... | 25% jawaban quis atau uas benar
25% of quiz or exam answers are correct | 50% jawaban quis atau uas benar
50% of quiz or exam answers are correct | 75% jawaban quis atau uas benar
75% of quiz or exam answers are correct | 100% jawaban quis atau uas benar
100% of quiz or exam answers are correct |
CAPAIAN PEMBELAJARAN: Memiliki kemampuan merencanakan, menerapkan, memelihara dan meningkatkan sistem informasi organisasi untuk mencapai tujuan dan sasaran organisasi yang strategis baik jangka pendek maupun jangka panjang. (CPL06 (KK.i)) Possess the ability to plan, implement, maintain, and improve organizational information systems to achieve short-term and long-term strategic goals. (CPL06 (KK.i))
CPMK: mahasiswa mampu menginstal dan mengoperasikan perangkat lunak cms lms moodle Students are able to install and operate Moodle LMS CMS |
KAD: mahasiswa mampu membuat form penilaian dan mengeksportnya ke spreadsheet Students are able to create assessment forms and export them to spreadsheets (3,3) |
Daftar Kriteria Penilaian (Indikator) |
PI Description | PI Assessment Methods |
pengisian nilai serta mengeksportnya ke excel dapat berjalan dengan baik Filling in values and exporting them to Excel can run well |
Tugas Kelompok 2 2.00 %
13 |
aggregasi |
100.00 |
mengetahui pengertian aggregasi |
- Quiz - 2.00 %
- Ujian Akhir Semester - 4.00 %
- Tugas Kelompok 2 - 2.00 %
CAPAIAN PEMBELAJARAN: Memiliki kemampuan dalam pengelolaan bisnis dengan memanfaatkan teknologi informasi dan memahami model sistem, metode dan berbagai teknik peningkatan bisnis proses yang mendatangkan suatu nilai untuk organisasi. (CPL-8 (KK.f)) Possess the ability to manage businesses utilizing information technology and understand system models, methods, and various techniques for enhancing business processes and generating value for organizations. (CPL-8 (KK.f))
CPMK: mhs mampu memahami pengertian data, konten dan informasi students are able to understand the meaning of data, content and information |
KAD: mahasiswa mengetahui penerapan aggregasi students know the application of aggregation (2,2) |
Daftar Kriteria Penilaian (Indikator) |
PI Description | PI Assessment Methods |
Ketepatan menjawab soal quis dan uas Accuracy in answering quis and uas questions |
Quiz 2.00 %
Ujian Akhir Semester 4.00 %
| 0.00(Fail)
| 0.00(Pass)
| 0.00(Pass)
| 0.00(Pass)
Jawaban quis atau uas salah The quiz or exam answer is wrong | 25% jawaban quis atau uas benar 25% of quiz or exam answers are correct | 50% jawaban quis atau uas benar 50% of quiz or exam answers are correct | 75% jawaban quis atau uas benar
75% of quiz or exam answers are correct | 100% jawaban quis atau uas benar
100% of quiz or exam answers are correct |
CAPAIAN PEMBELAJARAN: Memiliki kemampuan merencanakan, menerapkan, memelihara dan meningkatkan sistem informasi organisasi untuk mencapai tujuan dan sasaran organisasi yang strategis baik jangka pendek maupun jangka panjang. (CPL06 (KK.i)) Possess the ability to plan, implement, maintain, and improve organizational information systems to achieve short-term and long-term strategic goals. (CPL06 (KK.i))
CPMK: mahasiswa mampu menginstal dan mengoperasikan perangkat lunak cms lms moodle Students are able to install and operate Moodle LMS CMS |
KAD: mampu membuat kartu peserta, mengatur thema dan navigasi serta mempercantik tampilan able to create participant cards, set themes and navigation and beautify the appearance (3,3) |
Daftar Kriteria Penilaian (Indikator) |
PI Description | PI Assessment Methods |
Kartu peserta, navigasi dan tampilan daat ditampilkan dengan baik Participant cards, navigation and data displays are displayed well |
Tugas Kelompok 2 2.00 %
14 |
aggregasi |
- Tutorial
- Percobaan
- Proyek
100.00 |
mengetahui perbedaan agregasi flat dan hirarki |
- Quiz - 2.00 %
- Ujian Akhir Semester - 3.00 %
- Tugas Kelompok 2 - 1.00 %
CAPAIAN PEMBELAJARAN: Memiliki kemampuan dalam pengelolaan bisnis dengan memanfaatkan teknologi informasi dan memahami model sistem, metode dan berbagai teknik peningkatan bisnis proses yang mendatangkan suatu nilai untuk organisasi. (CPL-8 (KK.f)) Possess the ability to manage businesses utilizing information technology and understand system models, methods, and various techniques for enhancing business processes and generating value for organizations. (CPL-8 (KK.f))
CPMK: mhs mampu memahami pengertian data, konten dan informasi students are able to understand the meaning of data, content and information |
KAD: mahasiswa mampu mengetahui bermacam macam bentuk konten untuk agregasi Students are able to understand various forms of content for aggregation (2,2) |
Daftar Kriteria Penilaian (Indikator) |
PI Description | PI Assessment Methods |
Ketepatan menjawab soal quis atau uas Accuracy in answering quis or uas questions |
Quiz 2.00 %
Ujian Akhir Semester 3.00 %
| 0.00(Fail)
| 0.00(Pass)
| 1.00(Pass)
| 1.00(Pass)
Jawaban quis atau uas salah The quiz or exam answer is wrong | 25% jawaban quis atau uas benar 25% of quiz or exam answers are correct | 50% jawaban quis atau uas benar
50% of quiz or exam answers are correct | 75% jawaban quis atau uas benar
75% of quiz or exam answers are correct | 100% jawaban quis atau uas benar
100% of quiz or exam answers are correct |
CAPAIAN PEMBELAJARAN: Memiliki kemampuan merencanakan, menerapkan, memelihara dan meningkatkan sistem informasi organisasi untuk mencapai tujuan dan sasaran organisasi yang strategis baik jangka pendek maupun jangka panjang. (CPL06 (KK.i)) Possess the ability to plan, implement, maintain, and improve organizational information systems to achieve short-term and long-term strategic goals. (CPL06 (KK.i))
CPMK: mahasiswa mampu menginstal dan mengoperasikan perangkat lunak cms lms moodle Students are able to install and operate Moodle LMS CMS |
KAD: mampu membuat kartu peserta, mengatur thema dan navigasi serta mempercantik tampilan able to create participant cards, set themes and navigation and beautify the appearance (3,3) |
Daftar Kriteria Penilaian (Indikator) |
PI Description | PI Assessment Methods |
Kartu peserta, navigasi dan tampilan daat ditampilkan dengan baik Participant cards, navigation and data displays are displayed well |
Tugas Kelompok 2 1.00 %