Sesi Ke |
Bahan Kajian |
Metoda Pembelajaran |
Waktu Belajar (Menit) |
Pengalaman Belajar Mahasiswa |
Referensi |
Kriteria Penilaian (Indikator) |
1 |
Pendahuluan |
150.00 |
Mahasiswa mendengarkan paparan dosen |
CAPAIAN PEMBELAJARAN: Mampu membuat perencanaan infrastruktur TI, arsitektur jaringan, layanan fisik dan cloud, menganalisa konsep identifikasi, otentikasi, otorisasi akses dalam konteks melindungi orang dan perangkat. (CPL04 (KK.c)) Able to plan IT infrastructure, network architecture, physical and cloud services, and analyze the concepts of identification, authentication, and access authorization in the context of protecting individuals and devices. (CPL04 (KK.c))
CPMK: Mahasiswa mampu menjelaskan konsep teori keamanan komputasi Students are able to explain the concept of computing security theory |
KAD: Mahasiswa mampu menjelaskan jenis serangan, layanan dan mekanisme keamanan komputasi Students are able to explain types of attacks, services and computing security mechanisms (2,2) |
Daftar Kriteria Penilaian (Indikator) |
PI Description | PI Assessment Methods |
Jenis serangan, layanan dan mekanisme keamanan informasi dapat dijelaskan Types of attacks, services and information security mechanisms can be explained |
Tugas 5.00 %
2 |
Enkripsi Klasik (Substitusi) |
150.00 |
Mahasiswa mendengarkan paparan dosen |
- Ujian Tengah Semester - 7.00 %
CAPAIAN PEMBELAJARAN: Mampu membuat perencanaan infrastruktur TI, arsitektur jaringan, layanan fisik dan cloud, menganalisa konsep identifikasi, otentikasi, otorisasi akses dalam konteks melindungi orang dan perangkat. (CPL04 (KK.c)) Able to plan IT infrastructure, network architecture, physical and cloud services, and analyze the concepts of identification, authentication, and access authorization in the context of protecting individuals and devices. (CPL04 (KK.c))
CPMK: Mahasiswa mampu menghitung kriptografi menggunakan algoritme simetrik Students are able to calculate cryptography using a symmetric algorithm |
KAD: Mahasiswa mampu menghitung kriptografi menggunakan teknik substitusi Students are able to calculate cryptography using substitution techniques (3,3) |
Daftar Kriteria Penilaian (Indikator) |
PI Description | PI Assessment Methods |
Kriptografi menggunakan teknik substitusi dapat dihitung Cryptography using substitution techniques can be calculated |
Ujian Tengah Semester 7.00 %
3 |
Enkripsi Klasik (Transposisi, Rotor Machine, Steganography) |
150.00 |
Mahasiswa mendengarkan paparan dosen |
- Ujian Tengah Semester - 7.00 %
CAPAIAN PEMBELAJARAN: Mampu membuat perencanaan infrastruktur TI, arsitektur jaringan, layanan fisik dan cloud, menganalisa konsep identifikasi, otentikasi, otorisasi akses dalam konteks melindungi orang dan perangkat. (CPL04 (KK.c)) Able to plan IT infrastructure, network architecture, physical and cloud services, and analyze the concepts of identification, authentication, and access authorization in the context of protecting individuals and devices. (CPL04 (KK.c))
CPMK: Mahasiswa mampu menghitung kriptografi menggunakan algoritme simetrik Students are able to calculate cryptography using a symmetric algorithm |
KAD: Mahasiswa mampu menghitung kriptografi menggunakan teknik transposisi Students are able to calculate cryptography using transposition techniques (3,3) |
Daftar Kriteria Penilaian (Indikator) |
PI Description | PI Assessment Methods |
Kriptografi menggunakan teknik transposisi dapat dihitung Cryptography uses transposition techniques can be calculated |
Ujian Tengah Semester 7.00 %
4 |
Kriptografi Simetrik DES (Pembuatan Kunci) |
150.00 |
Mahasiswa mendengarkan paparan dosen |
CAPAIAN PEMBELAJARAN: Mampu membuat perencanaan infrastruktur TI, arsitektur jaringan, layanan fisik dan cloud, menganalisa konsep identifikasi, otentikasi, otorisasi akses dalam konteks melindungi orang dan perangkat. (CPL04 (KK.c)) Able to plan IT infrastructure, network architecture, physical and cloud services, and analyze the concepts of identification, authentication, and access authorization in the context of protecting individuals and devices. (CPL04 (KK.c))
CPMK: Mahasiswa mampu menghitung kriptografi menggunakan algoritme simetrik Students are able to calculate cryptography using a symmetric algorithm |
KAD: Mahasiswa mampu memahami block cipher dan mampu menghitung kriptografi menggunakan algoritme Data Encryption Standard (DES) Students are able to understand block ciphers and are able to calculate cryptography using the Data Encryption Standard (DES) algorithm (3,3) |
Daftar Kriteria Penilaian (Indikator) |
PI Description | PI Assessment Methods |
Kriptografi menggunakan algoritme Data Encryption Standard (DES) dapat dihitung Cryptography using the Data Encryption Standard (DES) algorithm can be calculated |
Tugas 5.00 %
5 |
Kriptografi Simetrik DES (Proses Enkripsi) |
150.00 |
Mahasiswa mendengarkan paparan dosen |
- Ujian Tengah Semester - 10.50 %
CAPAIAN PEMBELAJARAN: Mampu membuat perencanaan infrastruktur TI, arsitektur jaringan, layanan fisik dan cloud, menganalisa konsep identifikasi, otentikasi, otorisasi akses dalam konteks melindungi orang dan perangkat. (CPL04 (KK.c)) Able to plan IT infrastructure, network architecture, physical and cloud services, and analyze the concepts of identification, authentication, and access authorization in the context of protecting individuals and devices. (CPL04 (KK.c))
CPMK: Mahasiswa mampu menghitung kriptografi menggunakan algoritme simetrik Students are able to calculate cryptography using a symmetric algorithm |
KAD: Mahasiswa mampu memahami block cipher dan mampu menghitung kriptografi menggunakan algoritme Data Encryption Standard (DES) Students are able to understand block ciphers and are able to calculate cryptography using the Data Encryption Standard (DES) algorithm (3,3) |
Daftar Kriteria Penilaian (Indikator) |
PI Description | PI Assessment Methods |
Kriptografi menggunakan algoritme Data Encryption Standard (DES) dapat dihitung Cryptography using the Data Encryption Standard (DES) algorithm can be calculated |
Ujian Tengah Semester 10.50 %
6 |
Kriptografi Simetrik AES (Pembuatan Kunci) |
150.00 |
Mahasiswa mendengarkan paparan dosen |
CAPAIAN PEMBELAJARAN: Mampu membuat perencanaan infrastruktur TI, arsitektur jaringan, layanan fisik dan cloud, menganalisa konsep identifikasi, otentikasi, otorisasi akses dalam konteks melindungi orang dan perangkat. (CPL04 (KK.c)) Able to plan IT infrastructure, network architecture, physical and cloud services, and analyze the concepts of identification, authentication, and access authorization in the context of protecting individuals and devices. (CPL04 (KK.c))
CPMK: Mahasiswa mampu menghitung kriptografi menggunakan algoritme simetrik Students are able to calculate cryptography using a symmetric algorithm |
KAD: Mahasiswa mampu menghitung kriptografi menggunakan algoritme Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) Students are able to calculate cryptography using the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) algorithm (3,3) |
Daftar Kriteria Penilaian (Indikator) |
PI Description | PI Assessment Methods |
Kriptografi menggunakan algoritme Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) dapat dihitung Cryptography using the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) algorithm can be calculated |
Tugas 5.00 %
7 |
Kriptografi Simetrik AES (Proses Enkripsi) |
150.00 |
Mahasiswa mendengarkan paparan dosen |
- Ujian Tengah Semester - 10.50 %
CAPAIAN PEMBELAJARAN: Mampu membuat perencanaan infrastruktur TI, arsitektur jaringan, layanan fisik dan cloud, menganalisa konsep identifikasi, otentikasi, otorisasi akses dalam konteks melindungi orang dan perangkat. (CPL04 (KK.c)) Able to plan IT infrastructure, network architecture, physical and cloud services, and analyze the concepts of identification, authentication, and access authorization in the context of protecting individuals and devices. (CPL04 (KK.c))
CPMK: Mahasiswa mampu menghitung kriptografi menggunakan algoritme simetrik Students are able to calculate cryptography using a symmetric algorithm |
KAD: Mahasiswa mampu menghitung kriptografi menggunakan algoritme Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) Students are able to calculate cryptography using the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) algorithm (3,3) |
Daftar Kriteria Penilaian (Indikator) |
PI Description | PI Assessment Methods |
Kriptografi menggunakan algoritme Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) dapat dihitung Cryptography using the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) algorithm can be calculated |
Ujian Tengah Semester 10.50 %
8 |
Mode Operasi dan Enkripsi Simetrik lainnya |
150.00 |
Mahasiswa mendengarkan paparan dosen |
CAPAIAN PEMBELAJARAN: Mampu membuat perencanaan infrastruktur TI, arsitektur jaringan, layanan fisik dan cloud, menganalisa konsep identifikasi, otentikasi, otorisasi akses dalam konteks melindungi orang dan perangkat. (CPL04 (KK.c)) Able to plan IT infrastructure, network architecture, physical and cloud services, and analyze the concepts of identification, authentication, and access authorization in the context of protecting individuals and devices. (CPL04 (KK.c))
CPMK: Mahasiswa mampu menghitung teknik multi enkripsi, mode operasi dan stream cipher Students are able to calculate multiple encryption techniques, operating modes and stream ciphers |
KAD: Mahasiswa mampu menghitung kriptografi menggunakan algoritme 3DES, RC4 dan mode operasi ECB, CBC, CFB, OFB dan CTR Students are able to calculate cryptography using the 3DES, RC4 algorithms and ECB, CBC, CFB, OFB and CTR operating modes (3,3) |
Daftar Kriteria Penilaian (Indikator) |
PI Description | PI Assessment Methods |
Kriptografi menggunakan algoritme 3DES, RC4 dan mode operasi dapat dihitung Cryptography uses 3DES algorithm, RC4 and operating mode can be calculated |
Tugas 5.00 %
9 |
Kriptografi Kunci Publik (RSA) |
150.00 |
Mahasiswa mendengarkan paparan dosen |
- Ujian Akhir Semester - 8.75 %
CAPAIAN PEMBELAJARAN: Mampu membuat perencanaan infrastruktur TI, arsitektur jaringan, layanan fisik dan cloud, menganalisa konsep identifikasi, otentikasi, otorisasi akses dalam konteks melindungi orang dan perangkat. (CPL04 (KK.c)) Able to plan IT infrastructure, network architecture, physical and cloud services, and analyze the concepts of identification, authentication, and access authorization in the context of protecting individuals and devices. (CPL04 (KK.c))
CPMK: Mahasiswa mampu menghitung kriptografi menggunakan algoritme kunci publik Students are able to calculate cryptography using a public key algorithm |
KAD: Mahasiswa mampu menghitung kriptografi menggunakan algoritme RSA Students are able to calculate cryptography using the RSA algorithm (3,3) |
Daftar Kriteria Penilaian (Indikator) |
PI Description | PI Assessment Methods |
Kriptografi menggunakan algoritme RSA dapat dihitung Cryptography using the RSA algorithm can be calculated |
Ujian Akhir Semester 8.75 %
10 |
Manajemen Kunci Publik |
150.00 |
Mahasiswa mendengarkan paparan dosen |
CAPAIAN PEMBELAJARAN: Mampu membuat perencanaan infrastruktur TI, arsitektur jaringan, layanan fisik dan cloud, menganalisa konsep identifikasi, otentikasi, otorisasi akses dalam konteks melindungi orang dan perangkat. (CPL04 (KK.c)) Able to plan IT infrastructure, network architecture, physical and cloud services, and analyze the concepts of identification, authentication, and access authorization in the context of protecting individuals and devices. (CPL04 (KK.c))
CPMK: Mahasiswa mampu menjelaskan dampak dan penerapan teknologi kriptografi Students are able to explain the impact and application of cryptographic technology |
KAD: Mahasiswa mampu menjelaskan implementasi manajemen kunci publik, digital certificate dan certificate authorities Students are able to explain the implementation of public key management, digital certificates and certificate authorities (2,2) |
Daftar Kriteria Penilaian (Indikator) |
PI Description | PI Assessment Methods |
Manajemen kunci publik, digital certificate dan certificate authorities dapat dijelaskan Public key management, digital certificates and certificate authorities can be explained |
Tugas 5.00 %
11 |
Kriptografi Kunci Publik (ECC) |
150.00 |
Mahasiswa mendengarkan paparan dosen |
- Ujian Akhir Semester - 8.75 %
CAPAIAN PEMBELAJARAN: Mampu membuat perencanaan infrastruktur TI, arsitektur jaringan, layanan fisik dan cloud, menganalisa konsep identifikasi, otentikasi, otorisasi akses dalam konteks melindungi orang dan perangkat. (CPL04 (KK.c)) Able to plan IT infrastructure, network architecture, physical and cloud services, and analyze the concepts of identification, authentication, and access authorization in the context of protecting individuals and devices. (CPL04 (KK.c))
CPMK: Mahasiswa mampu menghitung kriptografi menggunakan algoritme kunci publik Students are able to calculate cryptography using a public key algorithm |
KAD: Mahasiswa mampu menghitung kriptografi menggunakan algoritme Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) Students are able to calculate cryptography using the Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) algorithm (3,3) |
Daftar Kriteria Penilaian (Indikator) |
PI Description | PI Assessment Methods |
Kriptografi menggunakan algoritme Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) dapat dihitung Cryptography using the Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) algorithm can be calculated |
Ujian Akhir Semester 8.75 %
12 |
Otentikasi Pesan |
150.00 |
Mahasiswa mendengarkan paparan dosen |
CAPAIAN PEMBELAJARAN: Mampu membuat perencanaan infrastruktur TI, arsitektur jaringan, layanan fisik dan cloud, menganalisa konsep identifikasi, otentikasi, otorisasi akses dalam konteks melindungi orang dan perangkat. (CPL04 (KK.c)) Able to plan IT infrastructure, network architecture, physical and cloud services, and analyze the concepts of identification, authentication, and access authorization in the context of protecting individuals and devices. (CPL04 (KK.c))
CPMK: Mahasiswa mampu menjelaskan dampak dan penerapan teknologi kriptografi Students are able to explain the impact and application of cryptographic technology |
KAD: Mahasiswa mampu menjelaskan teknik otentikasi pesan Students are able to explain message authentication techniques (2,2) |
Daftar Kriteria Penilaian (Indikator) |
PI Description | PI Assessment Methods |
Teknik otentikasi pesan dapat dijelaskan Message authentication techniques can be explained |
Tugas 5.00 %
13 |
Algoritme Hash (MD5) |
150.00 |
Mahasiswa mendengarkan paparan dosen |
- Ujian Akhir Semester - 8.75 %
CAPAIAN PEMBELAJARAN: Mampu membuat perencanaan infrastruktur TI, arsitektur jaringan, layanan fisik dan cloud, menganalisa konsep identifikasi, otentikasi, otorisasi akses dalam konteks melindungi orang dan perangkat. (CPL04 (KK.c)) Able to plan IT infrastructure, network architecture, physical and cloud services, and analyze the concepts of identification, authentication, and access authorization in the context of protecting individuals and devices. (CPL04 (KK.c))
CPMK: Mahasiswa mampu menghitung kriptografi menggunakan algoritme Hash Students are able to calculate cryptography using the Hash algorithm |
KAD: Mahasiswa mampu menghitung kriptografi menggunakan algoritme MD5 Students are able to calculate cryptography using the MD5 algorithm (3,3) |
Daftar Kriteria Penilaian (Indikator) |
PI Description | PI Assessment Methods |
Kriptografi menggunakan algoritme MD5 dapat dihitung Cryptography using the MD5 algorithm can be calculated |
Ujian Akhir Semester 8.75 %
14 |
Blockchain |
150.00 |
Mahasiswa mendengarkan paparan dosen |
- Ujian Akhir Semester - 8.75 %
CAPAIAN PEMBELAJARAN: Mampu membuat perencanaan infrastruktur TI, arsitektur jaringan, layanan fisik dan cloud, menganalisa konsep identifikasi, otentikasi, otorisasi akses dalam konteks melindungi orang dan perangkat. (CPL04 (KK.c)) Able to plan IT infrastructure, network architecture, physical and cloud services, and analyze the concepts of identification, authentication, and access authorization in the context of protecting individuals and devices. (CPL04 (KK.c))
CPMK: Mahasiswa mampu menjelaskan dampak dan penerapan teknologi kriptografi Students are able to explain the impact and application of cryptographic technology |
KAD: Mahasiswa mampu menjelaskan implementasi kriptografi pada teknologi Blockchain Students are able to explain the implementation of cryptography on Blockchain technology (2,2) |
Daftar Kriteria Penilaian (Indikator) |
PI Description | PI Assessment Methods |
Teknik blockchain dapat dijelaskan Blockchain techniques can be explained |
Ujian Akhir Semester 8.75 %