Sesi Ke |
Bahan Kajian |
Metoda Pembelajaran |
Waktu Belajar (Menit) |
Pengalaman Belajar Mahasiswa |
Referensi |
Kriteria Penilaian (Indikator) |
1 |
Reading Skills
- Speed reading
- Skimming
- Scanning |
100.00 |
Reading some passages and answering questions. |
- Ujian Tengah Semester - 2.00 %
- Tugas - 2.00 %
- Partisipasi - 2.00 %
- Ujian Akhir Semester - 2.00 %
CAPAIAN PEMBELAJARAN: Mampu memahami dan menerapkan kode etik dalam penggunaan informasi dan data pada perancangan, implementasi, dan penggunaan suatu sistem. (CPL05 (KK.d)) Able to understand and apply ethical codes in the use of information and data in the design, implementation, and use of a system. (CPL05 (KK.d))
CPMK: CPMK 1 Mahasiswa mampu menguasai teknik membaca cepat dan teknik skimming dan scanning untuk memperoleh informasi umum dan spesifik dari suatu bacaan. CPMK 1 Students are able to apply speed reading technique, skimming, and scanning to get general and specific information from a text. |
KAD: KAD 1 Mahasiswa mampu mengidentifikasi topik dan pikiran utama teks, tone, dan tujuan penulis, serta informasi eksplisit dari teks. KAD 1 Students are able to identify topic and main idea of a text, tone and purpose of the author, and explicit information from a text. (2,2) |
Daftar Kriteria Penilaian (Indikator) |
PI Description | PI Assessment Methods |
1. Ketepatan dalam mengidentifikasi topik dan pikiran pokok Accuracy in identifying topic and main idea |
Ujian Tengah Semester 2.00 %
Tugas 2.00 %
Ujian Akhir Semester 2.00 %
PI Description | PI Assessment Methods |
2. Keaktifan dalam mengikuti pembelajaran Active participation in class |
Partisipasi 2.00 %
2 |
Reading passages to practice:
- Finding stated and unstated detail information
- Making inferences
100.00 |
Improving accuracy in finding specific information |
- Ujian Tengah Semester - 5.00 %
- Partisipasi - 2.00 %
- Tugas - 2.00 %
- Ujian Akhir Semester - 5.00 %
CAPAIAN PEMBELAJARAN: Mampu memahami dan menerapkan kode etik dalam penggunaan informasi dan data pada perancangan, implementasi, dan penggunaan suatu sistem. (CPL05 (KK.d)) Able to understand and apply ethical codes in the use of information and data in the design, implementation, and use of a system. (CPL05 (KK.d))
CPMK: CPMK 1 Mahasiswa mampu menguasai teknik membaca cepat dan teknik skimming dan scanning untuk memperoleh informasi umum dan spesifik dari suatu bacaan. CPMK 1 Students are able to apply speed reading technique, skimming, and scanning to get general and specific information from a text. |
KAD: KAD 2 Mahasiswa mampu mengidentifikasi informasi eksplisit dan implisit dalam teks. KAD 2 Students are able to identify explicit and implicit information from texts. (2,2) |
Daftar Kriteria Penilaian (Indikator) |
PI Description | PI Assessment Methods |
1. Ketepatan dalam mengidentifikasi informasi eksplisit dan implisit dari suatu teks Accuracy in identifying explicit and implicit information from a text. |
Ujian Tengah Semester 5.00 %
Tugas 2.00 %
Ujian Akhir Semester 5.00 %
PI Description | PI Assessment Methods |
2. Keaktifan dalam pembelajaran Active participation in class |
Partisipasi 2.00 %
3 |
Reading Skills:
- Pronoun referents
- Activating background knowledge and employing contextual and structural clues to get meaning
100.00 |
Enhancing vocabulary mastery |
- Ujian Tengah Semester - 2.00 %
- Partisipasi - 2.00 %
- Tugas - 1.00 %
- Ujian Akhir Semester - 3.00 %
CAPAIAN PEMBELAJARAN: Mampu memahami dan menerapkan kode etik dalam penggunaan informasi dan data pada perancangan, implementasi, dan penggunaan suatu sistem. (CPL05 (KK.d)) Able to understand and apply ethical codes in the use of information and data in the design, implementation, and use of a system. (CPL05 (KK.d))
CPMK: CPMK 1 Mahasiswa mampu menguasai teknik membaca cepat dan teknik skimming dan scanning untuk memperoleh informasi umum dan spesifik dari suatu bacaan. CPMK 1 Students are able to apply speed reading technique, skimming, and scanning to get general and specific information from a text. |
KAD: KAD 1 Mahasiswa mampu mengidentifikasi topik dan pikiran utama teks, tone, dan tujuan penulis, serta informasi eksplisit dari teks. KAD 1 Students are able to identify topic and main idea of a text, tone and purpose of the author, and explicit information from a text. (2,2) |
Daftar Kriteria Penilaian (Indikator) |
PI Description | PI Assessment Methods |
1. Ketepatan dalam mengidentifikasi topik dan pikiran pokok Accuracy in identifying topic and main idea |
Ujian Tengah Semester 2.00 %
Tugas 1.00 %
Ujian Akhir Semester 3.00 %
PI Description | PI Assessment Methods |
2. Keaktifan dalam mengikuti pembelajaran Active participation in class |
Partisipasi 2.00 %
4 |
Structure and Written Expression:
- Sentences with one or more clauses
(simple sentences and compound sentences)
100.00 |
Enhancing understanding and usage of English sentence structure. |
- Ujian Tengah Semester - 3.00 %
- Partisipasi - 2.00 %
- Tugas - 2.00 %
CAPAIAN PEMBELAJARAN: Mampu memahami dan menerapkan kode etik dalam penggunaan informasi dan data pada perancangan, implementasi, dan penggunaan suatu sistem. (CPL05 (KK.d)) Able to understand and apply ethical codes in the use of information and data in the design, implementation, and use of a system. (CPL05 (KK.d))
CPMK: CPMK 2 Mahasiswa mampu menguasai kaidah struktur kalimat dalam bahasa Inggris serta penggunaannya dalam bidang informatika/sistem informasi. CMPK 2 Students are able to understand and use the structure of sentence in the context of informatics/ information system. |
KAD: KAD 4 Mahasiwa mampu memahami struktur kalimat sederhana dan kompleks. KAD 4 Students are able to understand and use simple and complex sentence structures. (2,2) |
Daftar Kriteria Penilaian (Indikator) |
PI Description | PI Assessment Methods |
1. Kemampuan membedakan kalimat utuh dan kalimat tidak utuh. The ability to distinguished complete sentence and fragment |
Ujian Tengah Semester 3.00 %
Tugas 2.00 %
PI Description | PI Assessment Methods |
2. Keaktifan dalam pembelajaran Active participation in class |
Partisipasi 2.00 %
5 |
Structure and Written Expression:
- Sentences with one or more clauses
(complex sentences; reduced clause)
- Write sentences using various structures
100.00 |
Enhancing understanding and usage of English sentence structure. |
- Ujian Tengah Semester - 2.00 %
- Ujian Akhir Semester - 2.00 %
- Partisipasi - 2.00 %
- Tugas - 1.00 %
CAPAIAN PEMBELAJARAN: Mampu memahami dan menerapkan kode etik dalam penggunaan informasi dan data pada perancangan, implementasi, dan penggunaan suatu sistem. (CPL05 (KK.d)) Able to understand and apply ethical codes in the use of information and data in the design, implementation, and use of a system. (CPL05 (KK.d))
CPMK: CPMK 2 Mahasiswa mampu menguasai kaidah struktur kalimat dalam bahasa Inggris serta penggunaannya dalam bidang informatika/sistem informasi. CMPK 2 Students are able to understand and use the structure of sentence in the context of informatics/ information system. |
KAD: KAD 4 Mahasiwa mampu memahami struktur kalimat sederhana dan kompleks. KAD 4 Students are able to understand and use simple and complex sentence structures. (2,2) |
Daftar Kriteria Penilaian (Indikator) |
PI Description | PI Assessment Methods |
1. Kemampuan membedakan kalimat utuh dan kalimat tidak utuh. The ability to distinguished complete sentence and fragment |
Ujian Tengah Semester 2.00 %
Ujian Akhir Semester 2.00 %
Tugas 1.00 %
PI Description | PI Assessment Methods |
2. Keaktifan dalam pembelajaran Active participation in class |
Partisipasi 2.00 %
6 |
Structure and Written Expression:
(parallel structure; word choice; redundancy)
100.00 |
Identifying mistakes and errors in sentences. |
- Ujian Tengah Semester - 3.00 %
- Tugas - 2.00 %
- Partisipasi - 2.00 %
CAPAIAN PEMBELAJARAN: Mampu memahami dan menerapkan kode etik dalam penggunaan informasi dan data pada perancangan, implementasi, dan penggunaan suatu sistem. (CPL05 (KK.d)) Able to understand and apply ethical codes in the use of information and data in the design, implementation, and use of a system. (CPL05 (KK.d))
CPMK: CPMK 2 Mahasiswa mampu menguasai kaidah struktur kalimat dalam bahasa Inggris serta penggunaannya dalam bidang informatika/sistem informasi. CMPK 2 Students are able to understand and use the structure of sentence in the context of informatics/ information system. |
KAD: KAD 5 Mahasiswa mampu menganalisis kesalahan dalam kalimat. KAD 5 Students are able to analyze mistakes and errors in sentences. (4,4) |
Daftar Kriteria Penilaian (Indikator) |
PI Description | PI Assessment Methods |
1. Ketepatan menganalisis kesalahan/galat dalam kalimat Accuracy to analyze mistakes/errors in sentences |
Ujian Tengah Semester 3.00 %
Tugas 2.00 %
PI Description | PI Assessment Methods |
2. Keaktifan dalam pembelajaran Active participation in class |
Partisipasi 2.00 %
7 |
Structure and Written Expression:
(problem with verbs and auxiliary, parallel structure, redundancy, word choice)
100.00 |
Identifying mistakes and error in various sentence structures |
- Ujian Tengah Semester - 3.00 %
- Partisipasi - 2.00 %
CAPAIAN PEMBELAJARAN: Mampu memahami dan menerapkan kode etik dalam penggunaan informasi dan data pada perancangan, implementasi, dan penggunaan suatu sistem. (CPL05 (KK.d)) Able to understand and apply ethical codes in the use of information and data in the design, implementation, and use of a system. (CPL05 (KK.d))
CPMK: CPMK 2 Mahasiswa mampu menguasai kaidah struktur kalimat dalam bahasa Inggris serta penggunaannya dalam bidang informatika/sistem informasi. CMPK 2 Students are able to understand and use the structure of sentence in the context of informatics/ information system. |
KAD: KAD 5 Mahasiswa mampu menganalisis kesalahan dalam kalimat. KAD 5 Students are able to analyze mistakes and errors in sentences. (4,4) |
Daftar Kriteria Penilaian (Indikator) |
PI Description | PI Assessment Methods |
1. Ketepatan menganalisis kesalahan/galat dalam kalimat Accuracy to analyze mistakes/errors in sentences |
Ujian Tengah Semester 3.00 %
PI Description | PI Assessment Methods |
2. Keaktifan dalam pembelajaran Active participation in class |
Partisipasi 2.00 %
8 |
Listening Skill
(understanding synonyms, causatives, double negatives, negative with adjectives, expressions of agreement)
100.00 |
Listen to short conversations and answer the questions based on the conversation. |
- Ujian Akhir Semester - 8.00 %
- Partisipasi - 2.00 %
- Tugas - 2.00 %
CAPAIAN PEMBELAJARAN: Mampu memahami dan menerapkan kode etik dalam penggunaan informasi dan data pada perancangan, implementasi, dan penggunaan suatu sistem. (CPL05 (KK.d)) Able to understand and apply ethical codes in the use of information and data in the design, implementation, and use of a system. (CPL05 (KK.d))
CPMK: CPMK 3 Mahasiswa mampu memahami percakapan singkat, percakapan panjang, dan pidato singkat, serta berbagai ungkapan dalam bahasa Inggris. CPMK 3 Students are able to understand short conversation, longer conversation, short talks, and various spoken expressions. |
KAD: KAD 6 Mahasiswa mampu memperoleh informasi eksplisit dari percakapan singkat. KAD 6 Students are able to obtain explicit information from short conversations. (2,2) |
Daftar Kriteria Penilaian (Indikator) |
PI Description | PI Assessment Methods |
1. Memperoleh informasi eksplisit dalam percakapan singkat Getting explicit information in short conversations |
Ujian Akhir Semester 8.00 %
Tugas 2.00 %
PI Description | PI Assessment Methods |
2. Partisipasi aktif dalam pembelajaran Active participation in class |
Partisipasi 2.00 %
9 |
Listening Skill
(understanding assumptions, contrary meanings, collocations, idioms)
100.00 |
Vocabulary enhancement
Listen to short conversations and answer questions based on the conversation |
- Ujian Akhir Semester - 4.00 %
- Partisipasi - 2.00 %
CAPAIAN PEMBELAJARAN: Mampu memahami dan menerapkan kode etik dalam penggunaan informasi dan data pada perancangan, implementasi, dan penggunaan suatu sistem. (CPL05 (KK.d)) Able to understand and apply ethical codes in the use of information and data in the design, implementation, and use of a system. (CPL05 (KK.d))
CPMK: CPMK 3 Mahasiswa mampu memahami percakapan singkat, percakapan panjang, dan pidato singkat, serta berbagai ungkapan dalam bahasa Inggris. CPMK 3 Students are able to understand short conversation, longer conversation, short talks, and various spoken expressions. |
KAD: KAD 7 Mahasiswa mampu memperoleh informasi implisit dari percakapan singkat KAD 7 Students are able to obtain implicit information from short conversations. (4,4) |
Daftar Kriteria Penilaian (Indikator) |
PI Description | PI Assessment Methods |
1. Kemampuan membuat kesimpulan dari percakapan singkat, percakapan panjang, dan pidato singkat. The ability to making inferences from short conversation, longer conversation, and short talks. |
Ujian Akhir Semester 4.00 %
PI Description | PI Assessment Methods |
2. Partisipasi aktif dalam kelas Active participation in class |
Partisipasi 2.00 %
10 |
Listening Skill
(identifying topic or purpose of the talk/longer conversation; drawing conclusion; making prediction)
100.00 |
Vocabulary enhancement
Focus training
Listen to longer conversations and short talks and identify general and explicit and implicit specific information from the conversations/talks. |
- Ujian Akhir Semester - 2.00 %
- Tugas - 2.00 %
CAPAIAN PEMBELAJARAN: Mampu memahami dan menerapkan kode etik dalam penggunaan informasi dan data pada perancangan, implementasi, dan penggunaan suatu sistem. (CPL05 (KK.d)) Able to understand and apply ethical codes in the use of information and data in the design, implementation, and use of a system. (CPL05 (KK.d))
CPMK: CPMK 3 Mahasiswa mampu memahami percakapan singkat, percakapan panjang, dan pidato singkat, serta berbagai ungkapan dalam bahasa Inggris. CPMK 3 Students are able to understand short conversation, longer conversation, short talks, and various spoken expressions. |
KAD: KAD 8 Mahasiswa mampu mengidentifikasi topik, memperoleh informasi eksplisit, dan menarik kesimpulan dari percakapan panjang KAD 8 Students are able to identify topic, explicit information, and draw conclusion from longer conversations. (2,2) |
Daftar Kriteria Penilaian (Indikator) |
PI Description | PI Assessment Methods |
Ketepatan dalam memperoleh informasi umum dan spesifik dari percakapan panjang. Accuracy in obtaining general and specific information from longer conversations. |
Ujian Akhir Semester 2.00 %
Tugas 2.00 %
11 |
Reading and Writing Skills:
- Paraphrasing and summarizing theories to support argument
100.00 |
Improving writing skill and Enhancing awareness of plagiarism |
- Partisipasi - 2.00 %
- Tugas - 2.00 %
CAPAIAN PEMBELAJARAN: Memiliki Sikap Tri Krama : etika dan moral personal: Takwa, Tekun, Terampil ; etika dan moral komunal: Asah, Asih, Asuh ; dan etika dan moral masyarakat: Satria, Setia, Sportif. (CPL12 (S.a)) Possess the Tri Krama attitude: personal ethics and morals (Takwa, Tekun, Terampil); communal ethics and morals (Asah, Asih, Asuh); and societal ethics and morals (Satria, Setia, Sportif). (CPL12 (S.a))
CPMK: CPMK 4 Mahasiswa mampu menunjukkan sikap takwa-tekun-terampil dalam menyelesaikan tugas dan presentasi. CPMK 4 Students can demonstrates piety-resilience-skills in accomplishing tasks and presentation. |
KAD: KAD 9 Mahasiswa mampu mengungkapkan kembali isi bacaan dengan Teknik paraphrasing dan summarizing untuk mencegah plagiasi KAD 9 Students are able to apply paraphrasing and summarizing technique to avoid plagiarism when making citation from a text. (3,3) |
Daftar Kriteria Penilaian (Indikator) |
PI Description | PI Assessment Methods |
1. Membuat kalimat kutipan dengan benar dan patut. Making citation correctly and properly. |
Tugas 2.00 %
PI Description | PI Assessment Methods |
2. Menghargai ide orang lain dengan memberikan atribusi pada kalimat kutipan. Giving attribution in citation to the original authors |
Partisipasi 2.00 %
12 |
Writing and Speaking Skills
- Structure of Argumentative and Comparative Essay
- Structure of Oral Presentation
100.00 |
Making Essay and Presentation Outline
Developing the Outline
CAPAIAN PEMBELAJARAN: Memiliki Sikap Tri Krama : etika dan moral personal: Takwa, Tekun, Terampil ; etika dan moral komunal: Asah, Asih, Asuh ; dan etika dan moral masyarakat: Satria, Setia, Sportif. (CPL12 (S.a)) Possess the Tri Krama attitude: personal ethics and morals (Takwa, Tekun, Terampil); communal ethics and morals (Asah, Asih, Asuh); and societal ethics and morals (Satria, Setia, Sportif). (CPL12 (S.a))
CPMK: CPMK 4 Mahasiswa mampu menunjukkan sikap takwa-tekun-terampil dalam menyelesaikan tugas dan presentasi. CPMK 4 Students can demonstrates piety-resilience-skills in accomplishing tasks and presentation. |
KAD: KAD 10 Mahasiswa mampu membuat konsep kerangka presentasi dalam bidang informatika/ sistem informasi sesuai dengan struktur presentasi lisan dan mengembangkannya. KAD 10 Students are able to make an outline oral presentation in informatics/ information system context and develop it. (6,6) |
Daftar Kriteria Penilaian (Indikator) |
PI Description | PI Assessment Methods |
Menuangkan ide secara terstruktur Expressing structured ideas |
Tugas 2.00 %
13 |
Presentation Skills
- Content and Delivery
- Presentation Structure: Opening, Body, Closing
- Signpost Languages
- Enthusiasm/ Audience Awareness
100.00 |
Collaborative Work
Academic Presentation |
- Tugas - 6.00 %
- Ujian Akhir Semester - 2.00 %
CAPAIAN PEMBELAJARAN: Memiliki Sikap Tri Krama : etika dan moral personal: Takwa, Tekun, Terampil ; etika dan moral komunal: Asah, Asih, Asuh ; dan etika dan moral masyarakat: Satria, Setia, Sportif. (CPL12 (S.a)) Possess the Tri Krama attitude: personal ethics and morals (Takwa, Tekun, Terampil); communal ethics and morals (Asah, Asih, Asuh); and societal ethics and morals (Satria, Setia, Sportif). (CPL12 (S.a))
CPMK: CPMK 4 Mahasiswa mampu menunjukkan sikap takwa-tekun-terampil dalam menyelesaikan tugas dan presentasi. CPMK 4 Students can demonstrates piety-resilience-skills in accomplishing tasks and presentation. |
KAD: KAD 11 Mahasiswa mampu memaparkan pendapat dan argumentasinya dalam presentasi lisan dalam konteks informatika/ sistem informasi. KAD 11 Students are able to express their opinion and arguments in oral presentation in informatics/ information system context. (6,6) |
Daftar Kriteria Penilaian (Indikator) |
PI Description | PI Assessment Methods |
Melakukan presentasi secara terstruktur, penguasaan materi dan penonton/peserta. Delivering well structured oral presentation, content mastery and audience awareness |
Tugas 6.00 %
Ujian Akhir Semester 2.00 %
14 |
Listening and Speaking Skills:
-Effective Group Presentation (well-structured and good delivery/ engaging)
100.00 |
Collaborative Work
Respecting others
Academic Presentation |
- Tugas - 6.00 %
- Ujian Akhir Semester - 2.00 %
CAPAIAN PEMBELAJARAN: Memiliki Sikap Tri Krama : etika dan moral personal: Takwa, Tekun, Terampil ; etika dan moral komunal: Asah, Asih, Asuh ; dan etika dan moral masyarakat: Satria, Setia, Sportif. (CPL12 (S.a)) Possess the Tri Krama attitude: personal ethics and morals (Takwa, Tekun, Terampil); communal ethics and morals (Asah, Asih, Asuh); and societal ethics and morals (Satria, Setia, Sportif). (CPL12 (S.a))
CPMK: CPMK 4 Mahasiswa mampu menunjukkan sikap takwa-tekun-terampil dalam menyelesaikan tugas dan presentasi. CPMK 4 Students can demonstrates piety-resilience-skills in accomplishing tasks and presentation. |
KAD: KAD 11 Mahasiswa mampu memaparkan pendapat dan argumentasinya dalam presentasi lisan dalam konteks informatika/ sistem informasi. KAD 11 Students are able to express their opinion and arguments in oral presentation in informatics/ information system context. (6,6) |
Daftar Kriteria Penilaian (Indikator) |
PI Description | PI Assessment Methods |
Melakukan presentasi secara terstruktur, penguasaan materi dan penonton/peserta. Delivering well structured oral presentation, content mastery and audience awareness |
Tugas 6.00 %
Ujian Akhir Semester 2.00 %