RPS: Session, Learning Material, Reference, Assessment/Rubric

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Subject Name :
Landscape Kode Matakuliah Nama Matakuliah sks Creator Reviewer Action
Kurikulum OBE Sarjana Teknik Pertambangan 2021/202 UBA6202 Bahasa Inggris 2.00 070049 Drs. Suparman Winoto, M.M. Belum di tentukan RPS| Assessment Map
Kurikulum S1 TP 2023 UBA6202 Bahasa Inggris 2.00 2325 Dra. Agustin Rebecca Lakawa, Ph.D. Belum di tentukan RPS| Assessment Map
Kurikulum OBE 2021 Prodi Teknik Lingkungan UBA6202 Bahasa Inggris 2.00 100084 Retno Indriyani, S.Pd.,M.Pd. 2234 Prof. Dr. Ir. Astri Rinanti, S.Si., M.T., IPM., ASEAN Eng RPS| Assessment Map
Kurikulum OBE 2023 Prodi Teknik Lingkungan UBA6202 Bahasa Inggris 2.00 100084 Retno Indriyani, S.Pd.,M.Pd. 2229 Dr. Ir. Ramadhani Yanidar, M.T. RPS| Assessment Map
Kurikulum 2023 OBE FSRD DKV (S1) UBA6301 Bahasa Inggris 3.00 070049 Drs. Suparman Winoto, M.M. Belum di tentukan RPS| Assessment Map
Kurikulum D3pajak 2023 UBA5302 Bahasa Inggris Terapan 3.00 3250 Dra. RETNO SARI MURTININGSIH, M.M., CHRMP Belum di tentukan RPS| Assessment Map
Kurikulum Sistem Informasi 2023/2024 UBA6207 Bahasa Inggris 2.00 2128 Dr. Dedy Sugiarto 2324 Dr. Ir. Nora Azmi, M.T. RPS| Assessment Map
Kurikulum Sistem Informasi 2023/2024 IKB6210 Bahasa Inggris Lanjut 2.00 100084 Retno Indriyani, S.Pd.,M.Pd. 2554 Anung Barlianto Ariwibowo, M.Kom. RPS| Assessment Map

RPS Detail
Course ProfileHistory
Kode MatakuliahUBA5302
Nama MatakuliahBahasa Inggris Terapan
Semester NameSubject CodeSubject NameGroup NameGroup CodePortfolioEvidence
Genap 2023/2024 (R) UBA5302 Bahasa Inggris Terapan 0020 0020 Portofolio Tidak Diijinkan
Genap 2023/2024 (R) UBA5302 Bahasa Inggris Terapan 0019 0019 Portofolio Tidak Diijinkan
Genap 2023/2024 (R) UBA5302 Bahasa Inggris Terapan 0016 0016 Portofolio Tidak Diijinkan
Genap 2023/2024 (R) UBA5302 Bahasa Inggris Terapan 0018 0018 Portofolio Tidak Diijinkan
Genap 2023/2024 (R) UBA5302 Bahasa Inggris Terapan 0017 0017 Portofolio Tidak Diijinkan

Review History
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Capaian Pembelajaran (CP)

RPS per Session
Sesi Ke KAD Bahan Kajian Metoda Pembelajaran Waktu Belajar (Menit) Pengalaman Belajar Mahasiswa Referensi Kriteria Penilaian (Indikator)
1 1. Business situation “at the airport” 2.“Types of offices”. 3. Can I take a message?” 4. “Helping customer” 5. Making an appointment
  • Tutorial
  • Kolaborative
  • Diskusi
150.00 1. Memperhatikan penjelasan 2. Mengerjakan latihan (Listening Practices)
  • Dra. Retno Sari Murtiningsih, MM dan Drs. Syakir, MM(2023)
  • Tugas 1 - 5.00 %
2 1. “To be dan Present Simple” 2. * There is… * There are.... * Adverbs of frequency 3. “Present Simple dan Present Continuous” 4. “Some, any, much dan many” 5. Present Continuous for Future Plans
  • Tutorial
  • Kolaborative
  • Diskusi
150.00 1. Memperhatikan penjelasan 2. Mengerjakan latihan Soal-soal grammar
  • Retno Sari Murtiningsih(2023)
  • Ujian Tengah Semester (Soal 1) - 6.00 %
3 1. “Opening and Closing conversation” 2. “A typical day- talking about a day in the life of a famous person” 3. “About cell phone” 4. * Shopping habits * Talking about shopping: Good and bad service 5. Making plans and Suggestions 6. About Tax accounting career 7. Country taxation system
  • Tutorial
  • Kolaborative
  • Diskusi
150.00 1.Memperhatikan penjelasan 2.Speaking Practices
  • Gina Richardson dan Michele Peters(2023)
  • Tugas 2 - 5.00 %
4 1. “Numbers dan Countries and regions”. 2. ·Office equipment ·Words that go together (1) 3. * Spelling names and saying numbers * Telephone language 4. * Giving directions * Words that go together (2) 5. * Days, months, dates * Telling the time 6. Collocation 7. Prepositions
  • Tutorial
  • Kolaborative
  • Diskusi
150.00 1.Memperhatikan penjelasan 2.Mengerjakan latihan soal-soal vocabulary
  • Ujian Tengah Semester (Soal No.2) - 6.00 %
5 1. ” Talking about jobs”. 2. ” Offices around the world” 3. The unbreakable cell phone” 4. “Showrooming” 5. “London to Beijing in two days” 6. Tax accounting career 7. What is what in accounting
  • Tutorial
  • Kolaborative
  • Diskusi
150.00 1.Memperhatikan penjelasan 2.Mengerjakan soal-soal Reading Comphrehension
  • Ujian Tengah Semester (Soal No.3) - 6.00 %
6 1. Business Emails 2. “An inquiry”
  • Tutorial
  • Kolaborative
  • Diskusi
150.00 1.Memperhatikan penjelasan 2.Writing Practices (Writing Business Emails, An inquiry)
  • Ujian Tengah Semester (Soal No.4) - 6.00 %
  • Tutorial
  • Kolaborative
  • Diskusi
150.00 1.Memperhatikan dan memahami penjelasan 2.Mengerjakan Latihan soal-soal pemahaman Tax Terminologi 3.Mengerjakan soal-soal Kuis
  • Ujian Tengah Semester (Soal No.5) - 6.00 %
  • Quiz 1 - 5.00 %
8 1. “Customer service in a hotel” 2. “The story of a company” 3. “Entertaining in the business world” 4. “During and after work”: 5. “Saying goodbye”
  • Tutorial
  • Kolaborative
  • Diskusi
150.00 1.Memperhatikan penjelasan 2.Mengerjakan soal-soal Listening
  • Tugas 3 - 5.00 %
9 1. “ Comparing people, places, and things”. 2. * Past simple regular verbs * Past simple Irregular verbs 3. “Modal Verbs, Countable and Uncountable nouns” 4. -ing or to- infinitive -Connecting words 5. “The will future dan grammar quiz” 6. Present Continuous Tense 7. “Conditionals”
  • Tutorial
  • Kolaborative
  • Diskusi
150.00 1.Memperhatikan dan memahami penjelasan 2.Mengerjakan soal-soal grammar
  • Ujian Akhir Semester (Soal No.1) - 6.00 %
10 1. traveling dan giving advice. 2. Succesful Asian companies 3. “In a food court” 4. “Travel and leisure in Asia” 5. “The workplace in 2025” 6. Giving opinions 7. * The measures imposed to prevent tax fraud * How government fight against money laundering
  • Tutorial
  • Kolaborative
  • Diskusi
150.00 1.Memperhatikan dan memahami penjelasan 2.Speaking Practices
  • Tugas 4 - 5.00 %
11 1. Traveling and Describing pictures 2. Countries and Nationalities” dan penggunaan “Make dan Do”. 3. “Food and drinks” dan Invitations”. 4. * Play/do/go * Describing leisure activities 5. * Saying hello and goodbye * Vocabulary quiz 6. Phrasal Verbs 7. “Tax-related crimes”
  • Tutorial
  • Kolaborative
  • Diskusi
150.00 1.Memperhatikan dan memahami penjelasan 2.Mengerjakan soal-soal vocabulary
  • Ujian Akhir Semester (Soal No.2) - 6.00 %
12 1. The Richmond Hotel 2. “Top jobs for women” 3. “Special request on Mjets” 4. ”The Tourists in Thailand” 5. “The ASEAN Economic Community” 6. * Direct and Indirect tax * Taxation Methods 7. “Roles of tax authorities” dan “Tax havens”
  • Tutorial
  • Kolaborative
  • Diskusi
150.00 1.Memperhatikan dan memahami penjelasan 2.Mengerjakan soal-soal Reading Compherhension
  • Ujian Akhir Semester (Soal No.3) - 6.00 %
13 1. “A confirmation” 2. Make an invitation” 3. “A thank-you email”
  • Tutorial
  • Kolaborative
  • Diskusi
150.00 1.Memperhatikan dan memahami penjelasan 2.Writing Practices “A confirmation”, Make an invitation”, “A thank-you email”
  • Ujian Akhir Semester (Soal No.4) - 6.00 %
  • Tutorial
  • Kolaborative
  • Diskusi
150.00 1. “A confirmation” 2. Make an invitation” 3. “A thank-you email”
  • Ujian Akhir Semester (Soal No.5) - 6.00 %
  • Quiz 2 - 5.00 %
  • Sikap - 10.00 %

Assessment Component

Assessment Detail
NoComponent NameWeightage
1 Quiz 1 5.00
2 Quiz 2 5.00
3 Sikap 10.00
4 Tugas 1 5.00
5 Tugas 2 5.00
6 Tugas 3 5.00
7 Tugas 4 5.00
8 Ujian Akhir Semester 30
9 Ujian Tengah Semester 30

Daftar Referensi
  1. 1. Dra. Retno Sari Murtiningsih, MM dan Drs. Syakir, MM. Applied English Module for D3 Perpajakan FEB Usakti . D III Perpajakan FEB Usakti. 2023
  2. 2. Retno Sari Murtiningsih. Getting Higher Score for the TOEFL STRUCTURE. FEB Usakti. 2023
  3. 3. Gina Richardson dan Michele Peters. Building Skills for the TOEIC TEST. FEB Usakti. 2023