Sesi Ke |
Bahan Kajian |
Metoda Pembelajaran |
Waktu Belajar (Menit) |
Pengalaman Belajar Mahasiswa |
Referensi |
Kriteria Penilaian (Indikator) |
1 |
Pengantar Jaringan Komputer berupa OSI dan TCP/IP model, serta konsep transfer data antar lapisan model |
150.00 |
mendengar dan diskusi |
- Quiz - 1.00 %
- Tugas Kelompok 1 - 2.00 %
- Ujian Tengah Semester - 2.00 %
CAPAIAN PEMBELAJARAN: Mampu memahami dan menggunakan berbagai metodologi pengembangan sistem beserta alat pemodelan sistem dan menganalisa kebutuhan pengguna dalam membangun sistem informasi untuk mencapai tujuan organisasi. (CPL03 (P.a)) Able to understand and utilize various system development methodologies, modeling tools, and analyze user requirements to build information systems that align with organizational goals. (CPL03 (P.a))
CPMK: Mampu mengidentifikasi konsep dasar jaringan dan komunikasi komputer. Able to identify the basic concepts of computer network and communication. |
KAD: mahasiswa mampu menjelaskan sejarah jaringan komputer, pengaruh perkembangan jaringan komputer dalam kehidupan manusia, komponen utama dalam jaringan dan klasifikasi jaringan komputer students are able to explain the history of computer networks, the influence of the development of computer networks on human life, the main components in networks and the classification of computer networks (2,2 (2,2) |
Daftar Kriteria Penilaian (Indikator) |
PI Description | PI Assessment Methods |
Setiap lapisan OSI dan TCP dapat dijelaskan fungsinya dan diberikan contoh realnya
Every OSI layer is explained clearly what function is and given real example |
Quiz 1.00 %
Tugas Kelompok 1 1.00 %
KAD: Mampu menjelaskan berbagai prinsip layered network architecture.(Sub-CPMK 4.1) Able to explain the principles of layered network architectures.(Sub-CPMK 4.1) (2,2) |
Daftar Kriteria Penilaian (Indikator) |
PI Description | PI Assessment Methods |
Ketepatan menjawa soal UTS Correctness in answering question of Examination Test. |
| 0.25(Fail)
| 0.50(Pass)
| 0.75(Pass)
| 1.00(Pass)
Jawaban UTS salah
Incorrect answer for UTS | 25% jawaban UTS benar.
25% answer for UTS is correct. | 50% jawaban UTS benar.
50% answer for UTS is correct. | 75% jawaban UTS benar. 75% answer for UTS is correct. | 100% jawaban UTS benar. 100% answer for UTS is correct. |
KAD: Mampu menjelaskan protokol jaringan dan konfigurasinya.(Sub-CPMK 7.1) Able to explain network protocols and their configuration.(Sub-CPMK 7.1) (2,2) |
Daftar Kriteria Penilaian (Indikator) |
PI Description | PI Assessment Methods |
Pengertian protokol dan komponen penyusunnya dapat dijelaskan dengan baik The meaning of the protocol and its constituent components can be explained well |
KAD: Mampu menganalisa infrastruktur TI untuk berbagai organisasi.(Sub-CPMK 9.1) Able to examine and critique IT infrastructure for organizations.(Sub-CPMK 9.1) (4,4) |
Daftar Kriteria Penilaian (Indikator) |
PI Description | PI Assessment Methods |
Infrastruktur jaringan untuk berbagai organisasi dapat dianalisis dengan baik The network infrastructure for various organizations can be analyzed well |
CAPAIAN PEMBELAJARAN: Mampu memahami dan menggunakan berbagai metodologi pengembangan sistem beserta alat pemodelan sistem dan menganalisa kebutuhan pengguna dalam membangun sistem informasi untuk mencapai tujuan organisasi. (CPL03 (P.a)) Able to understand and utilize various system development methodologies, modeling tools, and analyze user requirements to build information systems that align with organizational goals. (CPL03 (P.a))
CPMK: Mampu mengidentifikasi konsep dasar jaringan dan komunikasi komputer. Able to identify the basic concepts of computer network and communication. |
KAD: mahasiswa mampu menjelaskan konsep osi dan tcp layer students are able to explain the concept of osi and tcp layer (2,2) (2,2) |
Daftar Kriteria Penilaian (Indikator) |
PI Description | PI Assessment Methods |
ketepatan menjawab soal uts Correctness in answering question of Examination Test. |
Ujian Tengah Semester 2.00 %
2 |
Layer Phisik berupa Spektrum frekuensi kerja media, jarak, dan kecepatan transfer data media kabel, fiber optik, dan nir-kabel |
- Tutorial
- Percobaan
- Diskusi
150.00 |
mendengarkan paparan dosen serta praktek di lab |
- Diskusi - 2.00 %
- Quiz - 1.00 %
- Tugas Kelompok 1 - 2.00 %
- Ujian Tengah Semester - 4.00 %
- Praktikum - 1.00 %
CAPAIAN PEMBELAJARAN: Mampu memahami dan menggunakan berbagai metodologi pengembangan sistem beserta alat pemodelan sistem dan menganalisa kebutuhan pengguna dalam membangun sistem informasi untuk mencapai tujuan organisasi. (CPL03 (P.a)) Able to understand and utilize various system development methodologies, modeling tools, and analyze user requirements to build information systems that align with organizational goals. (CPL03 (P.a))
CPMK: Mampu mengidentifikasi konsep dasar jaringan dan komunikasi komputer. Able to identify the basic concepts of computer network and communication. |
KAD: mampu menjelaskan mekanisme transmisi data digital dan analog able to explain the mechanisms of digital and analog data transmission (2,2) |
Daftar Kriteria Penilaian (Indikator) |
PI Description | PI Assessment Methods |
1. mampu mejelaskan mekanisme dan perbedaan transmisi data digital dan analog able to explain the mechanisms and differences between digital and analog data transmission |
Diskusi 2.00 %
Quiz 1.00 %
PI Description | PI Assessment Methods |
2. Ketepatan menjawab soal uts Accuracy in answering UTS questions |
Ujian Tengah Semester 2.00 %
| 0.25(Fail)
| 0.50(Pass)
| 0.75(Pass)
| 1.00(Pass)
Jawaban UTS salah
Incorrect answer for UTS | 25% jawaban UTS benar.
25% answer for UTS is correct. | 50% jawaban UTS benar.
50% answer for UTS is correct. | 75% jawaban UTS benar.
75% answer for UTS is correct. | 100% jawaban UTS benar.
100% answer for UTS is correct. |
KAD: mampu menjelaskan cara kerja utilisasi bandwidth dengan multiplexing dan spread spektrum able to explain how bandwidth utilization works with multiplexing and spread spectrum (2,2) |
Daftar Kriteria Penilaian (Indikator) |
PI Description | PI Assessment Methods |
ketepatan menjawab soal uts Accuracy in answering UTS questions |
Ujian Tengah Semester 2.00 %
| 0.25(Fail)
| 0.50(Pass)
| 0.75(Pass)
| 1.00(Pass)
Jawaban UTS salah
Incorrect answer for UTS | 25% jawaban UTS benar.
25% answer for UTS is correct. | 50% jawaban UTS benar.
50% answer for UTS is correct. | 75% jawaban UTS benar.
75% answer for UTS is correct. | 100% jawaban UTS benar.
100% answer for UTS is correct. |
CAPAIAN PEMBELAJARAN: Mampu membuat perencanaan infrastruktur TI, arsitektur jaringan, layanan fisik dan cloud, menganalisa konsep identifikasi, otentikasi, otorisasi akses dalam konteks melindungi orang dan perangkat. (CPL04 (KK.c)) Able to plan IT infrastructure, network architecture, physical and cloud services, and analyze the concepts of identification, authentication, and access authorization in the context of protecting individuals and devices. (CPL04 (KK.c))
CPMK: mahasiswa mampu mendemontrasikan prinsip dan konsep jaringan komputer
students are able to demonstrate the principles and concepts of computer networks |
KAD: mampu membuat penyambungan kabel utp secara straight dan cross able to make straight and cross UTP cable connections (6,6) |
Daftar Kriteria Penilaian (Indikator) |
PI Description | PI Assessment Methods |
Penyambungan kabel utp secara straight dan cross dapat dilakukan dan ditunjukan dengan baik Connecting UTP cables straight and cross can be done and shown well |
Tugas Kelompok 1 2.00 %
Praktikum 1.00 %
3 |
Physical Layer berupa media transmisi |
- Tutorial
- Percobaan
- Diskusi
150.00 |
mendengar paparan dosen, simulasi komunikasi kelompok dengan memperagakan cara kerja ethernet dengan mahasiswa sebagai host |
- Diskusi - 1.00 %
- Tugas Kelompok 1 - 2.00 %
- Ujian Tengah Semester - 4.00 %
CAPAIAN PEMBELAJARAN: Mampu memahami dan menggunakan berbagai metodologi pengembangan sistem beserta alat pemodelan sistem dan menganalisa kebutuhan pengguna dalam membangun sistem informasi untuk mencapai tujuan organisasi. (CPL03 (P.a)) Able to understand and utilize various system development methodologies, modeling tools, and analyze user requirements to build information systems that align with organizational goals. (CPL03 (P.a))
CPMK: Mampu mengidentifikasi konsep dasar jaringan dan komunikasi komputer. Able to identify the basic concepts of computer network and communication. |
KAD: mampu menjelaskan perbedaan packet dan sirkuit switching
able to explain the difference between packet and circuit switching (2,2) |
Daftar Kriteria Penilaian (Indikator) |
PI Description | PI Assessment Methods |
1. perbedaan prinsip kerja dan penerapan antara packet dan sirkuit switching dapat dijelaskan denga benar The differences in working principles and implementation between packet and circuit switching can be explained correctly |
Diskusi 1.00 %
Tugas Kelompok 1 2.00 %
PI Description | PI Assessment Methods |
2. ketepatan menjawab soal UTS Accuracy in answering UTS questions |
Ujian Tengah Semester 2.00 %
| 0.25(Fail)
| 0.50(Pass)
| 0.75(Pass)
| 1.00(Pass)
Jawaban UTS salah
Incorrect answer for UTS | 25% jawaban UTS benar.
25% answer for UTS is correct. | 50% jawaban UTS benar.
50% answer for UTS is correct. | 75% jawaban UTS benar.
75% answer for UTS is correct. | 100% jawaban UTS benar.
100% answer for UTS is correct. |
KAD: mampu menjelaskan karakteristik, kelebihan dan kekurangan berbagai macam media trasmisi
able to explain the characteristics, advantages and disadvantages of various types of transmission media (2,2) |
Daftar Kriteria Penilaian (Indikator) |
PI Description | PI Assessment Methods |
ketepatan menjawab soal UTS
Accuracy in answering UTS questions |
Ujian Tengah Semester 2.00 %
| 0.25(Fail)
| 0.50(Pass)
| 0.75(Pass)
| 1.00(Pass)
Jawaban UTS salah
Incorrect answer for UTS | 25% jawaban UTS benar.
25% answer for UTS is correct. | 50% jawaban UTS benar.
50% answer for UTS is correct. | 75% jawaban UTS benar.
75% answer for UTS is correct. | 100% jawaban UTS benar.
100% answer for UTS is correct. |
4 |
Data link layer berupa error control dan detection |
- Tutorial
- Percobaan
- Diskusi
150.00 |
mendengarkan penjelasan dosen, diskusi kasus, praktikum |
- Praktikum - 1.00 %
- Quiz - 1.00 %
- Tugas Kelompok 1 - 1.00 %
- Ujian Tengah Semester - 4.00 %
CAPAIAN PEMBELAJARAN: Mampu memahami dan menggunakan berbagai metodologi pengembangan sistem beserta alat pemodelan sistem dan menganalisa kebutuhan pengguna dalam membangun sistem informasi untuk mencapai tujuan organisasi. (CPL03 (P.a)) Able to understand and utilize various system development methodologies, modeling tools, and analyze user requirements to build information systems that align with organizational goals. (CPL03 (P.a))
CPMK: Mampu mengidentifikasi konsep dasar jaringan dan komunikasi komputer. Able to identify the basic concepts of computer network and communication. |
KAD: Memahami konsep dasar pengkodean data Understand the basic concepts of data coding (2,2) |
Daftar Kriteria Penilaian (Indikator) |
PI Description | PI Assessment Methods |
1. mampu menunjukan mekanisme pengkodean data dengan benar able to show the correct data coding mechanism |
Quiz 1.00 %
PI Description | PI Assessment Methods |
2. ketepatan menjawan soal UTS Accuracy in answering UTS questions |
Ujian Tengah Semester 1.00 %
| 0.25(Fail)
| 0.50(Pass)
| 0.75(Pass)
| 1.00(Pass)
Jawaban UTS salah
Incorrect answer for UTS | 25% jawaban UTS benar.
25% answer for UTS is correct. | 50% jawaban UTS benar.
50% answer for UTS is correct. | 75% jawaban UTS benar.
75% answer for UTS is correct. | 100% jawaban UTS benar.
100% answer for UTS is correct. |
KAD: mahasiswa mampu memahami konsep dan prosedur bermacam algoritma koreksi dan deteksi error
Students are able to understand the concepts and procedures of various error correction and detection algorithms (2,2) |
Daftar Kriteria Penilaian (Indikator) |
PI Description | PI Assessment Methods |
1. Dapat menunjukan mekanisme kerja bermacam algoritma koreksi dan deteksi error Can show the working mechanisms of various error correction and detection algorithms |
Tugas Kelompok 1 2.00 %
PI Description | PI Assessment Methods |
2. ketepatan menjawab soal uts Accuracy in answering UTS questions |
Ujian Tengah Semester 2.00 %
| 0.25(Fail)
| 0.50(Pass)
| 0.75(Pass)
| 1.00(Pass)
Jawaban UTS salah
Incorrect answer for UTS | 25% jawaban UTS benar.
25% answer for UTS is correct. | 50% jawaban UTS benar.
50% answer for UTS is correct. | 75% jawaban UTS benar.
75% answer for UTS is correct. | 100% jawaban UTS benar.
100% answer for UTS is correct. |
KAD: mahasiswa mampu menjelaskan mekanisme kerja protokol MA, CSMA, CSMA/CD students are able to explain the mechanism of action of the MA, CSMA, CSMA/CD protocols (2,2) |
Daftar Kriteria Penilaian (Indikator) |
PI Description | PI Assessment Methods |
ketepatan menjawab soal uts Accuracy in answering UTS questions |
Ujian Tengah Semester 1.00 %
| 0.25(Fail)
| 0.50(Pass)
| 0.75(Pass)
| 1.00(Pass)
Jawaban UTS salah Incorrect answer for UTS | 25% jawaban UTS benar. 25% answer for UTS is correct. | 50% jawaban UTS benar. 50% answer for UTS is correct. | 75% jawaban UTS benar. 75% answer for UTS is correct. | 100% jawaban UTS benar. 100% answer for UTS is correct. |
5 |
Data Link Layer berupa DLC dan MAC |
150.00 |
mendengarkan paparan dosen, diskusi, praktikum di laboratorium |
- Praktikum - 1.00 %
- Tugas Kelompok 1 - 2.00 %
- Ujian Tengah Semester - 4.00 %
CAPAIAN PEMBELAJARAN: Mampu memahami dan menggunakan berbagai metodologi pengembangan sistem beserta alat pemodelan sistem dan menganalisa kebutuhan pengguna dalam membangun sistem informasi untuk mencapai tujuan organisasi. (CPL03 (P.a)) Able to understand and utilize various system development methodologies, modeling tools, and analyze user requirements to build information systems that align with organizational goals. (CPL03 (P.a))
CPMK: Mampu mengidentifikasi konsep dasar jaringan dan komunikasi komputer. Able to identify the basic concepts of computer network and communication. |
KAD: mampu menjelaskan cara kerja, persamaan serta perbedaan antara Data Link Control dengan Media Akses Control able to explain how it works, similarities and differences between Data Link Control and Media Access Control (2,2) |
Daftar Kriteria Penilaian (Indikator) |
PI Description | PI Assessment Methods |
1. ketepatan menjawan soal UTS
Accuracy in answering UTS questions |
Ujian Tengah Semester 4.00 %
| 0.25(Fail)
| 0.50(Pass)
| 0.75(Pass)
| 1.00(Pass)
Jawaban UTS salah
Incorrect answer for UTS | 25% jawaban UTS benar.
25% answer for UTS is correct. | 50% jawaban UTS benar.
50% answer for UTS is correct. | 75% jawaban UTS benar.
75% answer for UTS is correct. | 100% jawaban UTS benar.
100% answer for UTS is correct. |
PI Description | PI Assessment Methods |
2. mampu menunjukan perbedaan prinsip kerja dan fungsi DLC dan MAC able to show the differences in working principles and functions of DLC and MAC |
Tugas Kelompok 1 2.00 %
CAPAIAN PEMBELAJARAN: Mampu membuat perencanaan infrastruktur TI, arsitektur jaringan, layanan fisik dan cloud, menganalisa konsep identifikasi, otentikasi, otorisasi akses dalam konteks melindungi orang dan perangkat. (CPL04 (KK.c)) Able to plan IT infrastructure, network architecture, physical and cloud services, and analyze the concepts of identification, authentication, and access authorization in the context of protecting individuals and devices. (CPL04 (KK.c))
CPMK: mahasiswa mampu mendemontrasikan prinsip dan konsep jaringan komputer
students are able to demonstrate the principles and concepts of computer networks |
KAD: mampu mendemontrasikan pemakaian bermacam instruksi yang terdapat dalam DLC dan MAC able to demonstrate the use of various instructions contained in the DLC and MAC (3,3) |
Daftar Kriteria Penilaian (Indikator) |
PI Description | PI Assessment Methods |
pemakaian bermacam instruksi yang terdapat dalam DLC dan MAC dapat ditunjukan the use of various instructions contained in the DLC and MAC can be shown |
Praktikum 1.00 %
6 |
Data Link Layer berupa wire dan wireless Lan serta VLAN |
- Tutorial
- Percobaan
- Diskusi
150.00 |
mendengar penjelasan dosen, merancang subnetting, diskusi, percobaan di laboratorium |
- Praktikum - 2.00 %
- Quiz - 1.00 %
- Tugas Kelompok 1 - 1.00 %
- Ujian Tengah Semester - 4.00 %
CAPAIAN PEMBELAJARAN: Mampu memahami dan menggunakan berbagai metodologi pengembangan sistem beserta alat pemodelan sistem dan menganalisa kebutuhan pengguna dalam membangun sistem informasi untuk mencapai tujuan organisasi. (CPL03 (P.a)) Able to understand and utilize various system development methodologies, modeling tools, and analyze user requirements to build information systems that align with organizational goals. (CPL03 (P.a))
CPMK: Mampu mengidentifikasi konsep dasar jaringan dan komunikasi komputer. Able to identify the basic concepts of computer network and communication. |
KAD: mahasiswa mampu menjelaskan prinsip dan konsep virtual LAN
student able to explain the principles and concepts of virtual LANs (3,3) |
Daftar Kriteria Penilaian (Indikator) |
PI Description | PI Assessment Methods |
ketepatan menjawan soal UTS
Accuracy in answering UTS questions |
Ujian Tengah Semester 2.00 %
| 0.25(Pass)
| 0.50(Pass)
| 0.75(Pass)
| 1.00(Pass)
Jawaban UTS salah
Incorrect answer for UTS | 25% jawaban UTS benar
25% answer for UTS is correct. | 50% jawaban UTS benar
50% answer for UTS is correct. | 75% jawaban UTS benar
75% answer for UTS is correct. | 100% jawaban UTS benar
100% answer for UTS is correct. |
KAD: mahasiswa mampu memahami konsep dan cara kerja wireless lan Students are able to understand the concept and how wireless LAN works (2,2) |
Daftar Kriteria Penilaian (Indikator) |
PI Description | PI Assessment Methods |
1. mahasiswa mampu membuat konfigurasi jaringan wifi dengan benar Students are able to configure WiFi networks correctly |
Praktikum 1.00 %
PI Description | PI Assessment Methods |
2. ketepatan menjawan soal UTS
Accuracy in answering UTS questions |
Ujian Tengah Semester 2.00 %
| 0.25(Fail)
| 0.50(Pass)
| 0.75(Pass)
| 1.00(Pass)
Jawaban UTS salah
Incorrect answer for UTS | 25% jawaban UTS benar 25% answer for UTS is correct. | 50% jawaban UTS benar
50% answer for UTS is correct. | 75% jawaban UTS benar
75% answer for UTS is correct. | 100% jawaban UTS benar
100% answer for UTS is correct. |
KAD: mampu memahami dan menjelaskan perbedaan antara broadcast dan collision domain
able to understand and explain the difference between broadcast and collision domains (2,2) |
Daftar Kriteria Penilaian (Indikator) |
PI Description | PI Assessment Methods |
mahasiswa mampu menunjukan penerapan broadcast dan collision domain dalam sistem jaringan students are able to show the application of broadcast and collision domains in network systems |
Quiz 1.00 %
Tugas Kelompok 1 1.00 %
CAPAIAN PEMBELAJARAN: Mampu membuat perencanaan infrastruktur TI, arsitektur jaringan, layanan fisik dan cloud, menganalisa konsep identifikasi, otentikasi, otorisasi akses dalam konteks melindungi orang dan perangkat. (CPL04 (KK.c)) Able to plan IT infrastructure, network architecture, physical and cloud services, and analyze the concepts of identification, authentication, and access authorization in the context of protecting individuals and devices. (CPL04 (KK.c))
CPMK: mahasiswa mampu mendemontrasikan prinsip dan konsep jaringan komputer
students are able to demonstrate the principles and concepts of computer networks |
KAD: mampu mendemontrasikan jaringan VLAN
able to demonstrate VLAN networks (3,3) |
Daftar Kriteria Penilaian (Indikator) |
PI Description | PI Assessment Methods |
mahasiswa mampu membuat konfigurasi jaringan vlan dengan benar Students are able to configure vlan networks correctly |
Praktikum 1.00 %
7 |
Layer Network: ip4, ip6 |
- Tutorial
- Percobaan
- Pemecahan Masalah
150.00 |
mendengar paparan dosen, diskusi, percobaan di laboratorium |
- Praktikum - 1.00 %
- Tugas Kelompok 1 - 2.00 %
- Ujian Tengah Semester - 3.00 %
CAPAIAN PEMBELAJARAN: Mampu memahami dan menggunakan berbagai metodologi pengembangan sistem beserta alat pemodelan sistem dan menganalisa kebutuhan pengguna dalam membangun sistem informasi untuk mencapai tujuan organisasi. (CPL03 (P.a)) Able to understand and utilize various system development methodologies, modeling tools, and analyze user requirements to build information systems that align with organizational goals. (CPL03 (P.a))
CPMK: Mampu mengidentifikasi konsep dasar jaringan dan komunikasi komputer. Able to identify the basic concepts of computer network and communication. |
KAD: mampu menjelaskan mekanisme pemetaan alamat fisik (MAC address) dan alamat logika (IP address)
able to explain the mechanism of mapping physical address (MAC address) and logical address (IP address) (2,2) |
Daftar Kriteria Penilaian (Indikator) |
PI Description | PI Assessment Methods |
mahasiswa mampu menjelaskan cara melakukan pemetaan alamat fisik kealamat logik dan sebaliknya Students are able to explain how to map physical addresses to logical addresses and vice versa |
Tugas Kelompok 1 1.00 %
KAD: mahasiswa mampu menjelaskan perbedaan dan persamaan konsep ip4 dan ip6 Students are able to explain the differences and similarities between the concepts of IP4 and IP6 (2,2) |
Daftar Kriteria Penilaian (Indikator) |
PI Description | PI Assessment Methods |
ketepatan menjawan soal UTS
Accuracy in answering UTS questions |
Ujian Tengah Semester 3.00 %
| 0.25(Fail)
| 0.50(Pass)
| 0.75(Pass)
| 1.00(Pass)
Jawaban UTS salah
Incorrect answer for UTS | 25% jawaban UTS benar
25% answer for UTS is correct. | 50% jawaban UTS benar
50% answer for UTS is correct. | 75% jawaban UTS benar
75% answer for UTS is correct. | 100% jawaban UTS benar
100% answer for UTS is correct. |
CAPAIAN PEMBELAJARAN: Mampu membuat perencanaan infrastruktur TI, arsitektur jaringan, layanan fisik dan cloud, menganalisa konsep identifikasi, otentikasi, otorisasi akses dalam konteks melindungi orang dan perangkat. (CPL04 (KK.c)) Able to plan IT infrastructure, network architecture, physical and cloud services, and analyze the concepts of identification, authentication, and access authorization in the context of protecting individuals and devices. (CPL04 (KK.c))
CPMK: mahasiswa mampu mendemontrasikan prinsip dan konsep jaringan komputer
students are able to demonstrate the principles and concepts of computer networks |
KAD: mampu membuat perancangan IP addressing able to design IP addressing (3,3) |
Daftar Kriteria Penilaian (Indikator) |
PI Description | PI Assessment Methods |
mampu menunjukan hasil rancangan pengalamatan ip yang benar able to show the results of the correct IP addressing design |
Praktikum 1.00 %
KAD: mampu mendemontrasikan pembagian domain kolisi dan broadcast able to demonstrate the division of collision and broadcast domains (3,3) |
Daftar Kriteria Penilaian (Indikator) |
PI Description | PI Assessment Methods |
pembagian domain kolisi dan broadcast dapat diperlihatkan dengan benar The division of collision and broadcast domains can be shown correctly |
Tugas Kelompok 1 1.00 %
8 |
Layer Network: routing, algoritma Dikjtra |
150.00 |
mendengar paparan dosen, pemecahan masalah, diskusi, percobaan di laboratorium |
- Praktikum - 1.00 %
- Tugas Kelompok 2 - 2.00 %
- Ujian Akhir Semester - 3.00 %
CAPAIAN PEMBELAJARAN: Mampu memahami dan menggunakan berbagai metodologi pengembangan sistem beserta alat pemodelan sistem dan menganalisa kebutuhan pengguna dalam membangun sistem informasi untuk mencapai tujuan organisasi. (CPL03 (P.a)) Able to understand and utilize various system development methodologies, modeling tools, and analyze user requirements to build information systems that align with organizational goals. (CPL03 (P.a))
CPMK: Mampu mengidentifikasi konsep dasar jaringan dan komunikasi komputer. Able to identify the basic concepts of computer network and communication. |
KAD: Memahami prinsip IP, pembagian IP dan implementasi netmask
Understand IP principles, IP sharing and netmask implementation (2,2) |
Daftar Kriteria Penilaian (Indikator) |
PI Description | PI Assessment Methods |
mahasiswa mampu menunjukan rancangan pengalamatan ip untuk beberapa lan dengan baik dan benar Students are able to show IP addressing plans for several LANs properly and correctly |
Tugas Kelompok 2 1.00 %
KAD: mampu menjelaskan mekanisme pemetaan alamat fisik (MAC address) dan alamat logika (IP address)
able to explain the mechanism of mapping physical address (MAC address) and logical address (IP address) (2,2) |
Daftar Kriteria Penilaian (Indikator) |
PI Description | PI Assessment Methods |
mahasiswa mampu menjelaskan cara melakukan pemetaan alamat fisik kealamat logik dan sebaliknya Students are able to explain how to map physical addresses to logical addresses and vice versa |
Tugas Kelompok 2 1.00 %
KAD: mahasiswa mampu memahami prinsip algoritma jalur terpendek djiktra students are able to understand the principle of Dijkstra's shortest path algorithm (2,2) |
Daftar Kriteria Penilaian (Indikator) |
PI Description | PI Assessment Methods |
ketepatan menjawab soal uas accuracy of answering exam questions |
Ujian Akhir Semester 2.00 %
| 0.25(Fail)
| 0.50(Pass)
| 0.75(Pass)
| 1.00(Pass)
Jawaban UAS salah Incorrect answer for UAS | 25% jawaban UAS benar 25% answer for UAS is correct. | 50% jawaban UAS benar 50% answer for UAS is correct. | 75% jawaban UAS benar 75% answer for UAS is correct. | 100% jawaban UAS benar 100% answer for UAS is correct. |
KAD: mampu menjelaskan konsep serta cara kerja routing unicast dan multicast able to explain the concept and how unicast and multicast routing works (2,2) |
Daftar Kriteria Penilaian (Indikator) |
PI Description | PI Assessment Methods |
ketepatan menjawab soal uas accuracy of answering exam questions |
Ujian Akhir Semester 1.00 %
| 0.25(Fail)
| 0.50(Pass)
| 0.75(Pass)
| 1.00(Pass)
Jawaban UAS salah Incorrect answer for UAS | 25% jawaban UAS benar 25% answer for UAS is correct. | 50% jawaban UAS benar 50% answer for UAS is correct. | 75% jawaban UAS benar 75% answer for UAS is correct. | 100% jawaban UAS benar 100% answer for UAS is correct. |
CAPAIAN PEMBELAJARAN: Mampu membuat perencanaan infrastruktur TI, arsitektur jaringan, layanan fisik dan cloud, menganalisa konsep identifikasi, otentikasi, otorisasi akses dalam konteks melindungi orang dan perangkat. (CPL04 (KK.c)) Able to plan IT infrastructure, network architecture, physical and cloud services, and analyze the concepts of identification, authentication, and access authorization in the context of protecting individuals and devices. (CPL04 (KK.c))
CPMK: mahasiswa mampu mendemontrasikan prinsip dan konsep jaringan komputer
students are able to demonstrate the principles and concepts of computer networks |
KAD: mampu menunjukan aplikasi protokol routing statik, RIP dan OSPF pada sistem jaringan
able to show the application of static routing, RIP and OSPF on network systems (6,6) |
Daftar Kriteria Penilaian (Indikator) |
PI Description | PI Assessment Methods |
mahasiswa mampu mengkonfigurasi protokol routing statik, RIP dan OSPF pada router students are able to configure static routing protocols, RIP and OSPF on routers |
Praktikum 1.00 %
9 |
Layer Network: DHCP |
- Tutorial
- Percobaan
- Diskusi
150.00 |
mendengarkan paparan dosen, diskusi, percobaan di lab |
- Praktikum - 1.00 %
- Tugas Kelompok 2 - 2.00 %
- Ujian Akhir Semester - 3.00 %
CAPAIAN PEMBELAJARAN: Mampu memahami dan menggunakan berbagai metodologi pengembangan sistem beserta alat pemodelan sistem dan menganalisa kebutuhan pengguna dalam membangun sistem informasi untuk mencapai tujuan organisasi. (CPL03 (P.a)) Able to understand and utilize various system development methodologies, modeling tools, and analyze user requirements to build information systems that align with organizational goals. (CPL03 (P.a))
CPMK: Mampu mengidentifikasi konsep dasar jaringan dan komunikasi komputer. Able to identify the basic concepts of computer network and communication. |
KAD: mahasiswa mampu memahami konsep dan cara kerja dhcp
Students are able to understand the concept and how dhcp works (2,2) |
Daftar Kriteria Penilaian (Indikator) |
PI Description | PI Assessment Methods |
mahasiswa mampu menunjukan kemampuan untuk dapat melakukan dengan benar konfigurasi dhcp Students are able to demonstrate the ability to correctly configure DHCP |
Praktikum 1.00 %
Tugas Kelompok 2 1.00 %
CAPAIAN PEMBELAJARAN: Mampu membuat perencanaan infrastruktur TI, arsitektur jaringan, layanan fisik dan cloud, menganalisa konsep identifikasi, otentikasi, otorisasi akses dalam konteks melindungi orang dan perangkat. (CPL04 (KK.c)) Able to plan IT infrastructure, network architecture, physical and cloud services, and analyze the concepts of identification, authentication, and access authorization in the context of protecting individuals and devices. (CPL04 (KK.c))
CPMK: mahasiswa mampu mendemontrasikan prinsip dan konsep jaringan komputer
students are able to demonstrate the principles and concepts of computer networks |
KAD: mampu menunjukan cara kerja DNS able to show how DNS works (3,3) |
Daftar Kriteria Penilaian (Indikator) |
PI Description | PI Assessment Methods |
1. ketepatan menjawab soal uas
accuracy of answering exam questions |
Ujian Akhir Semester 3.00 %
| 0.25(Pass)
| 0.50(Pass)
| 0.75(Pass)
| 1.00(Pass)
Jawaban UAS salah Incorrect answer for UAS | 25% jawaban UAS benar 25% answer for UAS is correct. | 50% jawaban UAS benar 50% answer for UAS is correct. | 75% jawaban UAS benar 75% answer for UAS is correct. | 100% jawaban UAS benar 100% answer for UAS is correct. |
PI Description | PI Assessment Methods |
2. mampu membuat konfigurasi dns pada suatu sistem jaringan dengan benar Able to configure DNS on a network system correctly |
Tugas Kelompok 2 1.00 %
10 |
Transport Layer: UDP, TCP, SCTP |
150.00 |
mendengarkan paparan dosen dan diskusi, presentasi |
- Praktikum - 1.00 %
- Tugas Kelompok 2 - 2.00 %
- Ujian Akhir Semester - 6.00 %
CAPAIAN PEMBELAJARAN: Mampu memahami dan menggunakan berbagai metodologi pengembangan sistem beserta alat pemodelan sistem dan menganalisa kebutuhan pengguna dalam membangun sistem informasi untuk mencapai tujuan organisasi. (CPL03 (P.a)) Able to understand and utilize various system development methodologies, modeling tools, and analyze user requirements to build information systems that align with organizational goals. (CPL03 (P.a))
CPMK: Mampu mengidentifikasi konsep dasar jaringan dan komunikasi komputer. Able to identify the basic concepts of computer network and communication. |
KAD: mampu menjelaskan cara kerja, perbedaan serta kelebihan masing masing protokol di layer transport seperti udp, tcp dan sctp able to explain how it works, the differences and advantages of each protocol at the transport layer such as UDP, TCP and SCTP (2,2) |
Daftar Kriteria Penilaian (Indikator) |
PI Description | PI Assessment Methods |
1. ketepatan menjawab soal uas accuracy of answering exam questions |
Ujian Akhir Semester 6.00 %
| 0.25(Fail)
| 0.50(Pass)
| 0.75(Pass)
| 1.00(Pass)
Jawaban UAS salah Incorrect answer for UAS | 25% jawaban UAS benar 25% answer for UAS is correct. | 50% jawaban UAS benar 50% answer for UAS is correct. | 75% jawaban UAS benar 75% answer for UAS is correct. | 100% jawaban UAS benar 100% answer for UAS is correct. |
PI Description | PI Assessment Methods |
2. mampu menjelaskan prinsip kerja protokol udp, tcp dan sctp dengan benar able to explain the working principles of UDP, TCP and SCTP protocols correctly |
Praktikum 1.00 %
Tugas Kelompok 2 2.00 %
11 |
Application Layer: client server, peer to peer, network management |
- Tutorial
- Percobaan
- Diskusi
150.00 |
mendengar paparan dosen dan diskusi |
- Praktikum - 1.00 %
- Tugas Kelompok 2 - 2.00 %
- Ujian Akhir Semester - 3.00 %
CAPAIAN PEMBELAJARAN: Mampu memahami dan menggunakan berbagai metodologi pengembangan sistem beserta alat pemodelan sistem dan menganalisa kebutuhan pengguna dalam membangun sistem informasi untuk mencapai tujuan organisasi. (CPL03 (P.a)) Able to understand and utilize various system development methodologies, modeling tools, and analyze user requirements to build information systems that align with organizational goals. (CPL03 (P.a))
CPMK: Mampu mengidentifikasi konsep dasar jaringan dan komunikasi komputer. Able to identify the basic concepts of computer network and communication. |
KAD: mampu memahami dan menjelaskan perbedaan antara protokol standar client server dan peer to peer able to understand and explain the differences between standard client server and peer to peer protocols (2,2) |
Daftar Kriteria Penilaian (Indikator) |
PI Description | PI Assessment Methods |
1. ketepatan menjawab soal uas accuracy of answering exam questions |
Ujian Akhir Semester 2.00 %
| 0.25(Fail)
| 0.50(Pass)
| 0.75(Pass)
| 1.00(Pass)
Jawaban UAS salah Incorrect answer for UAS | 25% jawaban UAS benar 25% answer for UAS is correct. | 50% jawaban UAS benar 50% answer for UAS is correct. | 75% jawaban UAS benar 75% answer for UAS is correct. | 100% jawaban UAS benar 100% answer for UAS is correct. |
PI Description | PI Assessment Methods |
2. mampu menjelaskan prinsip kerja protokol standar client server dan peer to peer able to explain the working principles of standard client server and peer to peer protocols |
Praktikum 1.00 %
Tugas Kelompok 2 1.00 %
PI Description | PI Assessment Methods |
3. mampu menjelaskan prinsip kerja pengelolaan jaringan able to explain the working principles of network management |
Tugas Kelompok 2 1.00 %
KAD: mahasiswa mampu memahami konsep dan cara kerja pengelolaan jaringan
Students are able to understand the concept and how network management works (2,2) |
Daftar Kriteria Penilaian (Indikator) |
PI Description | PI Assessment Methods |
ketepatan menjawab soal uas
accuracy of answering exam questions ketepatan menjawab soal uas
accuracy of answering exam questions |
Ujian Akhir Semester 1.00 %
| 0.25(Fail)
| 0.50(Pass)
| 0.75(Pass)
| 1.00(Pass)
Jawaban UAS salah Incorrect answer for UAS | 25% jawaban UAS benar 25% answer for UAS is correct. | 50% jawaban UAS benar 50% answer for UAS is correct. | 75% jawaban UAS benar 75% answer for UAS is correct. | 100% jawaban UAS benar 100% answer for UAS is correct. |
12 |
Layer aplikasi: multimedia, QOS |
150.00 |
mendengar paparan dosen dan diskusi |
- Praktikum - 1.00 %
- Tugas Kelompok 2 - 1.00 %
- Ujian Akhir Semester - 3.00 %
CAPAIAN PEMBELAJARAN: Mampu memahami dan menggunakan berbagai metodologi pengembangan sistem beserta alat pemodelan sistem dan menganalisa kebutuhan pengguna dalam membangun sistem informasi untuk mencapai tujuan organisasi. (CPL03 (P.a)) Able to understand and utilize various system development methodologies, modeling tools, and analyze user requirements to build information systems that align with organizational goals. (CPL03 (P.a))
CPMK: Mampu mengidentifikasi konsep dasar jaringan dan komunikasi komputer. Able to identify the basic concepts of computer network and communication. |
KAD: mahasiswa mampu memahami konsep dan prosedur bermacam algoritma kompresi data
students are able to understand the concepts and procedures of various data compression algorithms (2,2) |
Daftar Kriteria Penilaian (Indikator) |
PI Description | PI Assessment Methods |
1. ketepatan menjawab soal uas
accuracy of answering exam questions |
Ujian Akhir Semester 1.00 %
| 0.25(Fail)
| 0.50(Pass)
| 0.75(Pass)
| 1.00(Pass)
Jawaban UAS salah Incorrect answer for UAS | 25% jawaban UAS benar 25% answer for UAS is correct. | 50% jawaban UAS benar 50% answer for UAS is correct. | 75% jawaban UAS benar 75% answer for UAS is correct. | 100% jawaban UAS benar 100% answer for UAS is correct. |
PI Description | PI Assessment Methods |
2. mampu memperlihatkan salah satu algoritma kompresi dengan benar able to show one of the compression algorithms correctly |
Praktikum 1.00 %
KAD: mahasiswa mampu menjelaskan mekanisme kerja multimedia dan qos
students are able to explain the mechanism of action of multimedia and qos (2,2) |
Daftar Kriteria Penilaian (Indikator) |
PI Description | PI Assessment Methods |
1. ketepatan menjawab soal uas accuracy of answering exam questions |
Ujian Akhir Semester 2.00 %
| 0.25(Fail)
| 0.50(Pass)
| 0.75(Pass)
| 1.00(Pass)
Jawaban UAS salah Incorrect answer for UAS | 25% jawaban UAS benar 25% answer for UAS is correct. | 50% jawaban UAS benar 50% answer for UAS is correct. | 75% jawaban UAS benar 75% answer for UAS is correct. | 100% jawaban UAS benar 100% answer for UAS is correct. |
PI Description | PI Assessment Methods |
2. mekanisme kerja multimedia dan qos dapat ditunjukan dengan baik dan benar the working mechanism of multimedia and QOS can be demonstrated properly and correctly |
Tugas Kelompok 2 1.00 %
13 |
Securiti Jaringan berupa prinsip dasar seperti confidential, integiti dan availabiliti serta firewall |
- Tutorial
- Percobaan
- Diskusi
150.00 |
paparan dosen dan diskusi, percobaan di laboratorium |
- Diskusi - 1.00 %
- Praktikum - 1.00 %
- Tugas Kelompok 2 - 2.00 %
- Ujian Akhir Semester - 4.00 %
CAPAIAN PEMBELAJARAN: Mampu memahami dan menggunakan berbagai metodologi pengembangan sistem beserta alat pemodelan sistem dan menganalisa kebutuhan pengguna dalam membangun sistem informasi untuk mencapai tujuan organisasi. (CPL03 (P.a)) Able to understand and utilize various system development methodologies, modeling tools, and analyze user requirements to build information systems that align with organizational goals. (CPL03 (P.a))
CPMK: Mampu mengidentifikasi konsep dasar jaringan dan komunikasi komputer. Able to identify the basic concepts of computer network and communication. |
KAD: mampu menjelaskan prinsip dasar keamanan jaringan yaitu confidential, integriti dan availabiliti able to explain the basic principles of network security, namely confidentiality, integrity and availability (2,2) |
Daftar Kriteria Penilaian (Indikator) |
PI Description | PI Assessment Methods |
ketepatan menjawab soal uas
accuracy of answering exam questions |
Ujian Akhir Semester 2.00 %
| 0.25(Fail)
| 0.50(Pass)
| 0.75(Pass)
| 1.00(Pass)
Jawaban UAS salah
Incorrect answer for UAS | 25% jawaban UAS benar 25% answer for UAS is correct. | 50% jawaban UAS benar 50% answer for UAS is correct. | 75% jawaban UAS benar 75% answer for UAS is correct. | 100% jawaban UAS benar 100% answer for UAS is correct. |
KAD: mahasiswa mampu menjelaskan cara kerja firewall students are able to explain how a firewall works (2,2) |
Daftar Kriteria Penilaian (Indikator) |
PI Description | PI Assessment Methods |
1. cara kerja firewall dapat ditunjukan dengan benar how the firewall works can be shown correctly |
Diskusi 1.00 %
Tugas Kelompok 2 1.00 %
PI Description | PI Assessment Methods |
2. ketepatan menjawab soal uas
accuracy of answering exam questions |
Ujian Akhir Semester 2.00 %
| 0.25(Fail)
| 0.50(Pass)
| 0.75(Pass)
| 1.00(Pass)
Jawaban UAS salah Incorrect answer for UAS | 25% jawaban UAS benar 25% answer for UAS is correct. | 50% jawaban UAS benar 50% answer for UAS is correct. | 75% jawaban UAS benar 75% answer for UAS is correct. | 100% jawaban UAS benar 100% answer for UAS is correct. |
CAPAIAN PEMBELAJARAN: Mampu membuat perencanaan infrastruktur TI, arsitektur jaringan, layanan fisik dan cloud, menganalisa konsep identifikasi, otentikasi, otorisasi akses dalam konteks melindungi orang dan perangkat. (CPL04 (KK.c)) Able to plan IT infrastructure, network architecture, physical and cloud services, and analyze the concepts of identification, authentication, and access authorization in the context of protecting individuals and devices. (CPL04 (KK.c))
CPMK: mahasiswa mampu mendemontrasikan prinsip dan konsep jaringan komputer
students are able to demonstrate the principles and concepts of computer networks |
KAD: mampu mengkonfigurasi firewall pada server, router atau terminal able to configure firewalls on servers, routers or terminals (3,3) |
Daftar Kriteria Penilaian (Indikator) |
PI Description | PI Assessment Methods |
konfigurasi firewall pada server, router atau terminal dappat berjalan dengan baik firewall configuration on the server, router or terminal can run well |
Praktikum 1.00 %
Tugas Kelompok 2 1.00 %
14 |
Securiti Jaringan berupa IPSec, TLS/SSL |
150.00 |
paparan dosen dan percobaan lab |
- Diskusi - 4.00 %
- Tugas Kelompok 2 - 2.00 %
- Ujian Akhir Semester - 3.00 %
- Quiz - 1.00 %
CAPAIAN PEMBELAJARAN: Mampu memahami dan menggunakan berbagai metodologi pengembangan sistem beserta alat pemodelan sistem dan menganalisa kebutuhan pengguna dalam membangun sistem informasi untuk mencapai tujuan organisasi. (CPL03 (P.a)) Able to understand and utilize various system development methodologies, modeling tools, and analyze user requirements to build information systems that align with organizational goals. (CPL03 (P.a))
CPMK: Mampu mengidentifikasi konsep dasar jaringan dan komunikasi komputer. Able to identify the basic concepts of computer network and communication. |
KAD: mampu menjelaskan prinsip kerja dan perbedaan penerapan protokol keamanan IPSec dan TLS/SSL able to explain the working principles and differences in the implementation of IPSec and TLS/SSL security protocols (2,2) |
Daftar Kriteria Penilaian (Indikator) |
PI Description | PI Assessment Methods |
1. ketepatan menjawab soal uas accuracy of answering exam questions |
Ujian Akhir Semester 3.00 %
| 0.25(Fail)
| 0.50(Pass)
| 0.75(Pass)
| 1.00(Pass)
Jawaban UAS salah Incorrect answer for UAS | 25% jawaban UAS benar 25% answer for UAS is correct. | 50% jawaban UAS benar 50% answer for UAS is correct. | 75% jawaban UAS benar 75% answer for UAS is correct. | 100% jawaban UAS benar 100% answer for UAS is correct. |
PI Description | PI Assessment Methods |
2. mekanisme kerja protokol keamanan IPSec dan TLS/SSL dapat dijelaskan dengan baik the working mechanism of the IPSec and TLS/SSL security protocols can be explained well |
Diskusi 4.00 %
Tugas Kelompok 2 2.00 %
Quiz 1.00 %