Sesi Ke |
Bahan Kajian |
Metoda Pembelajaran |
Waktu Belajar (Menit) |
Pengalaman Belajar Mahasiswa |
Referensi |
Kriteria Penilaian (Indikator) |
1 |
Pengantar |
150.00 |
mendengar dan diskusi |
- Abraham Silberschatz, Peter Baer Galvin, and Greg Gagne()
CAPAIAN PEMBELAJARAN: Mahasiswa mampu menjelaskan cara kerja sistem komputer dan
menerapkan/menggunakan berbagai algoritma/metode untuk
memecahkan masalah pada suatu industri. (P.a)
Students can explain the operation of computer systems and apply/utilize various algorithms/methods to solve problems in the industry. (P.a)
CPMK: Mahasiswa mampu menjelaskan prinsip dan konsep sistem operasi Students are able to explain the principles and concepts of operating systems |
KAD: mampu menjelaskan
komponen komponen penyusun sistem
able to explain system constituent components of operating system (2,2) |
Daftar Kriteria Penilaian (Indikator) |
PI Description | PI Assessment Methods |
komponen komponen penyusun sistem operasi dapat dijelaskan fungsinya The functions that make up an operating system can be explained |
Diskusi 1.00 %
KAD: mampu membedakan bermacam macam jenis sistem operasi seperti server, multiprosesor, embeded system able to distinguish various types of operating systems such as servers, multiprocessors, embedded systems (2,2) |
Daftar Kriteria Penilaian (Indikator) |
PI Description | PI Assessment Methods |
mampu menjelaskan karakteristik sistem operasi server, multiprosesor, dan embeded system dengan benar able to explain the characteristics of server operating systems, multiprocessors, and embedded systems correctly |
Diskusi 1.00 %
2 |
Layanan pada sistem operasi |
150.00 |
mendengarkan paparan dosen serta praktek mandiri di lab |
- Abraham Silberschatz, Peter Baer Galvin, and Greg Gagne()
- Diskusi - 1.00 %
- Praktikum - 1.00 %
- Quiz - 1.00 %
- Ujian Tengah Semester - 4.00 %
- Tugas Kelompok 1 - 2.00 %
CAPAIAN PEMBELAJARAN: Mahasiswa mampu menjelaskan cara kerja sistem komputer dan
menerapkan/menggunakan berbagai algoritma/metode untuk
memecahkan masalah pada suatu industri. (P.a)
Students can explain the operation of computer systems and apply/utilize various algorithms/methods to solve problems in the industry. (P.a)
CPMK: Mahasiswa mampu menjelaskan prinsip dan konsep sistem operasi Students are able to explain the principles and concepts of operating systems |
KAD: mampu menjelaskan prinsip dan konsep service pada sistem operasi able to explain the principles and concepts of service in operating systems (2,2) |
Daftar Kriteria Penilaian (Indikator) |
PI Description | PI Assessment Methods |
1. Ketepatan dalam menjawab soal UTS Correctness in answering question of Examination Test |
Ujian Tengah Semester 4.00 %
| 0.25(Fail)
| 0.50(Pass)
| 0.75(Pass)
| 1.00(Pass)
Jawaban Ujian salah Incorrect answer for Examination Test | 25% jawaban Ujian benar. 25% answer for Examination Test is correct. | 25% jawaban Ujian benar.
25% answer for Examination Test is correct. | 75% jawaban Ujian benar. 75% answer for Examination Test is correct. | 100% jawaban Ujian benar. 100% answer for Examination Test is correct. |
PI Description | PI Assessment Methods |
2. Ketepatan dalam menjawab soal quis Accuracy in answering quiz questions |
Quiz 1.00 %
| 0.25(Fail)
| 0.50(Pass)
| 0.75(Pass)
| 1.00(Pass)
Jawaban quis salah Quiz answer is wrong | 25% jawaban quiz benar 25% answer for quiz is correct. | 50% jawaban quiz benar
50% answer for quiz is correct. | 75% jawaban quiz benar 75% answer for quiz is correct. | 100% jawaban quiz benar 100% answer for quiz is correct. |
CAPAIAN PEMBELAJARAN: Mahasiswa mampu berpikir logis, kritis serta sistematis dalam memanfaatkan ilmu pengetahuan informatika/ ilmu komputer untuk menyelesaikan masalah nyata. (KU.b) Students can think logically, critically, and systematically in utilizing the knowledge of informatics/computer science to solve real-world problems.(KU.b)
CPMK: Kemampuan berkomunikasi baik lisan maupun tertulis dalam berbagai konteks profesional Ability to communicate both verbally and in writing in a variety of professional contexts |
KAD: mahasiswa mampu mempresentasikan pekerjaannya students are able to present their work (3,3) |
Daftar Kriteria Penilaian (Indikator) |
PI Description | PI Assessment Methods |
Mampu membuat paper yang sesuai standar nasional Able to make papers that comply with national standards |
Diskusi 1.00 %
CAPAIAN PEMBELAJARAN: Mahasiswa mampu mengimplementasi kebutuhan komputasi
dengan mempertimbangkan berbagai metode/algoritma yang
sesuai (KK.a) Students can implement computational requirements while considering various suitable methods/algorithms.(KK.a)
CPMK: mahasiswa mampu mendemontrasikan prinsip dan konsep sistem operasi Students are able to demonstrate the principles and concepts of operating systems |
KAD: mampu mendemontrasikan pemanfaatan service yang ada pada sistem operasi able to demonstrate the utilization of existing services in the operating system (3,3) |
Daftar Kriteria Penilaian (Indikator) |
PI Description | PI Assessment Methods |
Fungsi fungsi service sistem operasi dapat ditunjukan The operating system service functions can be demonstrated |
Praktikum 1.00 %
Tugas Kelompok 1 2.00 %
3 |
Proses |
- Tutorial
- Percobaan
- Diskusi
150.00 |
mendengarkan paparan dosen serta praktek mandiri di lab |
- Abraham Silberschatz, Peter Baer Galvin, and Greg Gagne()
- Diskusi - 1.00 %
- Praktikum - 1.00 %
- Quiz - 1.00 %
- Ujian Tengah Semester - 4.00 %
- Tugas Kelompok 1 - 2.00 %
CAPAIAN PEMBELAJARAN: Mahasiswa mampu menjelaskan cara kerja sistem komputer dan
menerapkan/menggunakan berbagai algoritma/metode untuk
memecahkan masalah pada suatu industri. (P.a)
Students can explain the operation of computer systems and apply/utilize various algorithms/methods to solve problems in the industry. (P.a)
CPMK: Mahasiswa mampu menjelaskan prinsip dan konsep sistem operasi Students are able to explain the principles and concepts of operating systems |
KAD: mahasiswa mampu menjelaskan pengertian proses student are able to explain the meaning of the process (2,2) |
Daftar Kriteria Penilaian (Indikator) |
PI Description | PI Assessment Methods |
Ketepatan dalam menjawab soal UTS
Correctness in answering question of Examination Test |
Ujian Tengah Semester 4.00 %
| 0.25(Fail)
| 0.50(Pass)
| 0.75(Pass)
| 1.00(Pass)
Jawaban Ujian salah
Incorrect answer for Examination Test | 25% jawaban Ujian benar.
25% answer for Examination Test is correct. | 50% jawaban Ujian benar.
25% answer for Examination Test is correct. 50% answer for Examination Test is correct. | 75% jawaban Ujian benar.
75% answer for Examination Test is correct. | 100% jawaban Ujian benar.
100% answer for Examination Test is correct. |
KAD: mampu menjelaskan prinsip kerja thread dan konkurensi able to explain the working principles of threads and concurrency (2,2) |
Daftar Kriteria Penilaian (Indikator) |
PI Description | PI Assessment Methods |
1. Perbedaan antara proses dan thread dapat dijelaskan dengan baik The difference between process and thread can be explained well |
Praktikum 1.00 %
Quiz 1.00 %
Tugas Kelompok 1 2.00 %
PI Description | PI Assessment Methods |
2. Ketepatan dalam menjawab soal UTS Accuracy in answering UTS questions |
| 0.25(Fail)
| 0.50(Pass)
| 0.75(Pass)
| 1.00(Pass)
Jawaban Ujian salah
Incorrect answer for Examination Test | 25% jawaban Ujian benar.
25% answer for Examination Test is correct. | 50% jawaban Ujian benar.
50% answer for Examination Test is correct. | 75% jawaban Ujian benar.
75% answer for Examination Test is correct. | 100% jawaban Ujian benar.
100% answer for Examination Test is correct. |
CAPAIAN PEMBELAJARAN: Mahasiswa mampu berpikir logis, kritis serta sistematis dalam memanfaatkan ilmu pengetahuan informatika/ ilmu komputer untuk menyelesaikan masalah nyata. (KU.b) Students can think logically, critically, and systematically in utilizing the knowledge of informatics/computer science to solve real-world problems.(KU.b)
CPMK: Kemampuan berkomunikasi baik lisan maupun tertulis dalam berbagai konteks profesional Ability to communicate both verbally and in writing in a variety of professional contexts |
KAD: mahasiswa mampu membuat laporan pekerjaan secara tertulis Students are able to make written work reports (3,3) |
Daftar Kriteria Penilaian (Indikator) |
PI Description | PI Assessment Methods |
1. mampu membuat laporan penelitian yang sesuai standart dengan baik Able to make research reports that meet standards well |
Diskusi 0.50 %
PI Description | PI Assessment Methods |
2. laporan penelitian yang dibuat telah memenuhi persyaratan persyaratan yag ditentukan The research report produced has met the specified requirements |
Diskusi 0.50 %
4 |
Thread dan konkurensi |
- Tutorial
- Percobaan
- Diskusi
150.00 |
mengetahui perbedaan antara thread dengan program |
- Abraham Silberschatz, Peter Baer Galvin, and Greg Gagne()
- Ujian Tengah Semester - 4.00 %
- Tugas Kelompok 1 - 2.00 %
- Praktikum - 1.00 %
CAPAIAN PEMBELAJARAN: Mahasiswa mampu menjelaskan cara kerja sistem komputer dan
menerapkan/menggunakan berbagai algoritma/metode untuk
memecahkan masalah pada suatu industri. (P.a)
Students can explain the operation of computer systems and apply/utilize various algorithms/methods to solve problems in the industry. (P.a)
CPMK: Mahasiswa mampu menjelaskan prinsip dan konsep sistem operasi Students are able to explain the principles and concepts of operating systems |
KAD: mampu menjelaskan prinsip kerja thread dan konkurensi able to explain the working principles of threads and concurrency (2,2) |
Daftar Kriteria Penilaian (Indikator) |
PI Description | PI Assessment Methods |
1. Perbedaan antara proses dan thread dapat dijelaskan dengan baik The difference between process and thread can be explained well |
Tugas Kelompok 1 1.00 %
PI Description | PI Assessment Methods |
2. Ketepatan dalam menjawab soal UTS Accuracy in answering UTS questions |
Ujian Tengah Semester 4.00 %
| 0.25(Fail)
| 0.50(Pass)
| 0.75(Pass)
| 1.00(Pass)
Jawaban Ujian salah
Incorrect answer for Examination Test | 25% jawaban Ujian benar.
25% answer for Examination Test is correct. | 50% jawaban Ujian benar.
50% answer for Examination Test is correct. | 75% jawaban Ujian benar.
75% answer for Examination Test is correct. | 100% jawaban Ujian benar.
100% answer for Examination Test is correct. |
CAPAIAN PEMBELAJARAN: Mahasiswa mampu mengimplementasi kebutuhan komputasi
dengan mempertimbangkan berbagai metode/algoritma yang
sesuai (KK.a) Students can implement computational requirements while considering various suitable methods/algorithms.(KK.a)
CPMK: mahasiswa mampu mendemontrasikan prinsip dan konsep sistem operasi Students are able to demonstrate the principles and concepts of operating systems |
KAD: mampu mendemontrasikan pemanfaatan thread pada aplikasi able to demonstrate thread utilization in applications (3,3) |
Daftar Kriteria Penilaian (Indikator) |
PI Description | PI Assessment Methods |
Program berbasis thread dapat ditunjukan dengan baik Thread-based programs can be demonstrated well |
Tugas Kelompok 1 1.00 %
Praktikum 1.00 %
5 |
Penjadwalan CPU |
150.00 |
mendengar dan berdiskusi bermacam macam algoritma penjadwalan |
- Abraham Silberschatz, Peter Baer Galvin, and Greg Gagne()
- Praktikum - 2.00 %
- Quiz - 2.00 %
- Ujian Tengah Semester - 5.00 %
- Tugas Kelompok 1 - 2.00 %
CAPAIAN PEMBELAJARAN: Mahasiswa mampu menjelaskan cara kerja sistem komputer dan
menerapkan/menggunakan berbagai algoritma/metode untuk
memecahkan masalah pada suatu industri. (P.a)
Students can explain the operation of computer systems and apply/utilize various algorithms/methods to solve problems in the industry. (P.a)
CPMK: Mahasiswa mampu menjelaskan prinsip dan konsep sistem operasi Students are able to explain the principles and concepts of operating systems |
KAD: mampu menjelaskan prinsip kerja bermacam algoritma pejadwalan CPU able to explain the working principles of various CPU scheduling algorithms (2,2) |
Daftar Kriteria Penilaian (Indikator) |
PI Description | PI Assessment Methods |
1. Ketepatan dalam menjawab soal UTS
Accuracy in answering UTS questions |
Ujian Tengah Semester 5.00 %
| 0.25(Fail)
| 0.50(Pass)
| 0.75(Pass)
| 1.00(Pass)
Jawaban Ujian salah
Incorrect answer for Examination Test | 25% jawaban Ujian benar.
25% answer for Examination Test is correct. | 50% jawaban Ujian benar.
50% answer for Examination Test is correct. | 75% jawaban Ujian benar.
75% answer for Examination Test is correct. | 100% jawaban Ujian benar.
100% answer for Examination Test is correct. |
PI Description | PI Assessment Methods |
2. Ketepatan dalam menjawab soal quiz Accuracy in answering quiz questions |
Quiz 2.00 %
| 0.25(Fail)
| 0.50(Pass)
| 0.75(Pass)
| 1.00(Pass)
Jawaban quis salah
Quiz answer is wrong | 25% jawaban quis benar.
25% answer for quiz questions is correct. | 50% jawaban quis benar.
50% answer for quiz questions is correct. | 75% jawaban quis benar.
75% answer for quiz questions is correct. | 100% jawaban quis benar.
25% answer for quiz questions is 100% answer for quiz questions is correct. |
CAPAIAN PEMBELAJARAN: Mahasiswa mampu mengimplementasi kebutuhan komputasi
dengan mempertimbangkan berbagai metode/algoritma yang
sesuai (KK.a) Students can implement computational requirements while considering various suitable methods/algorithms.(KK.a)
CPMK: mahasiswa mampu mendemontrasikan prinsip dan konsep sistem operasi Students are able to demonstrate the principles and concepts of operating systems |
KAD: mampu mendemontrasikan perbedaan prinsip kerja algoritma penjadwalan CPU able to demonstrate the different working principles of CPU scheduling algorithms (3,3) |
Daftar Kriteria Penilaian (Indikator) |
PI Description | PI Assessment Methods |
mampu menunjukan dan mendemokan prinsip kerja beberapa contoh algoritma penjadwalan CPU dalam bentuk program working principles of several examples of CPU scheduling algorithms in program form |
Praktikum 2.00 %
Tugas Kelompok 1 2.00 %
6 |
Perangkat sinkronisasi |
150.00 |
mendengar dan diskusi |
- Abraham Silberschatz, Peter Baer Galvin, and Greg Gagne()
- Diskusi - 1.00 %
- Ujian Tengah Semester - 4.00 %
- Tugas Kelompok 1 - 2.00 %
- Praktikum - 1.00 %
CAPAIAN PEMBELAJARAN: Mahasiswa mampu menjelaskan cara kerja sistem komputer dan
menerapkan/menggunakan berbagai algoritma/metode untuk
memecahkan masalah pada suatu industri. (P.a)
Students can explain the operation of computer systems and apply/utilize various algorithms/methods to solve problems in the industry. (P.a)
CPMK: Mahasiswa mampu menjelaskan prinsip dan konsep sistem operasi Students are able to explain the principles and concepts of operating systems |
KAD: mampu menjelaskan prinsip kerja sinkronisasi dan memberikan contohnya able to explain the working principles of synchronization and provide examples (2,2) |
Daftar Kriteria Penilaian (Indikator) |
PI Description | PI Assessment Methods |
1. Ketepatan dalam menjawab soal UTS Accuracy in answering UTS questions |
Ujian Tengah Semester 4.00 %
| 0.25(Fail)
| 0.50(Pass)
| 0.75(Pass)
| 1.00(Pass)
Jawaban Ujian salah
Incorrect answer for uts examination | 25% jawaban Ujian benar.
25% answer for Examination Test is 25% answer for Examination Test is correct. | 50% jawaban Ujian benar.
50% answer for Examination Test is correct. | 75% jawaban Ujian benar.
75% answer for Examination Test is correct. | 100% jawaban Ujian benar.
100% answer for Examination Test is correct. |
PI Description | PI Assessment Methods |
2. Ketepatan dalam menjawab soal quis Accuracy in answering quiz questions |
| 0.25(Fail)
| 0.50(Pass)
| 0.75(Pass)
| 1.00(Pass)
Jawaban quis salah
Incorrect answer for uts examination Incorrect answer for quiz | 25% jawaban quis benar 25% answer for quiz is correct. | 50% jawaban quis benar
50% answer for quiz is correct. | 75% jawaban quis benar
75% answer for quiz is correct. | 100% jawaban quis benar
100% answer for quiz is correct. |
CAPAIAN PEMBELAJARAN: Mahasiswa mampu berpikir logis, kritis serta sistematis dalam memanfaatkan ilmu pengetahuan informatika/ ilmu komputer untuk menyelesaikan masalah nyata. (KU.b) Students can think logically, critically, and systematically in utilizing the knowledge of informatics/computer science to solve real-world problems.(KU.b)
CPMK: Kemampuan berkomunikasi baik lisan maupun tertulis dalam berbagai konteks profesional Ability to communicate both verbally and in writing in a variety of professional contexts |
KAD: mahasiswa mampu membuat laporan pekerjaan secara tertulis Students are able to make written work reports (3,3) |
Daftar Kriteria Penilaian (Indikator) |
PI Description | PI Assessment Methods |
1. mampu membuat laporan penelitian yang sesuai standart dengan baik Able to make research reports that meet standards well |
Diskusi 1.00 %
PI Description | PI Assessment Methods |
2. laporan penelitian yang dibuat telah memenuhi persyaratan persyaratan yag ditentukan The research report produced has met the specified requirements |
CAPAIAN PEMBELAJARAN: Mahasiswa mampu mengimplementasi kebutuhan komputasi
dengan mempertimbangkan berbagai metode/algoritma yang
sesuai (KK.a) Students can implement computational requirements while considering various suitable methods/algorithms.(KK.a)
CPMK: mahasiswa mampu mendemontrasikan prinsip dan konsep sistem operasi Students are able to demonstrate the principles and concepts of operating systems |
KAD: mampu mendemontrasikan pemanfaatan sikronisasi pada komunikasi antar proses able to demonstrate the use of synchronization in communication between processes (3,3) |
Daftar Kriteria Penilaian (Indikator) |
PI Description | PI Assessment Methods |
sinkronisasi pada komunikasi antar proses dapat diperlihatkan synchronization of communication between processes can be demonstrated |
Tugas Kelompok 1 2.00 %
Praktikum 1.00 %
7 |
Contoh contoh sinkronisasi |
150.00 |
mendengar dan diskusi |
- Abraham Silberschatz, Peter Baer Galvin, and Greg Gagne()
- Praktikum - 1.00 %
- Quiz - 2.00 %
- Ujian Tengah Semester - 4.00 %
- Tugas Kelompok 1 - 2.00 %
CAPAIAN PEMBELAJARAN: Mahasiswa mampu menjelaskan cara kerja sistem komputer dan
menerapkan/menggunakan berbagai algoritma/metode untuk
memecahkan masalah pada suatu industri. (P.a)
Students can explain the operation of computer systems and apply/utilize various algorithms/methods to solve problems in the industry. (P.a)
CPMK: Mahasiswa mampu menjelaskan prinsip dan konsep sistem operasi Students are able to explain the principles and concepts of operating systems |
KAD: mampu menjelaskan prinsip kerja sinkronisasi dan memberikan contohnya able to explain the working principles of synchronization and provide examples (2,2) |
Daftar Kriteria Penilaian (Indikator) |
PI Description | PI Assessment Methods |
1. Ketepatan dalam menjawab soal UTS Accuracy in answering UTS questions |
Ujian Tengah Semester 4.00 %
| 0.25(Fail)
| 0.50(Pass)
| 0.75(Pass)
| 1.00(Pass)
Jawaban Ujian salah
Incorrect answer for uts examination | 25% jawaban Ujian benar.
25% answer for Examination Test is 25% answer for Examination Test is correct. | 50% jawaban Ujian benar.
50% answer for Examination Test is correct. | 75% jawaban Ujian benar.
75% answer for Examination Test is correct. | 100% jawaban Ujian benar.
100% answer for Examination Test is correct. |
PI Description | PI Assessment Methods |
2. Ketepatan dalam menjawab soal quis Accuracy in answering quiz questions |
Quiz 2.00 %
| 0.25(Fail)
| 0.50(Pass)
| 0.75(Pass)
| 1.00(Pass)
Jawaban quis salah
Incorrect answer for uts examination Incorrect answer for quiz | 25% jawaban quis benar 25% answer for quiz is correct. | 50% jawaban quis benar
50% answer for quiz is correct. | 75% jawaban quis benar
75% answer for quiz is correct. | 100% jawaban quis benar
100% answer for quiz is correct. |
CAPAIAN PEMBELAJARAN: Mahasiswa mampu mengimplementasi kebutuhan komputasi
dengan mempertimbangkan berbagai metode/algoritma yang
sesuai (KK.a) Students can implement computational requirements while considering various suitable methods/algorithms.(KK.a)
CPMK: mahasiswa mampu mendemontrasikan prinsip dan konsep sistem operasi Students are able to demonstrate the principles and concepts of operating systems |
KAD: mampu mendemontrasikan pemanfaatan sikronisasi pada komunikasi antar proses able to demonstrate the use of synchronization in communication between processes (3,3) |
Daftar Kriteria Penilaian (Indikator) |
PI Description | PI Assessment Methods |
sinkronisasi pada komunikasi antar proses dapat diperlihatkan synchronization of communication between processes can be demonstrated |
Praktikum 1.00 %
Tugas Kelompok 1 2.00 %
8 |
Deadlock |
- Tutorial
- Percobaan
- Diskusi
150.00 |
mendengar paparan dosen, diskusi, percobaan di laboratorium |
- Abraham Silberschatz, Peter Baer Galvin, and Greg Gagne()
- Ujian Akhir Semester - 3.00 %
- Praktikum - 1.00 %
- Tugas Kelompok 2 - 2.00 %
CAPAIAN PEMBELAJARAN: Mahasiswa mampu menjelaskan cara kerja sistem komputer dan
menerapkan/menggunakan berbagai algoritma/metode untuk
memecahkan masalah pada suatu industri. (P.a)
Students can explain the operation of computer systems and apply/utilize various algorithms/methods to solve problems in the industry. (P.a)
CPMK: Mahasiswa mampu menjelaskan prinsip dan konsep sistem operasi Students are able to explain the principles and concepts of operating systems |
KAD: mampu menjelaskan penyebab dan cara pencegaha deadlock able to explain the meaning of deadlock (2,2) |
Daftar Kriteria Penilaian (Indikator) |
PI Description | PI Assessment Methods |
Ketepatan dalam menjawab soal UAS
Accuracy in answering UAS questions |
Ujian Akhir Semester 3.00 %
| 0.25(Fail)
| 0.50(Pass)
| 0.75(Pass)
| 1.00(Pass)
Jawaban Ujian salah
Incorrect answer for uts examination | 25% jawaban Ujian benar. 25% answer for Examination Test is true | 50% jawaban Ujian benar. 25% answer for Examination Test is true | 75% jawaban Ujian benar 75% answer for Examination Test is true | 100% jawaban Ujian benar 100% answer for Examination Test is true |
CAPAIAN PEMBELAJARAN: Mahasiswa mampu mengimplementasi kebutuhan komputasi
dengan mempertimbangkan berbagai metode/algoritma yang
sesuai (KK.a) Students can implement computational requirements while considering various suitable methods/algorithms.(KK.a)
CPMK: mahasiswa mampu mendemontrasikan prinsip dan konsep sistem operasi Students are able to demonstrate the principles and concepts of operating systems |
KAD: mampu mendemontrasikan tindakan tindakan pencegahan deadlock able to demonstrate deadlock prevention measures (3,3) |
Daftar Kriteria Penilaian (Indikator) |
PI Description | PI Assessment Methods |
mampu menunjukan aplikasi program yang bisa mencegah atau menghindari deadlock able to show program applications that can prevent or avoid deadlocks |
Praktikum 1.00 %
Tugas Kelompok 2 2.00 %
9 |
Memori Utama |
150.00 |
mendengar dan berdiskusi |
- Abraham Silberschatz, Peter Baer Galvin, and Greg Gagne()
- Ujian Akhir Semester - 4.00 %
- Praktikum - 1.00 %
- Tugas Kelompok 2 - 2.00 %
CAPAIAN PEMBELAJARAN: Mahasiswa mampu menjelaskan cara kerja sistem komputer dan
menerapkan/menggunakan berbagai algoritma/metode untuk
memecahkan masalah pada suatu industri. (P.a)
Students can explain the operation of computer systems and apply/utilize various algorithms/methods to solve problems in the industry. (P.a)
CPMK: Mahasiswa mampu menjelaskan prinsip dan konsep sistem operasi Students are able to explain the principles and concepts of operating systems |
KAD: mampu menjelaskan mekanisme kerja memori utama able to explain the working mechanism of main memory (2,2) |
Daftar Kriteria Penilaian (Indikator) |
PI Description | PI Assessment Methods |
Ketepatan dalam menjawab soal UAS
Accuracy in answering UAS questions |
Ujian Akhir Semester 4.00 %
| 0.25(Fail)
| 0.50(Pass)
| 0.75(Pass)
| 1.00(Pass)
Jawaban Ujian salah
Incorrect answer for uas examination | 25% jawaban Ujian benar.
25% answer for Examination Test is true | 50% jawaban Ujian benar.
50% answer for Examination Test is true | 75% jawaban Ujian benar.
75% answer for Examination Test is true | 100% jawaban Ujian benar.
100% answer for Examination Test is true |
CAPAIAN PEMBELAJARAN: Mahasiswa mampu mengimplementasi kebutuhan komputasi
dengan mempertimbangkan berbagai metode/algoritma yang
sesuai (KK.a) Students can implement computational requirements while considering various suitable methods/algorithms.(KK.a)
CPMK: mahasiswa mampu mendemontrasikan prinsip dan konsep sistem operasi Students are able to demonstrate the principles and concepts of operating systems |
KAD: mampu menunjukan beberapa contoh program metode pengelolaan memori able to show several examples of memory management method programs (3,3) |
Daftar Kriteria Penilaian (Indikator) |
PI Description | PI Assessment Methods |
Program untuk pengaturan beberapa algoritma pengelolaan memori berfungsi dengan benar The program for setting some memory management algorithms works correctly |
Praktikum 1.00 %
Tugas Kelompok 2 2.00 %
10 |
memori virtual |
150.00 |
mendenagar paparan dosen dan berdiskusi |
- Abraham Silberschatz, Peter Baer Galvin, and Greg Gagne()
- Ujian Akhir Semester - 4.00 %
- Tugas Kelompok 2 - 2.00 %
- Praktikum - 1.00 %
CAPAIAN PEMBELAJARAN: Mahasiswa mampu menjelaskan cara kerja sistem komputer dan
menerapkan/menggunakan berbagai algoritma/metode untuk
memecahkan masalah pada suatu industri. (P.a)
Students can explain the operation of computer systems and apply/utilize various algorithms/methods to solve problems in the industry. (P.a)
CPMK: Mahasiswa mampu menjelaskan prinsip dan konsep sistem operasi Students are able to explain the principles and concepts of operating systems |
KAD: mampu menjelaskan konsep virtuil memori able to explain the working mechanism of virtuil memory (2,2) |
Daftar Kriteria Penilaian (Indikator) |
PI Description | PI Assessment Methods |
Ketepatan dalam menjawab soal UAS
Accuracy in answering UAS questions |
Ujian Akhir Semester 4.00 %
| 0.25(Fail)
| 0.50(Pass)
| 0.75(Pass)
| 1.00(Pass)
Jawaban Ujian salah
Incorrect answer for uas examination | 25% jawaban Ujian benar.
25% answer for Examination Test is true | 50% jawaban Ujian benar.
50% answer for Examination Test is true | 75% jawaban Ujian benar.
75% answer for Examination Test is true | 100% jawaban Ujian benar.
100% answer for Examination Test is true |
CAPAIAN PEMBELAJARAN: Mahasiswa mampu mengimplementasi kebutuhan komputasi
dengan mempertimbangkan berbagai metode/algoritma yang
sesuai (KK.a) Students can implement computational requirements while considering various suitable methods/algorithms.(KK.a)
CPMK: mahasiswa mampu mendemontrasikan prinsip dan konsep sistem operasi Students are able to demonstrate the principles and concepts of operating systems |
KAD: mampu mendemontrasikan pemanfaatan virtual memori pada aplikasi able to demonstrate virtual memory utilization in applications (3,3) |
Daftar Kriteria Penilaian (Indikator) |
PI Description | PI Assessment Methods |
Penerapan virtual memori dalam aplikasi dapat ditunjukan The application of virtual memory in applications can be demonstrated |
Tugas Kelompok 2 2.00 %
Praktikum 1.00 %
11 |
Struktur mass storage |
150.00 |
mendengar dan diskusi |
- Abraham Silberschatz, Peter Baer Galvin, and Greg Gagne()
- Ujian Akhir Semester - 3.00 %
- Tugas Kelompok 2 - 2.00 %
CAPAIAN PEMBELAJARAN: Mahasiswa mampu menjelaskan cara kerja sistem komputer dan
menerapkan/menggunakan berbagai algoritma/metode untuk
memecahkan masalah pada suatu industri. (P.a)
Students can explain the operation of computer systems and apply/utilize various algorithms/methods to solve problems in the industry. (P.a)
CPMK: Mahasiswa mampu menjelaskan prinsip dan konsep sistem operasi Students are able to explain the principles and concepts of operating systems |
KAD: mampu menjelaskan mekanisme kerja penyimpan besar able to explain the working mechanism of mass storage (2,2) |
Daftar Kriteria Penilaian (Indikator) |
PI Description | PI Assessment Methods |
Ketepatan dalam menjawab soal UAS
Accuracy in answering UAS questions |
Ujian Akhir Semester 3.00 %
| 0.25(Fail)
| 0.50(Pass)
| 0.75(Pass)
| 1.00(Pass)
Jawaban Ujian salah
Incorrect answer for uas examination | 25% jawaban Ujian benar.
25% answer for Examination Test is true | 50% jawaban Ujian benar.
50% answer for Examination Test is true | 75% jawaban Ujian benar.
75% answer for Examination Test is true | 100% jawaban Ujian benar.
100% answer for Examination Test is true |
CAPAIAN PEMBELAJARAN: Mahasiswa mampu mengimplementasi kebutuhan komputasi
dengan mempertimbangkan berbagai metode/algoritma yang
sesuai (KK.a) Students can implement computational requirements while considering various suitable methods/algorithms.(KK.a)
CPMK: mahasiswa mampu mendemontrasikan prinsip dan konsep sistem operasi Students are able to demonstrate the principles and concepts of operating systems |
KAD: mampu menunjukan dan menjelaskan beberapa contoh algoritma pergerakan lengan disk
able to show and explain several examples of disk arm movement algorithms (3,3) |
Daftar Kriteria Penilaian (Indikator) |
PI Description | PI Assessment Methods |
Program untuk mensimulasikan beberapa contoh algoritma pergerakan tangan disk dapat ditunjukan dengan baik Programs to simulate several examples of disk hand movement algorithms can be shown well |
Tugas Kelompok 2 2.00 %
12 |
Sistem FIle |
- Tutorial
- Percobaan
- Diskusi
150.00 |
mendengarkan paparan dosen serta praktek mandiri di lab |
- Abraham Silberschatz, Peter Baer Galvin, and Greg Gagne()
- Ujian Akhir Semester - 4.00 %
- Praktikum - 1.00 %
- Tugas Kelompok 2 - 2.00 %
CAPAIAN PEMBELAJARAN: Mahasiswa mampu menjelaskan cara kerja sistem komputer dan
menerapkan/menggunakan berbagai algoritma/metode untuk
memecahkan masalah pada suatu industri. (P.a)
Students can explain the operation of computer systems and apply/utilize various algorithms/methods to solve problems in the industry. (P.a)
CPMK: Mahasiswa mampu menjelaskan prinsip dan konsep sistem operasi Students are able to explain the principles and concepts of operating systems |
KAD: mampu menjelaskan mekanisme kerja sistem file able to explain the working mechanism of file system (2,2) |
Daftar Kriteria Penilaian (Indikator) |
PI Description | PI Assessment Methods |
Accuracy in answering UAS questions Accuracy in answering UAS questions |
Ujian Akhir Semester 2.00 %
| 0.25(Fail)
| 0.50(Pass)
| 0.75(Pass)
| 1.00(Pass)
Jawaban Ujian salah
Incorrect answer for uts examination | 25% jawaban Ujian benar.
25% answer for Examination Test is true | 50% jawaban Ujian benar.
50% answer for Examination Test is true | 75% jawaban Ujian benar.
75% answer for Examination Test is true | 100% jawaban Ujian benar.
100% answer for Examination Test is true |
KAD: mampu menjelaskan mekanisme kerja sistem I/O able to explain the working mechanism of I/O system (2,2) |
Daftar Kriteria Penilaian (Indikator) |
PI Description | PI Assessment Methods |
Ketepatan dalam menjawab soal UAS
Accuracy in answering UAS questions |
Ujian Akhir Semester 2.00 %
| 0.25(Fail)
| 0.50(Pass)
| 0.75(Pass)
| 1.00(Pass)
Jawaban Ujian salah
Incorrect answer for uts examination | 25% jawaban Ujian benar.
25% answer for Examination Test is true | 50% jawaban Ujian benar.
50% answer for Examination Test is true | 75% jawaban Ujian benar.
75% answer for Examination Test is true | 100% jawaban Ujian benar.
100% answer for Examination Test is true |
CAPAIAN PEMBELAJARAN: Mahasiswa mampu mengimplementasi kebutuhan komputasi
dengan mempertimbangkan berbagai metode/algoritma yang
sesuai (KK.a) Students can implement computational requirements while considering various suitable methods/algorithms.(KK.a)
CPMK: mahasiswa mampu mendemontrasikan prinsip dan konsep sistem operasi Students are able to demonstrate the principles and concepts of operating systems |
KAD: mampu mendemontrasikan pemanfaatan sistem file pada aplikasi able to demonstrate the use of file systems in applications (3,3) |
Daftar Kriteria Penilaian (Indikator) |
PI Description | PI Assessment Methods |
beberapa contoh operasi file dan mounting disk dapat ditunjukan several examples of file operations and disk mounting can be shown |
Praktikum 1.00 %
KAD: mampu mendemontrasikan pemanfaatan I/O able to demonstrate the use of I/O operating system (3,3) |
Daftar Kriteria Penilaian (Indikator) |
PI Description | PI Assessment Methods |
beberapa contoh operasi i/o dapat ditunjukan
several examples of i/o operations can be shown |
Tugas Kelompok 2 2.00 %
13 |
Keamanan Sistem Operasi |
150.00 |
mendengarkan paparan dosen serta praktek mandiri di lab |
- Abraham Silberschatz, Peter Baer Galvin, and Greg Gagne()
- Ujian Akhir Semester - 3.00 %
- Praktikum - 1.00 %
- Diskusi - 1.00 %
- Tugas Kelompok 2 - 1.00 %
CAPAIAN PEMBELAJARAN: Mahasiswa mampu menjelaskan cara kerja sistem komputer dan
menerapkan/menggunakan berbagai algoritma/metode untuk
memecahkan masalah pada suatu industri. (P.a)
Students can explain the operation of computer systems and apply/utilize various algorithms/methods to solve problems in the industry. (P.a)
CPMK: Mahasiswa mampu menjelaskan prinsip dan konsep sistem operasi Students are able to explain the principles and concepts of operating systems |
KAD: mampu menjelaskan mekanisme kerja keamanan pada sistem operasi able to explain the principles and concepts of operating system security (2,2) |
Daftar Kriteria Penilaian (Indikator) |
PI Description | PI Assessment Methods |
Ketepatan dalam mejawab soal UAS Accuracy in answering UAS questions
Ujian Akhir Semester 3.00 %
| 0.25(Fail)
| 0.50(Pass)
| 0.75(Pass)
| 1.00(Pass)
Jawaban Ujian salah
Incorrect answer for uas examination | 25% jawaban Ujian benar.
25% answer for Examination Test is true | 50% jawaban Ujian benar.
50% answer for Examination Test is true | 75% jawaban Ujian benar.
75% answer for Examination Test is true | 100% jawaban Ujian benar.
100% answer for Examination Test is true |
CAPAIAN PEMBELAJARAN: Mahasiswa mampu berpikir logis, kritis serta sistematis dalam memanfaatkan ilmu pengetahuan informatika/ ilmu komputer untuk menyelesaikan masalah nyata. (KU.b) Students can think logically, critically, and systematically in utilizing the knowledge of informatics/computer science to solve real-world problems.(KU.b)
CPMK: Kemampuan berkomunikasi baik lisan maupun tertulis dalam berbagai konteks profesional Ability to communicate both verbally and in writing in a variety of professional contexts |
KAD: mahasiswa mampu mempresentasikan pekerjaannya students are able to present their work (3,3) |
Daftar Kriteria Penilaian (Indikator) |
PI Description | PI Assessment Methods |
Mampu membuat paper yang sesuai standar nasional Able to make papers that comply with national standards |
Diskusi 1.00 %
CAPAIAN PEMBELAJARAN: Mahasiswa mampu mengimplementasi kebutuhan komputasi
dengan mempertimbangkan berbagai metode/algoritma yang
sesuai (KK.a) Students can implement computational requirements while considering various suitable methods/algorithms.(KK.a)
CPMK: mahasiswa mampu mendemontrasikan prinsip dan konsep sistem operasi Students are able to demonstrate the principles and concepts of operating systems |
KAD: mampu mendemontrasikan pemanfaatan sistem keamanan yang ada pada sistem operasi able to demonstrate the use of existing security systems in the operating system (3,3) |
Daftar Kriteria Penilaian (Indikator) |
PI Description | PI Assessment Methods |
Penerapan keamanan sistem operasi dapat ditunjukan fungsinya dengan baik The implementation of operating system security can be demonstrated to function well |
Praktikum 1.00 %
Tugas Kelompok 2 1.00 %
14 |
Mesin Virtual dan sistem terdistribusi/jaringan |
150.00 |
mendengarkan paparan dosen, pemecahan masalah, diskusi, percobaan di laboratorium |
- Abraham Silberschatz, Peter Baer Galvin, and Greg Gagne()
- Ujian Akhir Semester - 4.00 %
- Diskusi - 1.00 %
- Tugas Kelompok 2 - 2.00 %
CAPAIAN PEMBELAJARAN: Mahasiswa mampu menjelaskan cara kerja sistem komputer dan
menerapkan/menggunakan berbagai algoritma/metode untuk
memecahkan masalah pada suatu industri. (P.a)
Students can explain the operation of computer systems and apply/utilize various algorithms/methods to solve problems in the industry. (P.a)
CPMK: Mahasiswa mampu menjelaskan prinsip dan konsep sistem operasi Students are able to explain the principles and concepts of operating systems |
KAD: mampu menjelaskan prinsip dan konsep mesin virtual dan sistem terdistribusi able to explain the principles and concepts of virtual machines and distributed systems (2,2) |
Daftar Kriteria Penilaian (Indikator) |
PI Description | PI Assessment Methods |
Ketepatan dalam mejawab soal UAS
Accuracy in answering UAS questions |
Ujian Akhir Semester 4.00 %
| 0.25(Fail)
| 0.50(Pass)
| 0.75(Pass)
| 1.00(Pass)
Jawaban Ujian salah
Incorrect answer for uas examination | 25% jawaban Ujian benar.
25% answer for Examination Test is true | 50% jawaban Ujian benar.
50% answer for Examination Test is true | 75% jawaban Ujian benar.
75% answer for Examination Test is true | 100% jawaban Ujian benar.
100% answer for Examination Test is true |
CAPAIAN PEMBELAJARAN: Mahasiswa mampu berpikir logis, kritis serta sistematis dalam memanfaatkan ilmu pengetahuan informatika/ ilmu komputer untuk menyelesaikan masalah nyata. (KU.b) Students can think logically, critically, and systematically in utilizing the knowledge of informatics/computer science to solve real-world problems.(KU.b)
CPMK: Kemampuan berkomunikasi baik lisan maupun tertulis dalam berbagai konteks profesional Ability to communicate both verbally and in writing in a variety of professional contexts |
KAD: mahasiswa mampu mempresentasikan pekerjaannya students are able to present their work (3,3) |
Daftar Kriteria Penilaian (Indikator) |
PI Description | PI Assessment Methods |
Mampu membuat paper yang sesuai standar nasional Able to make papers that comply with national standards |
Diskusi 1.00 %
CAPAIAN PEMBELAJARAN: Mahasiswa mampu mengimplementasi kebutuhan komputasi
dengan mempertimbangkan berbagai metode/algoritma yang
sesuai (KK.a) Students can implement computational requirements while considering various suitable methods/algorithms.(KK.a)
CPMK: mahasiswa mampu mendemontrasikan prinsip dan konsep sistem operasi Students are able to demonstrate the principles and concepts of operating systems |
KAD: mampu mendemontrasikan pemanfaatan virtual mesin able to demonstrate the utilization of virtual machines (3,3) |
Daftar Kriteria Penilaian (Indikator) |
PI Description | PI Assessment Methods |
Konsep virtuil mesin dapat difungsikan dengan baik The virtual machine concept can be used well |
Tugas Kelompok 2 1.00 %
KAD: mampu mendemontrasikan pemanfaatan sistem terdistribusi pada aplikasi able to demonstrate the use of distributed systems in applications (3,3) |
Daftar Kriteria Penilaian (Indikator) |
PI Description | PI Assessment Methods |
contoh pemanfaatan sistem terdistribusi pada aplikasi dapat ditunjukan dengan baik dan benar examples of the use of distributed systems in applications can be shown properly and correctly |
Tugas Kelompok 2 1.00 %