Sesi Ke |
Bahan Kajian |
Metoda Pembelajaran |
Waktu Belajar (Menit) |
Pengalaman Belajar Mahasiswa |
Referensi |
Kriteria Penilaian (Indikator) |
1 |
Pendahuluan |
150.00 |
Mahasiswa mendengarkan paparan dosen |
- Arshdeep Bahga & Vijay Madisetti(2014)
CAPAIAN PEMBELAJARAN: Mampu memahami dan menggunakan berbagai metodologi pengembangan sistem beserta alat pemodelan sistem dan menganalisa kebutuhan pengguna dalam membangun sistem informasi untuk mencapai tujuan organisasi. (CPL03 (P.a)) Able to understand and utilize various system development methodologies, modeling tools, and analyze user requirements to build information systems that align with organizational goals. (CPL03 (P.a))
CPMK: Mahasiswa mampu menjelaskan konsep teori dan teknologi cloud computing Students are able to explain the theoretical concepts and technology of cloud computing |
KAD: Mahasiswa mampu menjelaskan teori dan konsep teknologi cloud computing Students are able to explain the theory and concepts of cloud computing technology (2,2) |
Daftar Kriteria Penilaian (Indikator) |
PI Description | PI Assessment Methods |
1. Tugas teori dan konsep teknologi cloud computing dapat diselesaikan Theoretical tasks and concepts of cloud computing technology can be completed |
Tugas 3.00 %
| 0.20(Fail)
| 0.40(Fail)
| 0.60(Pass)
| 0.80(Pass)
| 1.00(Pass)
Tidak mengumpulkan/mengunggah Tugas atau < 20% Tugas benar dan lengkap. Assignment is not finished/uploaded or < 20% Practical Report is correct or complete. | Minimal 20% Tugas benar dan lengkap. Minimum 20% of Assignment is correct and complete. | Minimal 40% Tugas benar dan lengkap. Minimum 40% of Assignment is correct and complete. | Minimal 60% Tugas benar dan lengkap. Minimum 60% of Assignment is correct and complete. | Minimal 80% Tugas benar dan lengkap. Minimum 80% of Assignment is correct and complete. | 100% Tugas benar dan lengkap. 100% of Assignment is correct and complete. |
PI Description | PI Assessment Methods |
2. Teori dan konsep teknologi cloud computing dapat dijelaskan The theory and concept of cloud computing technology can be explained |
| 0.25(Fail)
| 0.50(Pass)
| 0.75(Pass)
| 1.00(Pass)
Jawaban Ujian salah. Incorrect answer for Examination Test. | 25% jawaban Ujian benar. 25% answer for Examination Test is correct. | 50% jawaban Ujian benar. 50% answer for Examination Test is correct. | 75% jawaban Ujian benar. 75% answer for Examination Test is correct. | 100% jawaban Ujian benar. 100% answer for Examination Test is correct. |
2 |
Cloud Service Model |
150.00 |
Mahasiswa mendengarkan paparan dosen |
- Arshdeep Bahga & Vijay Madisetti(2014)
- Ujian Tengah Semester - 5.00 %
CAPAIAN PEMBELAJARAN: Mampu memahami dan menggunakan berbagai metodologi pengembangan sistem beserta alat pemodelan sistem dan menganalisa kebutuhan pengguna dalam membangun sistem informasi untuk mencapai tujuan organisasi. (CPL03 (P.a)) Able to understand and utilize various system development methodologies, modeling tools, and analyze user requirements to build information systems that align with organizational goals. (CPL03 (P.a))
CPMK: Mahasiswa mampu menjelaskan konsep teori dan teknologi cloud computing Students are able to explain the theoretical concepts and technology of cloud computing |
KAD: Mahasiswa mampu menjelaskan model layanan cloud computing Students are able to explain the cloud computing service model (2,2) |
Daftar Kriteria Penilaian (Indikator) |
PI Description | PI Assessment Methods |
Model layanan cloud computing Cloud computing service model |
Ujian Tengah Semester 5.00 %
| 0.25(Fail)
| 0.50(Pass)
| 0.75(Pass)
| 1.00(Pass)
Jawaban Ujian salah. Incorrect answer for Examination Test. | 25% jawaban Ujian benar. 25% answer for Examination Test is correct. | 50% jawaban Ujian benar. 50% answer for Examination Test is correct. | 75% jawaban Ujian benar. 75% answer for Examination Test is correct. | 100% jawaban Ujian benar. 100% answer for Examination Test is correct. |
3 |
Implementasi WebCloud di Cloud Computing Provider |
150.00 |
Mahasiswa mendengarkan paparan dosen |
CAPAIAN PEMBELAJARAN: Mampu membuat perencanaan infrastruktur TI, arsitektur jaringan, layanan fisik dan cloud, menganalisa konsep identifikasi, otentikasi, otorisasi akses dalam konteks melindungi orang dan perangkat. (CPL04 (KK.c)) Able to plan IT infrastructure, network architecture, physical and cloud services, and analyze the concepts of identification, authentication, and access authorization in the context of protecting individuals and devices. (CPL04 (KK.c))
CPMK: Mahasiswa mampu mengimplementasikan teknologi cloud computing Students are able to implement cloud computing technology |
KAD: Mahasiswa mampu meniru implementasi membangun aplikasi di sistem cloud computing Students are able to imitate the implementation of building applications in cloud computing systems (3,3) |
Daftar Kriteria Penilaian (Indikator) |
PI Description | PI Assessment Methods |
Aplikasi di sistem cloud computing dapat dideploy Applications in cloud computing systems can be deployed |
Tugas 3.00 %
| 0.20(Fail)
| 0.40(Fail)
| 0.60(Pass)
| 0.80(Pass)
| 1.00(Pass)
Tidak mengumpulkan/mengunggah Tugas atau < 20% Tugas benar dan lengkap. Assignment is not finished/uploaded or < 20% Practical Report is correct or complete. | Minimal 20% Tugas benar dan lengkap. Minimum 20% of Assignment is correct and complete. | Minimal 40% Tugas benar dan lengkap. Minimum 40% of Assignment is correct and complete. | Minimal 60% Tugas benar dan lengkap. Minimum 60% of Assignment is correct and complete. | Minimal 80% Tugas benar dan lengkap. Minimum 80% of Assignment is correct and complete. | 100% Tugas benar dan lengkap. 100% of Assignment is correct and complete. |
4 |
Concepts & Technologies |
150.00 |
Mahasiswa mendengarkan paparan dosen |
- Arshdeep Bahga & Vijay Madisetti(2014)
- Ujian Tengah Semester - 7.50 %
CAPAIAN PEMBELAJARAN: Mampu memahami dan menggunakan berbagai metodologi pengembangan sistem beserta alat pemodelan sistem dan menganalisa kebutuhan pengguna dalam membangun sistem informasi untuk mencapai tujuan organisasi. (CPL03 (P.a)) Able to understand and utilize various system development methodologies, modeling tools, and analyze user requirements to build information systems that align with organizational goals. (CPL03 (P.a))
CPMK: Mahasiswa mampu menjelaskan konsep teori dan teknologi cloud computing Students are able to explain the theoretical concepts and technology of cloud computing |
KAD: Mahasiswa mampu menjelaskan teori dan konsep teknologi cloud computing Students are able to explain the theory and concepts of cloud computing technology (2,2) |
Daftar Kriteria Penilaian (Indikator) |
PI Description | PI Assessment Methods |
1. Tugas teori dan konsep teknologi cloud computing dapat diselesaikan Theoretical tasks and concepts of cloud computing technology can be completed |
| 0.20(Fail)
| 0.40(Fail)
| 0.60(Pass)
| 0.80(Pass)
| 1.00(Pass)
Tidak mengumpulkan/mengunggah Tugas atau < 20% Tugas benar dan lengkap. Assignment is not finished/uploaded or < 20% Practical Report is correct or complete. | Minimal 20% Tugas benar dan lengkap. Minimum 20% of Assignment is correct and complete. | Minimal 40% Tugas benar dan lengkap. Minimum 40% of Assignment is correct and complete. | Minimal 60% Tugas benar dan lengkap. Minimum 60% of Assignment is correct and complete. | Minimal 80% Tugas benar dan lengkap. Minimum 80% of Assignment is correct and complete. | 100% Tugas benar dan lengkap. 100% of Assignment is correct and complete. |
PI Description | PI Assessment Methods |
2. Teori dan konsep teknologi cloud computing dapat dijelaskan The theory and concept of cloud computing technology can be explained |
Ujian Tengah Semester 7.50 %
| 0.25(Fail)
| 0.50(Pass)
| 0.75(Pass)
| 1.00(Pass)
Jawaban Ujian salah. Incorrect answer for Examination Test. | 25% jawaban Ujian benar. 25% answer for Examination Test is correct. | 50% jawaban Ujian benar. 50% answer for Examination Test is correct. | 75% jawaban Ujian benar. 75% answer for Examination Test is correct. | 100% jawaban Ujian benar. 100% answer for Examination Test is correct. |
5 |
Cloud Services & Platforms |
150.00 |
Mahasiswa mendengarkan paparan dosen |
- Arshdeep Bahga & Vijay Madisetti(2014)
- Ujian Tengah Semester - 7.50 %
CAPAIAN PEMBELAJARAN: Mampu memahami dan menggunakan berbagai metodologi pengembangan sistem beserta alat pemodelan sistem dan menganalisa kebutuhan pengguna dalam membangun sistem informasi untuk mencapai tujuan organisasi. (CPL03 (P.a)) Able to understand and utilize various system development methodologies, modeling tools, and analyze user requirements to build information systems that align with organizational goals. (CPL03 (P.a))
CPMK: Mahasiswa mampu menjelaskan layanan-layanan cloud provider Students are able to explain cloud provider services |
KAD: Mahasiswa mampu menjelaskan platform dan layanan cloud computing Students are able to explain cloud computing platforms and services (2,2) |
Daftar Kriteria Penilaian (Indikator) |
PI Description | PI Assessment Methods |
1. Platform dan layanan cloud computing dapat dijelaskan Cloud computing platforms and services can be described |
Ujian Tengah Semester 7.50 %
| 0.25(Fail)
| 0.50(Pass)
| 0.75(Pass)
| 1.00(Pass)
Jawaban Ujian salah. Incorrect answer for Examination Test. | 25% jawaban Ujian benar. 25% answer for Examination Test is correct. | 50% jawaban Ujian benar. 50% answer for Examination Test is correct. | 75% jawaban Ujian benar. 75% answer for Examination Test is correct. | 100% jawaban Ujian benar. 100% answer for Examination Test is correct. |
PI Description | PI Assessment Methods |
2. Layanan layanan cloud computing dari beberapa cloud provider seperti AWS dapat dijelaskan Cloud computing services from several cloud providers such as AWS can be explained |
| 0.25(Fail)
| 0.50(Pass)
| 0.75(Pass)
| 1.00(Pass)
Jawaban Ujian salah. Incorrect answer for Examination Test. | 25% jawaban Ujian benar. 25% answer for Examination Test is correct. | 50% jawaban Ujian benar. 50% answer for Examination Test is correct. | 75% jawaban Ujian benar. 75% answer for Examination Test is correct. | 100% jawaban Ujian benar. 100% answer for Examination Test is correct. |
6 |
Pengantar Docker |
150.00 |
Mahasiswa mendengarkan paparan dosen |
- Ujian Tengah Semester - 5.00 %
CAPAIAN PEMBELAJARAN: Mampu membuat perencanaan infrastruktur TI, arsitektur jaringan, layanan fisik dan cloud, menganalisa konsep identifikasi, otentikasi, otorisasi akses dalam konteks melindungi orang dan perangkat. (CPL04 (KK.c)) Able to plan IT infrastructure, network architecture, physical and cloud services, and analyze the concepts of identification, authentication, and access authorization in the context of protecting individuals and devices. (CPL04 (KK.c))
CPMK: Mahasiswa mampu mengimplementasikan teknologi cloud computing Students are able to implement cloud computing technology |
KAD: Mahasiswa mampu mengimplementasikan docker Students are able to implement Docker (3,3) |
Daftar Kriteria Penilaian (Indikator) |
PI Description | PI Assessment Methods |
1. Teknologi docker dapat dijelaskan Docker technology can be explained |
Ujian Tengah Semester 5.00 %
| 0.25(Fail)
| 0.50(Pass)
| 0.75(Pass)
| 1.00(Pass)
Jawaban Ujian salah. Incorrect answer for Examination Test. | 25% jawaban Ujian benar. 25% answer for Examination Test is correct. | 50% jawaban Ujian benar. 50% answer for Examination Test is correct. | 75% jawaban Ujian benar. 75% answer for Examination Test is correct. | 100% jawaban Ujian benar. 100% answer for Examination Test is correct. |
PI Description | PI Assessment Methods |
2. Teknologi docker dapat diimplementasikan Docker technology can be implemented |
| 0.20(Fail)
| 0.40(Fail)
| 0.60(Pass)
| 0.80(Pass)
| 1.00(Pass)
Tidak mengumpulkan/mengunggah Tugas atau < 20% Tugas benar dan lengkap. Assignment is not finished/uploaded or < 20% Practical Report is correct or complete. | Minimal 20% Tugas benar dan lengkap. Minimum 20% of Assignment is correct and complete. | Minimal 40% Tugas benar dan lengkap. Minimum 40% of Assignment is correct and complete. | Minimal 60% Tugas benar dan lengkap. Minimum 60% of Assignment is correct and complete. | Minimal 80% Tugas benar dan lengkap. Minimum 80% of Assignment is correct and complete. | 100% Tugas benar dan lengkap. 100% of Assignment is correct and complete. |
7 |
Implementasi Docker di Cloud Computing Provider |
150.00 |
Mahasiswa mendengarkan paparan dosen |
CAPAIAN PEMBELAJARAN: Mampu membuat perencanaan infrastruktur TI, arsitektur jaringan, layanan fisik dan cloud, menganalisa konsep identifikasi, otentikasi, otorisasi akses dalam konteks melindungi orang dan perangkat. (CPL04 (KK.c)) Able to plan IT infrastructure, network architecture, physical and cloud services, and analyze the concepts of identification, authentication, and access authorization in the context of protecting individuals and devices. (CPL04 (KK.c))
CPMK: Mahasiswa mampu mengimplementasikan teknologi cloud computing Students are able to implement cloud computing technology |
KAD: Mahasiswa mampu mengimplementasikan docker Students are able to implement Docker (3,3) |
Daftar Kriteria Penilaian (Indikator) |
PI Description | PI Assessment Methods |
1. Teknologi docker dapat dijelaskan Docker technology can be explained |
| 0.25(Fail)
| 0.50(Pass)
| 0.75(Pass)
| 1.00(Pass)
Jawaban Ujian salah. Incorrect answer for Examination Test. | 25% jawaban Ujian benar. 25% answer for Examination Test is correct. | 50% jawaban Ujian benar. 50% answer for Examination Test is correct. | 75% jawaban Ujian benar. 75% answer for Examination Test is correct. | 100% jawaban Ujian benar. 100% answer for Examination Test is correct. |
PI Description | PI Assessment Methods |
2. Teknologi docker dapat diimplementasikan Docker technology can be implemented |
Tugas 3.00 %
| 0.20(Fail)
| 0.40(Fail)
| 0.60(Pass)
| 0.80(Pass)
| 1.00(Pass)
Tidak mengumpulkan/mengunggah Tugas atau < 20% Tugas benar dan lengkap. Assignment is not finished/uploaded or < 20% Practical Report is correct or complete. | Minimal 20% Tugas benar dan lengkap. Minimum 20% of Assignment is correct and complete. | Minimal 40% Tugas benar dan lengkap. Minimum 40% of Assignment is correct and complete. | Minimal 60% Tugas benar dan lengkap. Minimum 60% of Assignment is correct and complete. | Minimal 80% Tugas benar dan lengkap. Minimum 80% of Assignment is correct and complete. | 100% Tugas benar dan lengkap. 100% of Assignment is correct and complete. |
8 |
Kubernetes |
150.00 |
Mahasiswa mendengarkan paparan dosen |
- Ujian Akhir Semester - 7.50 %
CAPAIAN PEMBELAJARAN: Mampu membuat perencanaan infrastruktur TI, arsitektur jaringan, layanan fisik dan cloud, menganalisa konsep identifikasi, otentikasi, otorisasi akses dalam konteks melindungi orang dan perangkat. (CPL04 (KK.c)) Able to plan IT infrastructure, network architecture, physical and cloud services, and analyze the concepts of identification, authentication, and access authorization in the context of protecting individuals and devices. (CPL04 (KK.c))
CPMK: Mahasiswa mampu mengimplementasikan teknologi cloud computing Students are able to implement cloud computing technology |
KAD: Mahasiswa mampu mengimplementasikan kubernetes Students are able to implement Kubernetes (3,3) |
Daftar Kriteria Penilaian (Indikator) |
PI Description | PI Assessment Methods |
Kubernetes dapat dijelaskan Kubernetes can be explained |
Ujian Akhir Semester 7.50 %
| 0.25(Fail)
| 0.50(Pass)
| 0.75(Pass)
| 1.00(Pass)
Jawaban Ujian salah. Incorrect answer for Examination Test. | 25% jawaban Ujian benar. 25% answer for Examination Test is correct. | 50% jawaban Ujian benar. 50% answer for Examination Test is correct. | 75% jawaban Ujian benar. 75% answer for Examination Test is correct. | 100% jawaban Ujian benar. 100% answer for Examination Test is correct. |
9 |
Cloud Application Design |
150.00 |
Mahasiswa mendengarkan paparan dosen |
- Arshdeep Bahga & Vijay Madisetti(2014)
CAPAIAN PEMBELAJARAN: Mampu memahami dan menggunakan berbagai metodologi pengembangan sistem beserta alat pemodelan sistem dan menganalisa kebutuhan pengguna dalam membangun sistem informasi untuk mencapai tujuan organisasi. (CPL03 (P.a)) Able to understand and utilize various system development methodologies, modeling tools, and analyze user requirements to build information systems that align with organizational goals. (CPL03 (P.a))
CPMK: Mahasiswa mampu menjelaskan desain dan keamanan cloud computing Students are able to explain the design and security of cloud computing |
KAD: Mahasiswa mampu menjelaskan desain aplikasi cloud computing Students are able to explain the design of cloud computing applications (2,2) |
Daftar Kriteria Penilaian (Indikator) |
PI Description | PI Assessment Methods |
1. Desain aplikasi cloud computing dapat dijelaskan The design of cloud computing applications can be explained |
Tugas 3.00 %
| 0.20(Fail)
| 0.40(Fail)
| 0.60(Pass)
| 0.80(Pass)
| 1.00(Pass)
Tidak mengumpulkan/mengunggah Tugas atau < 20% Tugas benar dan lengkap. Assignment is not finished/uploaded or < 20% Practical Report is correct or complete. | Minimal 20% Tugas benar dan lengkap. Minimum 20% of Assignment is correct and complete. | Minimal 40% Tugas benar dan lengkap. Minimum 40% of Assignment is correct and complete. | Minimal 60% Tugas benar dan lengkap. Minimum 60% of Assignment is correct and complete. | Minimal 80% Tugas benar dan lengkap. Minimum 80% of Assignment is correct and complete. | 100% Tugas benar dan lengkap. 100% of Assignment is correct and complete. |
PI Description | PI Assessment Methods |
2. Load Balancing, Scalability&Elasticity di Cloud Computing dapat diimplementasikan Load Balancing, Scalability & Elasticity in Cloud Computing can be implemented |
| 0.20(Fail)
| 0.40(Fail)
| 0.60(Pass)
| 0.80(Pass)
| 1.00(Pass)
Tidak mengumpulkan/mengunggah Tugas atau < 20% Tugas benar dan lengkap. Assignment is not finished/uploaded or < 20% Practical Report is correct or complete. | Minimal 20% Tugas benar dan lengkap. Minimum 20% of Assignment is correct and complete. | Minimal 40% Tugas benar dan lengkap. Minimum 40% of Assignment is correct and complete. | Minimal 60% Tugas benar dan lengkap. Minimum 60% of Assignment is correct and complete. | Minimal 80% Tugas benar dan lengkap. Minimum 80% of Assignment is correct and complete. | 100% Tugas benar dan lengkap. 100% of Assignment is correct and complete. |
10 |
Cloud Security |
150.00 |
Mahasiswa mendengarkan paparan dosen |
- Arshdeep Bahga & Vijay Madisetti(2014)
- Ujian Akhir Semester - 5.00 %
CAPAIAN PEMBELAJARAN: Mampu memahami dan menggunakan berbagai metodologi pengembangan sistem beserta alat pemodelan sistem dan menganalisa kebutuhan pengguna dalam membangun sistem informasi untuk mencapai tujuan organisasi. (CPL03 (P.a)) Able to understand and utilize various system development methodologies, modeling tools, and analyze user requirements to build information systems that align with organizational goals. (CPL03 (P.a))
CPMK: Mahasiswa mampu menjelaskan desain dan keamanan cloud computing Students are able to explain the design and security of cloud computing |
KAD: Mahasiswa mampu menjelaskan teknologi keamanan pada cloud computing Mahasiswa mampu menjelaskan teknologi keamanan pada cloud computing (2,2) |
Daftar Kriteria Penilaian (Indikator) |
PI Description | PI Assessment Methods |
Teknologi keamanan pada cloud computing dapat dijelaskan Security technology in cloud computing can be explained |
Ujian Akhir Semester 5.00 %
| 0.25(Fail)
| 0.50(Pass)
| 0.75(Pass)
| 1.00(Pass)
Jawaban Ujian salah. Incorrect answer for Examination Test. | 25% jawaban Ujian benar. 25% answer for Examination Test is correct. | 50% jawaban Ujian benar. 50% answer for Examination Test is correct. | 75% jawaban Ujian benar. 75% answer for Examination Test is correct. | 100% jawaban Ujian benar. 100% answer for Examination Test is correct. |
11 |
Implementasi Load Balancing, Scalability&Elasticity di Cloud Computing Provider |
150.00 |
Mahasiswa mendengarkan paparan dosen |
CAPAIAN PEMBELAJARAN: Mampu memahami dan menggunakan berbagai metodologi pengembangan sistem beserta alat pemodelan sistem dan menganalisa kebutuhan pengguna dalam membangun sistem informasi untuk mencapai tujuan organisasi. (CPL03 (P.a)) Able to understand and utilize various system development methodologies, modeling tools, and analyze user requirements to build information systems that align with organizational goals. (CPL03 (P.a))
CPMK: Mahasiswa mampu menjelaskan desain dan keamanan cloud computing Students are able to explain the design and security of cloud computing |
KAD: Mahasiswa mampu menjelaskan desain aplikasi cloud computing Students are able to explain the design of cloud computing applications (2,2) |
Daftar Kriteria Penilaian (Indikator) |
PI Description | PI Assessment Methods |
1. Desain aplikasi cloud computing dapat dijelaskan The design of cloud computing applications can be explained |
| 0.20(Fail)
| 0.40(Fail)
| 0.60(Pass)
| 0.80(Pass)
| 1.00(Pass)
Tidak mengumpulkan/mengunggah Tugas atau < 20% Tugas benar dan lengkap. Assignment is not finished/uploaded or < 20% Practical Report is correct or complete. | Minimal 20% Tugas benar dan lengkap. Minimum 20% of Assignment is correct and complete. | Minimal 40% Tugas benar dan lengkap. Minimum 40% of Assignment is correct and complete. | Minimal 60% Tugas benar dan lengkap. Minimum 60% of Assignment is correct and complete. | Minimal 80% Tugas benar dan lengkap. Minimum 80% of Assignment is correct and complete. | 100% Tugas benar dan lengkap. 100% of Assignment is correct and complete. |
PI Description | PI Assessment Methods |
2. Load Balancing, Scalability&Elasticity di Cloud Computing dapat diimplementasikan Load Balancing, Scalability & Elasticity in Cloud Computing can be implemented |
Tugas 3.00 %
| 0.20(Fail)
| 0.40(Fail)
| 0.60(Pass)
| 0.80(Pass)
| 1.00(Pass)
Tidak mengumpulkan/mengunggah Tugas atau < 20% Tugas benar dan lengkap. Assignment is not finished/uploaded or < 20% Practical Report is correct or complete. | Minimal 20% Tugas benar dan lengkap. Minimum 20% of Assignment is correct and complete. | Minimal 40% Tugas benar dan lengkap. Minimum 40% of Assignment is correct and complete. | Minimal 60% Tugas benar dan lengkap. Minimum 60% of Assignment is correct and complete. | Minimal 80% Tugas benar dan lengkap. Minimum 80% of Assignment is correct and complete. | 100% Tugas benar dan lengkap. 100% of Assignment is correct and complete. |
12 |
Cloud for Industry, Healthcare & Education |
150.00 |
Mahasiswa mendengarkan paparan dosen |
- Arshdeep Bahga & Vijay Madisetti(2014)
- Ujian Akhir Semester - 7.50 %
CAPAIAN PEMBELAJARAN: Mampu memahami dan menggunakan berbagai metodologi pengembangan sistem beserta alat pemodelan sistem dan menganalisa kebutuhan pengguna dalam membangun sistem informasi untuk mencapai tujuan organisasi. (CPL03 (P.a)) Able to understand and utilize various system development methodologies, modeling tools, and analyze user requirements to build information systems that align with organizational goals. (CPL03 (P.a))
CPMK: Mahasiswa mampu menjelaskan layanan-layanan cloud provider Students are able to explain cloud provider services |
KAD: Mahasiswa mampu menjelaskan implementasi teknologi dan layanan cloud pada bermacam industri Students are able to explain the implementation of cloud technology and services in various industries (2,2) |
Daftar Kriteria Penilaian (Indikator) |
PI Description | PI Assessment Methods |
Teknologi dan layanan cloud pada bermacam industri dapat dijelaskan Cloud technologies and services in various industries can be explained |
Ujian Akhir Semester 7.50 %
| 0.25(Fail)
| 0.50(Pass)
| 0.75(Pass)
| 1.00(Pass)
Jawaban Ujian salah. Incorrect answer for Examination Test. | 25% jawaban Ujian benar. 25% answer for Examination Test is correct. | 50% jawaban Ujian benar. 50% jawaban Ujian benar. | 75% jawaban Ujian benar. 75% answer for Examination Test is correct. | 100% jawaban Ujian benar. 100% answer for Examination Test is correct. |
13 |
Services on Cloud Computing Provider |
150.00 |
Mahasiswa mendengarkan paparan dosen |
- Ujian Akhir Semester - 5.00 %
CAPAIAN PEMBELAJARAN: Mampu memahami dan menggunakan berbagai metodologi pengembangan sistem beserta alat pemodelan sistem dan menganalisa kebutuhan pengguna dalam membangun sistem informasi untuk mencapai tujuan organisasi. (CPL03 (P.a)) Able to understand and utilize various system development methodologies, modeling tools, and analyze user requirements to build information systems that align with organizational goals. (CPL03 (P.a))
CPMK: Mahasiswa mampu menjelaskan layanan-layanan cloud provider Students are able to explain cloud provider services |
KAD: Mahasiswa mampu menjelaskan platform dan layanan cloud computing Students are able to explain cloud computing platforms and services (2,2) |
Daftar Kriteria Penilaian (Indikator) |
PI Description | PI Assessment Methods |
1. Platform dan layanan cloud computing dapat dijelaskan Cloud computing platforms and services can be described |
| 0.25(Fail)
| 0.50(Pass)
| 0.75(Pass)
| 1.00(Pass)
Jawaban Ujian salah. Incorrect answer for Examination Test. | 25% jawaban Ujian benar. 25% answer for Examination Test is correct. | 50% jawaban Ujian benar. 50% answer for Examination Test is correct. | 75% jawaban Ujian benar. 75% answer for Examination Test is correct. | 100% jawaban Ujian benar. 100% answer for Examination Test is correct. |
PI Description | PI Assessment Methods |
2. Layanan layanan cloud computing dari beberapa cloud provider seperti AWS dapat dijelaskan Cloud computing services from several cloud providers such as AWS can be explained |
Ujian Akhir Semester 5.00 %
| 0.25(Fail)
| 0.50(Pass)
| 0.75(Pass)
| 1.00(Pass)
Jawaban Ujian salah. Incorrect answer for Examination Test. | 25% jawaban Ujian benar. 25% answer for Examination Test is correct. | 50% jawaban Ujian benar. 50% answer for Examination Test is correct. | 75% jawaban Ujian benar. 75% answer for Examination Test is correct. | 100% jawaban Ujian benar. 100% answer for Examination Test is correct. |
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Presentasi Proyek |
150.00 |
Mahasiswa memaparkan proyek cloud computing didepan kelas |
CAPAIAN PEMBELAJARAN: Mampu membuat perencanaan infrastruktur TI, arsitektur jaringan, layanan fisik dan cloud, menganalisa konsep identifikasi, otentikasi, otorisasi akses dalam konteks melindungi orang dan perangkat. (CPL04 (KK.c)) Able to plan IT infrastructure, network architecture, physical and cloud services, and analyze the concepts of identification, authentication, and access authorization in the context of protecting individuals and devices. (CPL04 (KK.c))
CPMK: Mahasiswa mampu membangun proyek teknologi informasi berbasis cloud computing Students are able to build cloud computing-based information technology projects |
KAD: Mahasiswa mampu bekerjasama dalam tim membangun proyek teknologi informasi berbasis cloud Students are able to work in teams to build cloud-based information technology projects (6,6) |
Daftar Kriteria Penilaian (Indikator) |
PI Description | PI Assessment Methods |
Proyek teknologi informasi berbasis cloud berhasil dibuat Cloud-based information technology project successfully created |
Tugas 35.00 %
| 0.20(Fail)
| 0.40(Fail)
| 0.60(Pass)
| 0.80(Pass)
| 1.00(Pass)
Tidak mengumpulkan/mengunggah Tugas atau < 20% Tugas benar dan lengkap. Assignment is not finished/uploaded or < 20% Practical Report is correct or complete. | Minimal 20% Tugas benar dan lengkap. Minimum 20% of Assignment is correct and complete. | Minimal 40% Tugas benar dan lengkap. Minimum 40% of Assignment is correct and complete. | Minimal 60% Tugas benar dan lengkap. Minimum 60% of Assignment is correct and complete. | Minimal 80% Tugas benar dan lengkap. Minimum 80% of Assignment is correct and complete. | 100% Tugas benar dan lengkap. 100% of Assignment is correct and complete. |