RPS: Session, Learning Material, Reference, Assessment/Rubric

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Subject Name :
Landscape Kode Matakuliah Nama Matakuliah sks Creator Reviewer Action
Kurikulum OBE Sarjana Teknik Pertambangan 2021/202 UBA6202 Bahasa Inggris 2.00 070049 Drs. Suparman Winoto, M.M. Belum di tentukan RPS| Assessment Map
Kurikulum S1 TP 2023 UBA6202 Bahasa Inggris 2.00 2325 Dra. Agustin Rebecca Lakawa, Ph.D. Belum di tentukan RPS| Assessment Map
Kurikulum OBE 2021 Prodi Teknik Lingkungan UBA6202 Bahasa Inggris 2.00 100084 Retno Indriyani, S.Pd.,M.Pd. 2234 Prof. Dr. Ir. Astri Rinanti, S.Si., M.T., IPM., ASEAN Eng RPS| Assessment Map
Kurikulum OBE 2023 Prodi Teknik Lingkungan UBA6202 Bahasa Inggris 2.00 100084 Retno Indriyani, S.Pd.,M.Pd. 2229 Dr. Ir. Ramadhani Yanidar, M.T. RPS| Assessment Map
Kurikulum 2023 OBE FSRD DKV (S1) UBA6301 Bahasa Inggris 3.00 070049 Drs. Suparman Winoto, M.M. Belum di tentukan RPS| Assessment Map
Kurikulum D3pajak 2023 UBA5302 Bahasa Inggris Terapan 3.00 3250 Dra. RETNO SARI MURTININGSIH, M.M., CHRMP Belum di tentukan RPS| Assessment Map
Kurikulum Sistem Informasi 2023/2024 UBA6207 Bahasa Inggris 2.00 2128 Dr. Dedy Sugiarto 2324 Dr. Ir. Nora Azmi, M.T. RPS| Assessment Map
Kurikulum Sistem Informasi 2023/2024 IKB6210 Bahasa Inggris Lanjut 2.00 100084 Retno Indriyani, S.Pd.,M.Pd. 2554 Anung Barlianto Ariwibowo, M.Kom. RPS| Assessment Map

RPS Detail
Course ProfileHistory
Kode MatakuliahUBA6202
Nama MatakuliahBahasa Inggris
Semester NameSubject CodeSubject NameGroup NameGroup CodePortfolioEvidence
Gasal 2023/2024 (R) UBA6202 Bahasa Inggris TP-A 01 Portofolio Tidak Diijinkan
Gasal 2023/2024 (R) UBA6202 Bahasa Inggris TP-B 02 Portofolio Tidak Diijinkan
Gasal 2024/2025 (R) UBA6202 Bahasa Inggris TP-A 01 Portofolio Tidak Diijinkan
Gasal 2024/2025 (R) UBA6202 Bahasa Inggris TP-B 02 Portofolio Tidak Diijinkan

Review History
RPS Review History
Capaian Pembelajaran (CP) terkait
Capaian Pembelajaran (CP)

RPS per Session
Sesi Ke KAD Bahan Kajian Metoda Pembelajaran Waktu Belajar (Menit) Pengalaman Belajar Mahasiswa Referensi Kriteria Penilaian (Indikator)
1 - Vision & Mission of University and Faculty - Classroom routine, rules & regulations - Introduction to teaching-learning process, materials, assessments, and assignments - Self-introduction and needs analysis
  • Cooperation
  • Diskusi
  • Presentasi
100.00 Discussion & Assignment
  • Andres, Insuasty Cardenas(2020)
  • Diskusi - 0.00 %
2 - Reviewing tenses and parts of speech - Reading an article about ‘Introduction to oil and gas industry’
  • Kolaborative
100.00 Discussion & Assignment
  • Azar, Betty S & Hagen, Stacy A. (2011)
  • Ujian Tengah Semester - 5.00 %
  • Tugas 1 - 10.00 %
3 - Reviewing active and passive construction within a sentence or paragraph - Reading an article about ‘Jobs in the oil and gas industry’
  • Kolaborative
  • Diskusi
100.00 Discussion & Assignment
  • Kynaston, Herman. (2020)
  • Ujian Tengah Semester - 5.00 %
4 - Reviewing gerund and infinitives in a passage - Reading an article about ‘An oil refinery in your country’
  • Cooperation
  • Diskusi
100.00 Discussion & Assignment
  • DiGiacomo, Michael. (2020)
  • Tugas 2 - 10.00 %
5 - Reviewing reported speech in a passage - Reading an article on ‘In the oil company and in the oil field’
  • Kolaborative
  • Diskusi
100.00 Discussion & Assignment
  • McLendon, Lisa. (2017)
  • Ujian Tengah Semester - 5.00 %
6 - Reviewing conditional sentences (type I, II, & III) - Reading an article on ‘Upstream and downstream’
  • Kolaborative
  • Diskusi
100.00 Discussion & Assignment
  • Teamer, Quinton. (2021)
  • Ujian Tengah Semester - 5.00 %
  • Tugas 3 - 10.00 %
7 - Reviewing degrees of comparison - Reading an article on ‘Improved oil recovery & Finding oil’
  • Cooperation
  • Diskusi
100.00 Discussion & Assignment
  • Azar, Betty S & Hagen, Stacy A. (2011)
  • Tugas 4 - 10.00 %
8 - Reviewing Adjective, noun, and adverbial clause - Reading an article on ‘The history of petrochemicals’
  • Cooperation
  • Diskusi
  • Presentasi
100.00 Discussion & Assignment
  • McLendon, Lisa. (2017)
  • Ujian Akhir Semester - 2.00 %
9 - Reviewing Simple, compound, and complex sentences - Reading an article on ‘Natural gas’
  • Kolaborative
  • Diskusi
100.00 Discussion & Assignment
  • DiGiacomo, Michael. (2020)
  • Ujian Akhir Semester - 3.00 %
10 - Reviewing Paragraph structure - Reading an article about ‘Safety first in oil and gas industry’
  • Kolaborative
  • Diskusi
  • Presentasi
100.00 Discussion & Assignment
  • DiGiacomo, Michael. (2020)
  • Tugas 5 - 10.00 %
11 -- Writing topic sentence, supporting sentences, and concluding sentence - Reading an article about ‘Accidents and emergencies in the oil and gas industry’
  • Kolaborative
  • Diskusi
100.00 Discussion & Assignment
  • Teamer, Quinton. (2021)
  • Ujian Akhir Semester - 5.00 %
12 - Writing topic sentence, supporting sentences, and concluding sentence - Reading an article on ‘Oil spill & environmental impact
  • Kolaborative
  • Diskusi
100.00 Discussion & Assignment
  • Weissman, Jerry. (2011)
  • Ujian Akhir Semester - 5.00 %
13 - Reviewing oral presentation - Preparing for an oral presentation
  • Kolaborative
  • Diskusi
  • Presentasi
100.00 Discussion & Assignment
  • Billerback, Mathias(2020)
  • Ujian Akhir Semester - 5.00 %
14 - Reviewing oral preparation based on the agreed essay - Presenting an essay-based video about PE
  • Kolaborative
  • Diskusi
  • Presentasi
  • Memainkan Peran
100.00 Discussion & Assignment
  • Weissman, Jerry. (2011)
  • Ujian Akhir Semester - 10.00 %

Assessment Component

Assessment Detail
NoComponent NameWeightage
1 Diskusi 0.00
2 Tugas 1 10.00
3 Tugas 2 10.00
4 Tugas 3 10.00
5 Tugas 4 10.00
6 Tugas 5 10.00
7 Ujian Akhir Semester 30
8 Ujian Tengah Semester 20

Daftar Referensi
  1. 1. Andres, Insuasty Cardenas. Enhancing Reading Comprehension through An Intensive Reading Approach. HOW Journal Vol 27, Number 1, Pages 69-82. . 2020
  2. 2. Azar, Betty S & Hagen, Stacy A. . Fundamentals of English Grammar. Fourth Edition. Pearson-Longman Education, New York, USA. 2011
  3. 3. Kynaston, Herman. . The Super Reader Protocol. The Guided Reading & Reading Comprehension Blueprint. . 2020
  4. 4. DiGiacomo, Michael. . The English Grammar Workbook for Adults: A Self-study Guide to Improve Functional Writing. Rockridge Press, USA. 2020
  5. 5. McLendon, Lisa. . The Perfect English Grammar Workbook: Simple Rules and Quizzes to Master Today’s English. . Zephyros Press, USA.. 2017
  6. 6. Teamer, Quinton. . Taking the Terror Out of Public Speaking: Boost Your Self-confidence at Social Functions. . 2021
  7. 7. Weissman, Jerry. . Presentations in Action: 80 Memorable Presentation Lessons from the Masters. Pearson Education, New Jersey, USA.. 2011
  8. 8. Billerback, Mathias. 7 Essential Keys to Improve Communication. A Practical Guide to Improving Your Social Intelligence, Presentation, Persuasion, and Public Speaking. . 2020

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